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    when the game goin 4 vs 5 its gonna ez, high HD and TD
    but u and ur teamnates make it gonna long game
    fortunately this sniper didn't build bkb


      Nice you won. I guess the am didn't do so much against your team. Well done on Clock.

        Yorum silindi

          You definitely got enough farm, but Enigma games are always like that, you get a great ult and win or a shit one and do nothing, with nyx and mk with the stuns plus reapers you need to account for all those. And your team comp is not that great. Maybe a pos 4 or 5 would have been better in that scenario. Gl next

          👇lel how do you know what that means? And shit was hard, yeah their team was cancer but ours was too. I wanted to go roaming like a sane person, but sniper went offlane with the zeus and earthshaker claimed safelane and ended up being a cock the whole game and bitching. I bought a lot of wards that game lel and said fuck it, I’m building right click and ended up being a “carry” with like 80 last hits.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            seeing pl and wd's name you already won from the start


              good positionin for RP is the best key, try not to give RP to this rubick
              alche give agha to luna?


                why do you have a sentry tho


                  very good item timings (mask before treads is triggering me, but whatever) and generally good itemization and game end against their lineup.


                    i honestly think u needed bkb this game
                    riki diffusal completely shits on
                    neither ur lich, rubick, or oracle bought a force staff tho, if they did u might be able to get away without bkb, and maybe just linkens or smth
                    other than that, kind of a late bf, but in general this is a hard game for u
                    ur jugg pick is pretty countered, axe and riki are very good against u and ur pl solutions are lacking
                    would have needed a trilane top, to get u fed, then to just run down the lanes with healing ward and a sentry and take their outer towers, then farm up and hit tower with blade fury and back out once it runs off, repeat till ancient is destroyed
                    otherwise very difficult game


                      Nice timbersaw game. I don't like the dagon pickup though.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        free farm on AM its sick
                        good roam from bounty hunter


                          Like the blink. Good that game because they can kill you if they catch you they have a lot of control. I would have gone pike but that’s just bias because I love pike. Ggwp

                          Ps I never actually got a propper rating on my last night stalker game.


                            u have to get MoM before threads on jugg for the timing, yu usually get a 8-9 min aquila, brown boots MoM which correspond to your lv 6 or maybe 8 if yo had a great lane. MoM just gives you a sure kill with omnislash

                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              Someone here is a jug spammer
                              Weird itemization, but i guess it works


                                i have around 80% on 50 games with this build
                                Timings are great and you can easily 1v3 a fight once you have threads, MoM ans SnY
                                You and you're team got completely crushed tho last game

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  I had 3500 gold spent on support items :'(

                                  I felt playing totally alone


                                    Ah yes, abusing Morphing in Normal Skill. I've been doing it myself. Build and stuff looks pretty standard.


                                      ya abusing balanar in Normal Zkill , u build SB then u will free. greedy line up on them




                                          I have 20% on the hero
                                          I just happened to play it mid and i completely crushed the game :DDD


                                            That's really good, considering. More keys to press because of the extra strike but less micro because of not needing to control an illusion anymore. Does well against Invoker mid.


                                              we had drow aura, luna aura and elder aura, the game wqas kinda won since the drafting phase


                                                I think bots is also a good pick up on pl because with barra on you team it allows you early global presence and good splitpush opportunities but overall good item timings

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Looks like a nice game; excellent radiance timing and good itemization/item timings overall, you outplayed them well. Good building damage, great gpm/xpm.

                                                    Yorum silindi

                                                      @procrastination - crusader game and it shows.

                                                      Your itemisation was very weird - bkb first major item into blademail into sny into euls into basher. If you're going BKB to stop magic damage then going an item to reflect damage being taken next doesn't make much sense. SnY is more of a first major item so to get it after 2 other items rather than just going straight for a skadi to tank up, a radiance or mjollnir for farming/damage or an mkb to counter a potential butterfly pick up from slark/jug is questionable. If you go euls in order to avoid the jug omnislash instead of a ghost sceptre because you don't want the extra magic damage to apply to you then you don't really need a basher/abyssal. They don't give any damage nowadays, only the bash and some extra hp/damage block and since you already have euls to stop tps/channelling (do people in 1k even tp away from rupture?) getting basher/abyssal after euls (never mind bkb/blademail/sny) is pretty bad. You lack the damage you need in order to manfight a slark and juggernaut. You also don't need the lockdown against slark since bloodseeker is one of the best slark counters with the 12 second rupture forcing him to remain in place.

                                                      From the combat log you also only cast rupture 7 times in a 60 minute game. WTF. It's a 60 second spell that should be used basically on cooldown to either get a kill or force a tp back to base. 7 times in 60 minutes. According to the combat log you also only activated your blademail 3 times after buying it even though you bought it at minute 24 so you had it 36 minutes. Buying that item and using it only 3 times is kind of a waste. You also used your eul's only twice so idk if you actually did use it to counter jug's omnislash now I think about it...

                                                      The more I look at your items the sadder it gets actually, you didn't buy any detection at all despite there being two enemies with shadow blades - the enemy slark bought dust to get kills on riki and luna who also went shadow blade. He knows that if you are playing a hero who is designed around getting pick offs you can't rely on there being a support there all the time to provide the detection. The sooner you learn to buy detection as a carry the sooner you'll start improving/winning a lot more.

                                                      Looking at the number of TPs you bought (5) also suggests that you basically only ever bought a tp when you needed to TP out to a tower after you died and probably spent the whole game without a single TP in your inventory. Always have a TP in your inventory is the number 1 rule given to new players - the main point of them is so you can tp to a tower or shrine in order to help counter gank or get to a team fight - or to use them to escape back to the base if you've been ganked or are running from a lost team fight. Using them to TP out to a tower and not having a spare one after 10 minutes is something you never want to do. Like seriously, if you are buying one to tp out to a tower then buy a second one at the same time so you can tp back to base if you need to. They cost 50 gold ffs.

                                                      Sorry this turned into a big rant because of all the extra information I can see from dotabuff offence meant just hopefully its some advice you can take on board to help improve.


                                                        Why treads?
                                                        I would've gone Deso then bf, especially since you're mid, you want that early power spike to fight.
                                                        Bf is needed to fight PL, but not that early.
                                                        Butterfly first is dumb imo, u shud go basher or satanic or both.


                                                          18-0 on Void waow so good.


                                                            Stomped hard. Their only lockdown was sleep into black hole, and unless you all get caught, anyone from your team can cancel lmao. You just melt their team really. And you itemized and played well I guess. Im hoping you kept a queling around till you can basically not have to worry about sprout cause their team is dead.

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              Enemy team had QoP and AM, luckily they both bought bad items, like rushing bkb straight after battle fury, and the blademail rush. SB and your Clock means you can constantly chase and initiate well with combos like flare + charge. Not sure why you bought a bkb though, there's not many non-magic immunity piercing spells on the enemy team, a lotus or ghost would've been much better, even a linkens would've been very good against abyssal, duel, etc.

                                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                Great stat O.o you managed to squeeze great dmg and very nice kda even though you kept taking the hard support burden. Definitely something I should learn
                                                                And you managed to take the game with the of spectre
                                                                As of the team overall, seems like a very well executed objective gaming, with the net worth gradually swings more and more to your favor


                                                                  ez feed ez lyfe for support, its just about anchient
                                                                  6.2k damage building it's just too high, wp


                                                                    Looks like you did your job; good items and appropriately low net worth. Dotabuff doesn't show wards bought for that game atm, but I'm assuming you bought like 90% of them. Good support.


                                                                      Well you definatley were you teams primary carry. And they dont really have anyone that can go toe to toe against you late, so im guessing it was misplays that cost yoi that one. You only die I think if you get duelled. So try to wait it out


                                                                        Good number of assist, not too many deaths and I love the blink dagger. Best early item on Shaman imo.

                                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                          ez feed ez lyfe for support, its just about anchient
                                                                          6.2k damage building it's just too high, wp

                                                                          4700 gold went on support items

                                                                          And you know what? Gladly, my team used my assistance and communicated with me. I will willingly sacrifice myself to a team that would use my sacrifice, this game was hella fun

                                                                          Good number of assist, not too many deaths and I love the blink dagger. Best early item on Shaman imo.

                                                                          Went close until the 23:00 minute mark, which I guess was rax
                                                                          I think you went too greedy, that bf I would dare say was a recipe for punishment

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                            stop focusing pushing solo as ss. play around your team. its a support hero, play him like one.

                                                                            in a game where you die 16 times, why would you get an aghs instead of defensive tools?
                                                                            a simple glimmer cape or forcestaff would have prevented at least half of your deaths


                                                                              you get 1h game because you play dusa


                                                                                Well you destroyed the enemy team in every way...

                                                                                I like the items as well , haven't tried nullifier on jugg yet, but seems legit

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  Monster turbo game. Standard items on SS. Close game it seems. Pretty good job on the KDA. Definitely a key in your teams overall victory.


                                                                                    Ok. I it doesent say there but I know youre a tb spammer. And you take him offlane. Tbh, I dont know how yoi do it. And Im sure you already have your own build cause you play waaaaay more of the hero than me. I know you go phase and even aeon disk sometimes. So if it works why the hell not right? Would love to see you post your build in an article. And playstile, it cant be any worse than perseverance into aghs on undiying lmao


                                                                                      good rotation against invoker u sure made it an ez game.


                                                                                        you ripped the enemy team apart. most of your deaths are hooks probably, thats gonna happen as tinker vs pudge with blink i guess

                                                                                        also i like how the position 4 mirana carried the naga. normal skill every days business


                                                                                          you did a nice job except you lack damage delt


                                                                                            You and meedus are doing good. Too bad your roamer are outperformed and it leads to low XPM for roamers...

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                                              First of all, ur playing in SEA so I feel your pain. Guardian in here is still good. So your PA game..

                                                                                              Seems that u died too much in here.. which is a good and a bad..

                                                                                              Good since youre probably aggressive and proactive? Or you miscalculated plays that resulted in deaths?

                                                                                              But I think its the later since u have good assist numbers

                                                                                              Standard item pick ups and ok tangibles on the gold n bd and hd etc.

                                                                                              Just keep on grinding man!

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                You play your own way, I can respect that. You didn't die much which is nice and all but how'd you manage to involve yourself so little in there. Maybe morph and AW stole the show?

                                                                                                Groovy build and you win most of the games with it so just keep on terrorizing 'em.


                                                                                                  Good outing considering they dont really have any amazing reliable spells to steal. But with all those defensive items you could really waste their time if they try to go on you, still, mustve been hard positioning yourself with their lineup. So gj only diying 5 times. Thats really all you can ask and the assists are good too

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