General Discussion

General DiscussionAny new tips against the new Undying?

Any new tips against the new Undying? in General Discussion
Primordial Soup



      turtle+split push+passive play

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      Pom Pom 🍕

        for heroes: gyro (flak cannon kills all zombies in range), medusa/luna (with early points in split shot/glaives), faceless void (get at least 2 points in void walk early to get out of zombie range), sniper (get more points in take aim and you can keep out of the spawn range for zombies while hitting the tomb), anti-mage (blink away, just like void walk), weaver/dark seer (shukuchi/surge makes you immune to slows), Ursa can kill the tomb with overpower.

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        Last picking is 4 pussies

          What about support roles? I personally usually go pugna in this matchup any other suggestions? Dazzle?


            invi heros works too


              Glimmer cape is very good for supports to escape zombies (if you are not dusted). Smoke will save you (if you are not in enemy hero vision). Ghost scepter should work too but I have not tried it.

              Focusing down the tombstone works best, but only if everyone actually does it. UD can heal 480 hp on it every 6 seconds so if you are not really committing to killing it you are going to die. If the enemy has a tidehunter who stuns all of you just before the tomb dies, and UD heals it back up...well focusing tomb has its risks. The easiest way to do this was sniper + troll. Drow is not bad either. A lot of UD doing so much better this patch is troll and sniper not being in every game.


                ember spirit shreks


                  laning phase (lv2-lv5):

                  kotl + 5s cd nuke spammer.

                  The idea is to be more aggressive than undying


                    What if undying is aggressive too and running duo?


                      @Pomi, Medusa is terrible against undying.