General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    is opendota retarded? ive played 80% party games with 1k players and lost most of them abandoned a shit ton and im playing in normal solo yet still opendota shows this hidden mmr. opendota broken bois

    edit: weow seatards sleep my time has cum

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      so I was running track today, and these lacrosse team girls start crossing the track and staying in the middle paying no attention that we r running on it. my boi Andrew was up ahead, he yells "track!" to get em to move but they don't, he runs into em and they start screaming, the kind of screaming like "wtf yo" but girls scream instead you know what I mean? so I'm just behind Andrew and I yell at em, cuz I got hella triggered cuz they and other teams and people as well don't look before crossing the track, I yell "PAY SOME FUCKING ATTENTION" as I pass by em. the lacrosse girls coach gets mad and is saying something like "watch ur language. language", shit like that. I got even more pissed. That was the last lap, and when I finished and saw em walking in I said to the coach (I'm rlly triggered), "English is the language and I speak it." Who tf do u think u r, telling me what to say? is it because u spent more years alive on planet earth? cuz I said a bad word? boohoo, fuck you. then these dumb bitch coaches go to my coach, the track coach, and tell him, so he calls me over. He makes me say sorry and shake hands and never to do it again, u get the idea. Obv I do it, cuz that's what u do in these situations. As I walk back inside, the guys who finished r inside, and they r all cheering, and I'm laughing my ass off. So fucking triggering, and then those bitches think to tell me what to say? fuck you. Never been so unsorry in my life.


        Fucking parent are fucking stupid. Even though they say its fucking optional to choose they will fucking force you to chose one of the choices. They fucking think they are god in this world


          ^where r parents in this story?

          doc joferlyn simp

            ^he is talking about the similar roles of parents and teachers as figures of authority, and relates it to what he has experienced/observed


              there is a difference between random coach lady idk, and my fucking parents.

              doc joferlyn simp

                well both boss you around, so think of it in the same vein

                doc joferlyn simp

                  come play 5 man i want to inflate my lc stats xd


                    wanna play in na?


                      I had lost my touch in dota. Time to spam luna again?


                        @kotato I can play in EU with okish ping I have played some games there


                          Rofl ye when i go shopping anything with my dad, he says go choose. So i do and guess what, he says indirectly NO to every choice till it's the one he likes, too. How's that giving me a choice ffs


                            At least you are given a fake choice :)


                              Thread is ded


                                Still waiting for raj to come online


                                  Its like 4 am in NA


                                    He is a pousti


                                      That may also be the case


                                        anyone alive?


                                          I am ded inside

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                                            Yorum silindi

                                              WAKE ME UP


                                                *slaps Kelly*
                                                That should wake you up


                                                  thanks, I needed that to realize I wasn't seeing things like a bluestar on 1icetea's name


                                                    Go get ur star Kelly before renshin Jr rakes up all your time


                                                      Tomorrow I'll be a solo rank warrior


                                                        Only 300 more MMR to go m8 make me proud by giving me another bluestar in my friendliest huwhuwhuwhuwhuwhwuwuw

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          First SEATARDS that got meme star!

                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                            Congratulations matey! Since renshin = rip me or bws is prob gonna be the 2nd bluestar kappa


                                                              Mark my word i will the 2nd one


                                                                turle was blue star long before you lice

                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                  Enough idling and memeing boys! We need more blue stars if we want to catchup to ayy lmao!


                                                                    open dota is actually really sweet. except their mmr estimation is complete bullocks


                                                                      I'm gonna play in 20 mins



                                                                          Jacked i said i cudnt do saturday only sunday. And for me its still saturday. I can only do it tonight.

                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                            Oh ya turtle...forgot about him....SV player....

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              my already shit invo skills have fallen so much that they have become beyond shit. i cant win a lane vs an sf anymore fuck me


                                                                                sf > invo imo

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  you know what im getting so motivated by icetea getting 5k. my fam (mother and three sisters are going to cebu, dad going to osamis) will leave for a week and im the only one at home. im thinking of asking for permission from my mom to tryhard for this period and promise that ill stay away from dota after it

                                                                                  my god my loins are burning my stomach is a pit of zealousness i must try before i resign myself to full academic and love life


                                                                                    Dont say "i'll stay away" say imma balance dota @ study this week but i'll focus on study next and i just play dota for the chill. Befire u realise u gonna come to reality that 7 days or ranked gaming isbt gonna have fun in it at all!

                                                                                    Also Plz dont do it like me have an actual plan like go away from pc after 2/3 matches for eye injuries, have some snack to eat close, always stay hydrated and generally keep urself healthy generlly. Also WHEN u get triggeres stop dont do a next game. Start each game if u feel completely ready. Also make a hero pool a very small one.

                                                                                    Hope u do it right if u dont do it like i did (yolo 24/7 gaming ended up losing 100 or smth after 5 days) u will get dat 4k at least i think

                                                                                    'member to review these to bith stay energetic and improve a shit ton


                                                                                      lul i learned integral bois. gg we won college 4 life

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                        anything that has a pc or technology in it, be it pc or mobile, it is an unhealthy addiction that must be stopped. at least thats how my mum puts it

                                                                                        im ready to quit anyway ive been lounging on my potential literally for years now having fun as an underachiever, this time its not just quiz papers thatll get thrown away this time shits gonna get recorded and be the basis for my future life. i gotta get my shit together this early before i get become a NEET or some shit


                                                                                          Rough and unright and unwise words the first paragraph, but quiting doto 4 life isnt bad. If u ok with it then okay then gl get yo life >Good Luck Have Fun

                                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                                            lmao winning games in 3k seems purely based on luck xd i have to pray that somehow at least 2 of my players have a brain in their skull so that i can actually teach them how to read write and have good manners like its fucking nursery school

                                                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                                                              got this jugg that went phase drum sny aghs LMAO still won cuz 3 of my players have brains attached in their skull even tho lc only got half of it

                                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                                from what i see on other ppl being a neet is actually a choice, if ur lazy enough in life that u dont even bother looking for a job ofc u wont have one. if u want good stuff in life u hafta chase after them


                                                                                                  Haffy just get to 3k before fx. Right now your sea benao

                                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                    U ever see SK build SnY and Mjo?

                                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                                      no but ive seen my mmr drop