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    Stomp cause they had afk

    Player 124137522

      Great stomp with your mid storm spirit causing someone on their team to rage quit I assume haha. nice la xd


        2-13 slark not much to say. wp!


          Not a big amouth of healing done so i guess you got carried really hard. But anyway, you won :)


            was just about space created XD

            Optimus Drip

              nice hero healing for a 30 minute game. also 22 assists


                nice hero dmg and sick amount of deaths xD


                  Looks like you lost the early bit of the game and it just snowballed from there.

                  The Nugget Collector

                    He/She carried those bitches the whole time, or kill secure dunno :D


                      Nice winning streak but plz play rank match in ur current skill u will make it to very highskill

                      Player 124137522

                        Tough loss on your earth spirit game. Don't buy a blade mail on earth spirit, that item is so bad tbh. Any smart player would just get a bkb and the item is useless. Should just gone straight for the bkb instead. Your huskar bought 2 solar crests( assuming he wanted to stack armour and evasion yet he coulda gotten a halberd instead of another solar crest for a right clicking tiny; maybe he bought it at the end of the game as if he surrendered the inevitable loss). Your jugg seems like a total idiot in all honesty. With that kind of build, it's such a bad build. Build that was used like million years ago. Coulda gone sange n yasha into silver edge bkb abyssal. Also he shoulda taken some responsibility in buying dust since tiny had shadow blade? Not that great of a match.

                        Edit: diffusal blade woulda been nice too on jugg, so many things that coulda gone wrong with a jugg picker in sea region, did go wrong.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          Playing against 5 couriers must have been hard :^)

                          Player 124137522

                            @EBINjar 9/100 XD Too true Kappa :P
                            {skip me}

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              Holy mother of god that stomp. 992 GPM, what can I say?


                                How did you lost that game dude? Even though its a smurf it allways sucks to carry a team and still lose. Report OD


                                  Well idk if I'd call it a smurf, I recently started playing Dota 2 again (had a 1.5 year break) so I thought I'd start fresh.
                                  Hah, we lost the game because everyone over extended when we should've just taken rax and them backed off. Which led them to easily kill the sole defender and get mega creeps.

                                  Initially I picked Death Prophet with the intent on going off lane, however our last picker took Pudge which led us with no carry so I had to repick.

                                  EDIT: Holy crap your winrate on Silencer

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    Guess You couldn't play vthe one man army here


                                      @Jeppesu Yep thats happens wayyy too often. And no matter how many times you advise your team to go back they never listen. But hey if there were no throws there also wouldnt be cumbacks ! ahah.


                                        A dream come true AM game...30 min 18/1 ... you had to get the "russian hour" on the EU WEST.


                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          Average support play with WD... could have done with less deaths


                                            @LA LA LA Ahah pretty much.. They werent russians but they sure played like them! Lina offlane against lion silencer and am... I almost felt sorry for her.

                                            You could have died a bit less times but their team was good on cleaning supports so its acceptable. And speaking of russians, almost sure that sven and rubick were. Nice and ez mmr is allways nice.


                                              @Gunoum17 well I think its the Reborn thing, that you either get good or terrible team, feels like there is no middle groudn

                                              Oh yeah and the last WD game was avg, could have done better, but was qutie hard since they knew what ward can do in team fight.


                                                You created space for your carry, but you need to have less deaths. Overall a good game!


                                                  Omni + sniper i guess :/

                                                  Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                    Lina vs storm mid. Typical meta pickers. Considering the basket, Lina is easier to play than storm. Die way too much as storm/mid. Seems like the Dire lost all 3 lanes

                                                    Forgos ☭

                                                      Looks like a good player.Solid picks .No skill points on maledict early on.I assume you didn't stay in lane to leech xp.I would love to play with you


                                                        Apparently PA stomped pretty hard and you couldn't do much.


                                                          You were the incarnation of Satan. Good work.


                                                            Blink stun in da face :D Id like to see that magnus sven combo in good action. Gj

                                                            Hide The Pain - Herald

                                                              Greedisgood. nice kda and gpm.

                                                              Player 124137522

                                                                Timbersaw spammer who just won another VHS game (what a surprise xd). Snowballing game with a typical Battlefury PA on the other team who went 0-8. Nothing else to say but SEA players that pick PA/Drow/Jugg = end of your dota 2 game (most of the times). Good job buddy, hope you spam another hero in the future with similar results. :P

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                she's so lucky she's a star

                                                                  Went for the max reflection build and fed. Should probably not pick TB again until he gets buffed.


                                                                    Looks like you did a good job carrying as Sven, your IO and Legion fed AM giga hard.
                                                                    You would of won if you had more teamwork or even comeback


                                                                      welp, you can play better as i see in your profile
                                                                      Silencer's GPM is almost like yours (and he wins XPM race)
                                                                      you've got many lh and almost got SF, but he's tryharder - skadi + bkb is op for teamfighting SF
                                                                      you've been winning, losing, winning again AND one teamfight made snowball effect
                                                                      666 tower damage lmao
                                                                      btw they got 2 heroes who fits in current meta - Blood-fucking-seeker and Undying
                                                                      my advice - keep playing Meepo nice winrate m8 Keepo

                                                                      Player 124137522

                                                                        Nice win, don't know why you guys let the lead slip at some point towards the middle of the match but nice bounce back. Anyway, it seems Night Stalker became a fat boy and carried you guys hard.


                                                                          Bought gem for team, deserves BJ.

                                                                          Only commenting so the thread don't get lost in a mountain of stupid VAR.CHECKMYSCROTuM threads


                                                                            Tough lost. Your support is soo rich D:


                                                                              ^Supporting role is nice. I bet you got good teamfights, or your cores just snowballed againts the enemy.

                                                                              Player 124137522

                                                                                Nice team win on Juggernaut. Feels good to have a good team in a Dota match. Storm spirit snowballing nothing of a surprise really.


                                                                                  Not sure if BoTs was the choice there when the enemy team has so much early aggression. That being said, really hard to win as Ember when they have so many disables. You did what you could do.


                                                                                    This spectre game is just wow. 37 kills and carried the entire team, but its a normal skill bracket. U probably got babysitted by your friends. Ill try this item build though, but i dont understand BoT on spectre. U have hunt. I think that eating moonshard would make it perfect combined with Treads. Just my opinion. Also if it was VHS bracket u would surely need to have a blade mail on u. Activate it while being ruptured, and blood kills himself. Nice game overall.


                                                                                      Wow, look at that GPM and XPM. I'm sure you buy at least 2 Aghanim in this match. Anyway, is there a reason you don't buy Mjolnir in this match ? I think you can change the Battlefury with that for better DPS. Anyway, good job.

                                                                                      ☻ Kopronymos ☻

                                                                                        Very hard game for a Huskar but at least Bloodseeker and Witch Doctor carried u to the victory. Next time u should maybe wait for their picks before u pick Huskar and u will do better for sure.

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          ^ Minerva

                                                                                          I build mljonir only against image heroes. And i dont like having too much clickable items. :P This may sound funny but sometimes u might get confused which item to click in which order. The simplier, the better.


                                                                                            @Lex Rough game with bloodseeker. Not sure why you were going for butterfly instead of BKB, but by the looks of it i'd say you got off to a decent start then just got killed a lot. that is a lot of deaths, but those are some decent heroes vs bs.


                                                                                              Seems like you got a lot of hooks, you were pudge so you ate CM, and Kotl. Don't know why you got a Assault, but then again the es got daedulas and a Deso, so good choice. you have a lot of assists so I assume you stayed with your team in order to get pick offs.


                                                                                                Not much to say there ^^ Did 40% of your teams damage, pretty much solo won that game. Lucky Earth; poor Ogre. Maybe you should've gotten Rearm before MoM since you were rolling, but it obviously didn't matter much.

                                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                                  Decent gpm and xpm. Good item pickups bkb and dominator. But, i think dat gyro pick is not good here. Youve been first picking gyro it seems? try to pick him last next time.

                                                                                                  Cry more

                                                                                                    @nightmare God damn I don't know if any comment from a 1.8k player would do u any good dat spirit breaker feed doe. Impressive items for the situation. I see alot of tps in your team but apparently did u guys decide to buy tp after bs got 10+ kills or something? cuz if ur team had had the amount of tp's as shown in the end game then i don't think that the bs could have been fed that hard. I believe u played well and did ur part but the lack of towers is a sign of a bad game. Its ok shit happens