General Discussion

General Discussion2k and 4k are same? Which genius guy agrees?

2k and 4k are same? Which genius guy agrees? in General Discussion

    2000 x 2 = 4000

    2000/1 x 2/1 = 4000/1

    2000/1 x 2/1 = 4000/1

    2k = 4k

    casual gamer

      blue star mathematics


        If we are honest, theres No difference at all from Harald 0 up to divine 5, compared to a good dotaplayer.
        Like midone or every else pro would rape all in seconds.


          we are nothing


            the only difference is that 2ks cry about the courier and 4ks cry about each other


              2k you can`t be pro anyhow. 0% chanse to be pro
              4k you aren`t pro anyhow. 0% chanse that you are pro.
              So the same is you aren`t pro!
              P.S. I don` t include if any pro player has low mmr account. Like Miracle, RTZ, Misery or anyone like them, it`s not their main mmr.



                  they are same, both 2k and 4k are humans.
                  now call me genius


                    no, it is different. if 2k players lose they blame mid > put tank in a mall, mid is missing why no report GGWP nub.
                    but if 4k players lose they blame whoever have negative KDA > f**k you acc buyer, why you feed their carry now he is fat how can we win now? GGWP let them end. report xxx later ty.

                    common situation in SEA

                    This isn't how people act in US West with a pristine behavior score in 4k. I would say at least 95%+ of the time, they say nothing at all; most of the time a 4k knows at least that he lost because he's not good enough to carry--and that this is the only way to go up (gain power and independence from skill and game knowledge).

                    However, I do notice more toxicity the lower I go. In 2k and such you'll have people who are very delusional. People often like to say 4k is more toxic, but I've played a lot of matches in 4k and across all brackets in general. I would say it's a relative haven in comparison to people who are low MMR.

                    4K MMR is like being in an AP class at a school in a low-income city. Being in below 3Kish MMR is like being in a "normal" class in a low-income city. I don't know if any of you have experienced that comparison, but it's basically the best way for me to explain the differences; the attitudes on one side have higher self-growth and maturity while the other is largely delusional, toxic and not much in reality; one side has the aura of "we must improve" and one is "stuck" etc. Sounds kinda spiritual for just dota eh? Haha

                    2K != 4K. To say otherwise is just a cope for the unintelligent, delusional, weirdos and loser haters of the world. This shit shouldn't be an argument which is why I'm so aggressive, and for people who are saying I'm "Triggered," because I'm trying to spit reality into your faces are delusional; I have always maintained the same perspective. I calibrated into 2K and spent my own time learning how to improve and escape that. Now if I play in 2K, it's like revisiting a damn... 3rd-grade Arithmetic class? That's not me being an asshole, it's just a rational fact. The real one who is triggered is the person who gets his panties in a bunch just because some people are on a higher level than them (And as I've said before, I'm no professional, no expert. But I'm not at the skill level of a 2K player because I've IMPROVED upon my skill, and that's all I have ever tried to get across to the delusional people).

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      2 + 2 = 4 - 1 = 3

                      Quick maffs.

                      2 + 1 + 1 = 4

                      2/1 + 1/1 + 1/1 = 4/1

                      2/1 + 1/1 + 1/1 = 4/1

                      2 + 1/1 + 1/1 = 4

                      (1/1 + 1/1)

                      (1/1 + 1/1)

                      2 + 1/1 + 1/1 = 4

                      2 = 4




                          OP is Ringbone, right? Because his main got muted? Just making sure


                            Can I delete this thread?


                              As a 2k player, there clearly is a difference. A 3k+ smurf in my bracket usually means GG for the other team.

                              That being said, even if you are 10k like rtz/Abed/Miracle, you are not entitled to elitism. No amount of MMR can compensate for being a shitty person, especially to people who can't or don't want to put in the time to improve. As long as they are happy playing DotA2, even if it's ranked, you should be happy for them. Even if you lose MMR, if you truly are high skill, you will win that MMR back. Take a breather, try your best, and just play.

                              Some people play ranked only to get games where teammates don't abandon or to play with friends. Some people simply want to show off a shiny badge, but don't believe in efficiency and don't mind taking 3 years to reach that path of slow and steady improvement from "playing for fun" rather than spamming meta heroes or "studying the game". Most people "play for fun" because most people actually do not enjoy being maximally efficient at everything, it's so draining to have to act that way at work that most people prefer to do anything but that when they return home: "maximizing efficiency = hard work = something I do for a job = not leisure = not DotA". (I personally hate the soul-crushing, totalizing aspect of min-maxing, but I hate the moral superiority of the min-maxers more, so to assert my beliefs, I must beat the min-maxers at their own game.) It's wrong to force everyone you meet to be as tryhard as you, or give up on a given match because your allies aren't tryhard. Even if you lose MMR, if you truly are high skill, you will win that MMR back. Take a breather, try your best, and just play.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                3k smurfs LUL


                                  ^A lot of them exist actually. 3Ks who have 2nd accounts that are 2K. The games are such one-sided stomps it's painful to watch.

                                  And then there are still people who think there's no difference between 2K and 4K.