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    Ez win vs wierd lineup

    Cruel SummeR

      Wow you really carried your team there.
      those abandons probably helped you out too


        Great job on supporting your team, but your team got outcarried, I suppose. IMO you should get glimmer cape before aghs, cause it has utility and can reduce the death count on your team.

        [RR53] RR

          Zero deaths in an hour long game is always good. Supports were feed machines tho.


            The double midas on the enemy won you the game imo.. 3 squishy supports.. A carry with low mobility.. Vs a storm.. Either you picked perfectly or their picks were very bad.. Anywho.. Wp.. Good kda.. Gg


              Very easy stomp with the enemy team feeding your MK.


                Wow, zero death in one hour match ? Pretty impressive i would say. It seems you managed to land some pretty good chrono on their core to helps your team win the fight. Your Dazzle might also contribute to that so you can stay a little longer to run, although he need to pay it with a lot of death. Next time how about building Silver Edge like SF ? You might be able to burst DK and Spec faster with that to make your support life easier.

                casual gamer

                  Pretty crazy comeback 4v5. Looks like jugg and luna both put in a ton of work, wheras their naga seemed useless

                  Very sad jakiro game, unfortunately. He still does a ton of work even from behind, though


                    Classic sf win, a bit surprised the game lasted that long tho.
                    I wud get linkens instead of skadi tho
                    Still gg carried that bristle.

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      *Skipped raj*


                        Rat Doto at it's best ~
                        You managed to overwhelm them with your split push and end the game fast before PA and OD become an issues. Good job

                        Pale Mannie

                          almost threw that game despite slardar abandoning the game because fuck 4 stacks

                          casual gamer

                            4 carry team 60 min game #thedream

                            ur items are ok although id want bkb


                              ew, tinker game... gross

                              Pretty spread out in terms of who you were pwning. I initially thought it would have been that 0-12 KOTL.
                              Im going to guess that you died earlier to the BH+ invoker ganks on middle before you got your bots, got your fat aghs and started to just missile and laser the nubs.

                              Anyways, good job sir. They didn't really have a great counter to you.

                              casual gamer

                                burrowstrike -> sunstrike + shuriken toss 100-0 tinker LUL

                                at 7 minutes i die, tp back to lane, and die again immediately

                                SKIP ME



                                  Seems like you were able to keep up excellent vision in the early game to help your team farm. You and anti-mage were the most involved in team fights, so my guess is you realized at some point in the game that anti-mage was not stupid and just helped him push his advantage.

                                  Items you bought >40 mins were probably not relevant to you winning the game. Pretty sure you bought that for fun and you'd get other items if you were losing.

                                  There's not really much one can analyze from a lich unless you delve into the match, so I'll just assume you did a job well done.


                                  Stampede applies to golems but disruption doesn't. (Any player controlled unit, including illusions, are affected by stampede). And yeah, I believe we won that game because luna's bkb usage was sub optimal (aka used more to get kills/escape rather than get objectives), also because we were able to kite her through items and spells (ghost spectre/euls/disruption allows us to focus other annoying heroes before going on luna)

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    ^ correct Pilot, spot on.
                                    Skip me please


                                      Skipped me? Why?
                                      Skip me here btw

                                      Feichang Gaoxing


                                        Nice game! Looks like viper stomped early but we all know that viper dont scale well into the late game. And your team have the better high ground defense. Tinker lul. Your team alsohave better initiation. Aghs stampede + aghs golem warlock ggwp. Oh and also your disruption is beautiful against luna or with warlock's golem. Good game. I'll have to watch this game's replay. 👍

                                        PS: Btw, does stampede also apply to warlock's golems????


                                          ^ nice supporting but i feed a lot and the dire could potentially win But yeah good job

                                          Grand Sparrow

                                            ^ That was horrible... The mistake was playing Weaver in that game. Don't first pick him or that happens. If you didn't first pick him, then don't face so many counters. You had to face AOE stun, Berserker's call, and AOE DoT. Not a chance vs that lineup...


                                              u did pretty good to create space for your PL and you got soo farmed that you actually held the game for him

                                              Rektdalf the White

                                                Nice ez game as bm, you focused on towers while rest of your team hunted them down. congrats. I just dont think that skipping axes completely is the right way to go

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Dat was too fast to lose a game... who the hell says me mid then die too much against invoker or another midlaner? and that treant desperately trying to build aghanim. RIP C-Maiden as support role... You better make yourself versatile with your playstyle


                                                    Bumped cuz i need ur replies. This thread is dying or something


                                                      Shut down PA and always use ulti to initiate on enemy first, good job on playing Silencer. but looking at their pudge and huskar. I assume that Pudge couldn't find an opportunity to land a right hook on your key heroes while Huskar, I guess he ulti on anybody that he see first on sight? Then this explain him being underleveled and broadsword in his inventory.


                                                        I am guessing you were offlane, just got outplayed i think, 2 of you did well but the gpm and xpm was a lot lower on your team, maybe outdrafted

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          Your team have some bad pick vs their's,but still can win if your team push early, game depending on you,and you push too less.

                                                          mbak taylor

                                                            Pretty nice Lycan game with 17min necro3 and overall nice draft from the dire team, can't really think whats better because im far below your bracket hahaha. WP Bro!


                                                              Don't know how you managed to win that cm game with 28k networth disadvantage versus a much scarier late-game team. Maybe all the wards that you bought made the difference eventually since the opponents bought none!


                                                                ^do u know that destroying building wins u the game no afk jungling

                                                                also jdf8

                                                                  i wouldve gone eb and not sheep against their hero

                                                                  u meepo them to death, nice. i would try to end earlier but u own them anyway so who cares

                                                                  Rektdalf the White

                                                                    Nice game, you've carried your team quite easily - best stats all around. Poor 26. min forcestaff OD :(

                                                                    Crossbreed Chrysalis

                                                                      You tried your best but wasn't enough because of that feed to the jug u.u (hugs). Not much to do vs a fed Juggernaut.


                                                                        Well, good support.. You give vision to team and give space for your carry to get his core item fast.. Have less death and more assist as support is nice and what i see here you can kill some as supp is plus point. Keep it up.


                                                                          Not sure what the skadi is about (you just wanted to tank I guess), but great job on positioning. Everyone has at least 7 deaths but you only have 1.

                                                                          Your item progression stagnated after your well timed linkens though. It seems like you were only able to recover after the 30 minute mark. (Although, this is probably due to tinker/invoker taking lanes to farm and not really leaving you with much.)

                                                                          Can't really analyze it outside of that, but it seems like you had good impact. Nice job


                                                                          @Snu: It's the old 'I'll counter your midas with another midas' They had two midases on the other team, so getting a late midas wasn't really that greedy. Plus, it works so well with the +30% xp gain. I expected the game to go a little later (with Luna/Venge/OD on the other team), and because not much was getting done in the early-early mid game, there really wasn't a game winning item that I needed to get. Turns out, we took the better fights and we just translated our advantage better despite losing the early game.

                                                                          I'd normally get Aghs as a 3rd item but Luna's glaives are just so hard to deal with (along with all the AoE + I haven't played this hero in 3 months so micro with birds is a little rusty).

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                            Position 4 visage? I'd have to watch that game, it really looks interesting, especially with a decent stat line. Kind of a late midas though. I always wonder if its ok to get midas 20 minutes +


                                                                              lmao the items u got made me laugh

                                                                              must be a fun hero press q on people and they get upset good job


                                                                                EZ stomp match with 3 leaver on enemy team. Tinker and Abaddon should be reporting Jugg for intentionally leaving the game now.


                                                                                  If you want to be a nyx with more impact and able to land those stuns rush rod of atos first, always!

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    700gpm as jungle bloodseeker? Seems good man. Pretty good impact and it seems like your team wasable to carry your 0-14-14 tinker lol

                                                                                    I can't tell if you roamed out of the jungle in the early game to make good impact, but if you did, then good job, if not, then that's something you might want to consider. There's more to farming efficiency (which I guess you pretty much have already)

                                                                                    Good luck bringing up your ranked winrate. Bs seems to be working for you


                                                                                      Very good performance as a sub-support...

                                                                                      There is a thing that make me confused... thats a pretty fast comeback if i see based on the graph... i guess they are throwing too much. And why would cm buy so many sentries? Ur team aint need to invisible...

                                                                                      Rektdalf the White

                                                                                        Congrats to the win in this long game, Id just recommend building maelstrom on him earlier - you need to hasten your farm a bit, thank god that sven doesnt know how to farm. I'd also probly got bkb or atleast lotus, if you wanna tank in this game. Otherwise good job.

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          They got more and better late game cores and looks like u were not able to finish game in time. Shit happens just move on.


                                                                                            Way to shut down that SB for the easy win.


                                                                                              It would have been better if you went some items like mkb and abyssal instead of radiance or you could get scpeter and do double rupture but since that abbaddon is fat af would be better to silver edge and just go abyssal and mkb

                                                                                              also jdf8

                                                                                                mega cancer 5 man strat. next time buy 1 drum and 1 hotd and maybe not 3 aquilas+vlad, thats a lotta wasted gold imo

                                                                                                still u just right clicked on building, abaddon luna drow is a helluva drug

                                                                                                edit: dont do bot matches rofl

                                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                  800 xpm as arc warden, fucking amazing performance mate. It seems that the whole team was under your command and you inspired even Leoric to play as a support. I am really happy to see someone who is good at playing this hero cause i believe he is an underrated one and has a still a lot to offer.

                                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                    Good job being a truly selfless support, shown through your item timings. Nice job knowing your role and helping your team to victory despite LS abandoning the game. GGWP!


                                                                                                      I believe you are the reason some players will keep playing this game forever. You and ogre roamed the shit out of the map and had practically won this game by yourselves by 15th min-mark. On top of that you built the perfect items with the right order, i still would prefer a vladi on ogre or another glimmer instead of lens. Did you buy any dust before 20mins in or you didn't need to? Also, were you instructing necro and luna on what items to buy? Cause without their early agha and pike your game could have been delayed a lot.

                                                                                                      Finally out of curiosity, i would guess that your main acc sits around 4-5k and you experiment on 3k with different heroes. And i'm only saying this cause you need to be very skilled to execute earth spirit's combos without failing, having played only 300 games. I wanted to learn him in the past but i gave up fast. The fact that you dominated a game with a hero who receives continuous nerfs proves that you are a 5k player in the making!

                                                                                                      *NOTE: Someone pls commend ON MY GAME BEFORE VENGE that went 11-5-11 as blood. I REALLY NEED your insight there.

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