General Discussion

General Discussion2k and 4k are same? Which genius guy agrees?

2k and 4k are same? Which genius guy agrees? in General Discussion

    I'm not even cutting. I'm eating as much as I can so that I can build more muscle, and I only started going 3 months ago so I really don't give a shit. My body is still above average because of my job anyway and I'm putting in the effort and not claiming to be perfect, to begin with, so that's some more hater shit to add to your resume.

    Again, how is it cocky to tell people they need to stop acting like they deserve skill for no reason? It's saying that just because things are impossible for you, don't make it impossible, it's just that you need to get better and focus on that instead of bitching all day long about how you're a special snowflake that shouldn't have to spend the time to get what he wants.

    A local high school team player who is better than an amateur can still teach him how to improve. I never said that I was one of the best players, I explained hierarchical superiority. Sure, I may be nothing all too special, but I've been at 5K and played with the best; played with ppd, Aui_2000, so many other pros; played with 6ks, 8ks, 7ks, 5ks. And these 2ks have probably never even been vs a 4k. I have experience under my belt, I can teach people that their mindset is stupid as fuck.

    It's always stupid as fuck to do anything and bitch that you're not good enough and blame other people. It doesn't even have anything to do with Dota 2, what if I said: "what the fuck, I've been lifting for a year with shitty form and I still have small muscles..."? People would tell me I'm not fucking doing it right. They'd tell me I need to change shit up. But in Dota 2, people try to find ways to blame other people which is fucking ridiculous.

    And they never stop, for many years this shit keeps going on. People being ignorant pieces of garbage and blaming everyone else but theirselves. "I have a 48% winrate but I'm really good." Yeah, ok. I bet they're annoying assholes in real life too.


      Cut the gym because it ain’t working lol


        What do you even know about my muscles? That's weird as fuck for you to start talking about. I haven't been too consistent in the past, and I'm already fit as hell. I've gained strength. It is working. You probably don't even work out, yourself.

        Another hater confirmed.


          i can prove that it is possible to play like a 4k and 2k at the same time


            6ft at 160. I bet you one of those skinny fat dudes. Like boney arms and legs with a fat gut. I’m sure you have muscles lol.


              Yeah, I have a belly. But I still have some muscle definition and I look like a man. Regardless, as I said right now I'm not cutting, I'm letting myself bulk to maintain more energy to build extra muscle, so losing my belly is not my goal right now.

              I'm fit. Start workin out before you talk all this shit.


                Yeah you're real fit lol. It’s ok to be a failure in life.


                  ^Im pretty sure ur a retarded asian keyboard warrior who does nothing but masturbate all day.
                  I bet the only thing u ever came close to was a goat from the nearby cave u live in


                    @Einhänder it's my fault that I started this discussion cuz these people would never admit that they're bad at this game and it hurts there ego to take advice from people who are better than them in this game so I say to all high skilled players to stop giving advice to 2k and 1k cuz they are better than us according to them


                      Hansolo ur 1k Right?


                        I see u created a new account when u say 1k is 4k or 5k so why don't u calibrate mmr on ur new account and see how much mmr u get


                          And hansolo trying to change topic? To @Einhänder personal life isn't Gona make u right.
                          I mean what are u trying to prove ? By trying to know he's weight and muscle whatever u Wana suck his wiggling d*ck or what?

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            That's not the hansolo you are talking about, he id judt s troll, real hansolo is HanSolo


                              Who cares the real one is 1k too I suppose

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                I'm 1k
                                He is herald 3,that's around 600


                                  He brought him his weight and height into this discussion.
                                  I’m also not a dirty asian. Their kind is almost as bad as blacks.

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    You aren't going to trigger here anyone, we are dotabuff, furry porn is being casually posted here in ayy lmao

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      ALl I wanted was to play Einhänder. Guy was too much of a pusay because he knows he will get raped by a 1k scrub.


                                        Hello i regularly beat former 8ks in lane in party. That means im 8k for sure, right????

                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                          No but you are at an enough competent level to be matched with and against players which have 8k mmr and being a considered force


                                            1k is the new Miracle
                                            2018 how to decrease instead of increasing ur MMR


                                              The level of autism in this thread...


                                                is red mango everyday is the source of my brain rot and autism?
                                                i love to drink morphlings everyday though


                                                  I agree with whatever the guy with the eyes 0_o in his name said. It's obvious a 4K kid like einhander got triggered with that 2k=4K statement lol, but you need to chill mr. Bicep man. Getting all hot and bothered over some casual 2k pleb just shows your insecurities or how important this game is to you in life (which none of us can judge you for, it's your life) but pls brah, until you reach the pro stage keep your head down

                                                  Pointy Shoes

                                                    I did a statistical analysis of my games a while ago (I have a master's degree in mathematical statistics). The number of games with a specific hero has a non-significant impact on winrate. What did have a significant impact is KDA. I believe players fall into 3 categories:

                                                    - First category are players who just are pretty bad at the game (around 2k). They can only play a few heroes OK.
                                                    - Second category are players with a high amount of games (like me) but that play almost all heroes in ranked (just to enjoy every aspect of the game) and, MMR being the average of all the performances, still have around 2k. They may be good with a few heroes, however.
                                                    - Third category are players that have grinded a few heroes and become very good with them, and climbed MMR. As a result they have also experienced more competitive dota, so they have gained some skills in that environment that is not present in 2k games. They usually suck, just as 2ks, with the heroes they don't grind. They tend to play meta-heroes as a result.
                                                    -(Fourth category) are players like Aui_2000 who seems to have mastered every hero and a have a much deeper understanding of the game. Very rare though.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      Okay, I now understand your overall awareness of the world so that will make it easier to explain.
                                                      I’m not as drunk as I was 6 hours ago, so I’ll keep it short:
                                                      -Upper 4K in 7k is not an achievement. It doesn’t empower you to lecture people, especially since all I see now is your last mmr being 3600, which is far from upper 4K even in your Californian unit system.
                                                      -Having a belly at 6’ and 72 kg is virtually impossible if you are even remotely fit. The body structure of a young male with that height/weight is such that even people whose excercise is daily masturbation have a 6-pack.
                                                      -Please stop talking about your achievements with such arrogance. You are not an exceptional dota player, you are not a standout athlete. You can express same ideas in a more neutral manner and earn respect from the community. Snapping at people and bragging over nothing won’t get you far, kid, be humble


                                                        @the guy with statistics
                                                        That sounds interesting, could you provide the actual analysis model? Was it a regression run on your parsed match history or something?


                                                          here is a hierarchy model that every single player can fit in:
                                                          -the ones who play for fun
                                                          -the ones who play for competition

                                                          Since I don't care about the ones who play for fun lets dismantle the ones who play for competition:
                                                          -the ones making use of the current meta and spamming certain heroes to get more ressources akka mmr points
                                                          -the ones trying to improve overall by seeing what certain win conditions are ergo playing a variety of heroes

                                                          It is interesting that the second ones provide the meta stats for the first one to be spammed, and the first ones tend to lecture everybody about how the game should be played

                                                          My analysis is done by observation of this forum and ingame activity by sensing patterns in certain kind of behaviour. The books on my analysis can be find on amazon at a discount for students and veterans.


                                                            i dont know if it was a joke or no but damn bro u sound like a harvard lecturer


                                                              the amount of retarded people in 4k on a weekend tho

                                                              It is astonishing


                                                                believe me, hansolo is the smartest guy on this website(no sarcasm)he can troll all of you easily .

                                                                Cheesy Wenis

                                                                  Somebody told me this thread was full of micro-benis. They were right!


                                                                    i change my photo profile to anime and instant divine


                                                                      i change my photo profile to anime and instant divine

                                                                      well said


                                                                        I see the thread is morphing into something better

                                                                        Manhattan Cafe

                                                                          never experienced 4k matches in my lifetime so idk if 2k and 4k are same but i think it's not.

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            There's a reason why pros never or stopped visiting dotabuff


                                                                              Too many weebs here that's why


                                                                                Its really different.. by warding spot , picking hero , and good reflect button..


                                                                                  just no


                                                                                    btw change your profile picture to a rabbit for instant divine 5


                                                                                      1k = 6k

                                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                                        This HanSolo is an imposter and a troll.

                                                                                        On topic, I do agree it is a bit difficult to answer or test this question. Some 4ks can play like 2ks. Some 2ks can play like 4ks, But they might not be for a whole host of reasons.

                                                                                        Personally I follow pro games and I feel like I can understand what pros are thinking. I observe how they play and notice mistakes, etc. There really isn't anything special about how they play with the exception of fast reflexes and sticking as a team most of the time so they don't get picked off.

                                                                                        It makes me feel like getting a higher mmr is more related to grinding and picking what the team needs, building what the team needs, and basically sticking with your team all game Long. Basically doing everything to maximise your chance of winning. Personality factors into this. Basically versatility and ability to adapt in a team game with strangers is very important. In my own games it's always a free loss when someone doesn't adapt. Just look at 2k games vs pro games and you'll see it's just a lack of coordination. Maybe in 1k you get a lot of beginners who don't fully know the abilities of heroes, but usually once you start watching pro games you get a good sense of those.


                                                                                          You’re the imposter who plays in SEA. I never played there.

                                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                                            I play in a lot of different regions. For some reason na isn't showing up. Have been trying out SEA and find it gives the best experience so far.

                                                                                            Anyway, so what if you've never played in sea, how's that relevant to you being an obvious troll?

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              You’re an imposter.

                                                                                              Please go away

                                                                                              Ocean gate passenger

                                                                                                no one talks in 2k mmr games, in 4k people start to plan moves gang , smoke etc.


                                                                                                  no, it is different. if 2k players lose they blame mid > put tank in a mall, mid is missing why no report GGWP nub.
                                                                                                  but if 4k players lose they blame whoever have negative KDA > f**k you acc buyer, why you feed their carry now he is fat how can we win now? GGWP let them end. report xxx later ty.

                                                                                                  common situation in SEA


                                                                                                    @Isla can u accept me on steam?


                                                                                                      And btw I think 1k=6k watch rtz
                                                                                                      He did shit and that shit worked on his favor he won cuz he did unexpected 1k shit which enemy didn't expect
                                                                                                      Anyway this is what I think I may be wrong