General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich carry can deal with troll warlord

Which carry can deal with troll warlord in General Discussion

    I guess I am going to try sniper out next few games vs troll , so is shrapnel a must get early game now that it has more damage Cuz I used to not get it until level 10 . Do you spam shrapnel at early levels for cs and harass ? My thoughts is it would push lane a lot but if you are mid guess wouldn't matter as much but side lanes might be risky. I did pretty well vs troll with slardar due to amp and bash working through bkb , I usually stunned before he popped and amped , allies usually can focus him down fast enough if I can't with the amp damage on. I haven't tried od yet vs him due to the current meta favoring agility carries. Spec isn't good vs him but it's like 50% chance atleast Cuz you will kill his entire team , just gotta stay away from him to let you kill off his teammates . I really hate troll right now just annoys me that he has such a impact on game even if u kill him a lot.


      Shrapnel should be maxed first, it's just too good.


        Ya tried it out carried team hard


          Have the toughest troll games against magnus. All the bkb piercing ults including Beastmaster and even Enigma that hold you in place mess you up, many games a magnus will RP me as troll solo and even refresh RP again to make sure you cant do sh*t. Like PL as carry counter. SF blink euls build also does work

          Mr. Nice Guy

            weaver maybe :-?? that hero is one of the strongest carry with solo target,so you can focus troll .. ulti is pretty nice ,and you can use second to get away . now ,ofc if he s lucky he can permabash you,but if we think about luck,we can pick pa and hope we get each hit crit.


              Weaver is so bad and deal literally no damage, especially now that his bat is 1.9


                Just watched Empire destroy NiP who had a team with troll. Empire ran SF,Magnus their 3 others were axe,rubick and dazzle (pretty good lineup vs troll).

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                saving private RTZ

                  PL seems good as troll doesnt really got any aoe damage. Ofc team composition matters too

                  Dagoth Ur

                    I think Void can deal with him. Ultra-late I think Void chronoes and permabashes Troll.

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                        in chrono he can kill troll...


                          Refresher void can solo the whole oposite team, if you know how to land a good chrono. Troll is no exception.


                            I think pretty much void can kill anyone if he has enough farm but I don't think he has a specific advantage over troll than he does vs everyone else. seems like to me troll has bigger impact on game until pretty late game bkb hotd and he already doing good shit pisses me off.

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                                yung griphook

                                  im pretty sure storm fucks him up

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    Imho not really... you also can get a diffusal vs him and anyway bkb is still pretty core on troll so meh.

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                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Storm sucks to play vs, once bkb is down he just toys with you until you are dead. Storm counters every Melee carry like that. However if you get mkb he's not that bad cus u just go ranged and still mini bash him to death. But if you just have bkb, s&y, Aquila you can't really kill storm.


                                            Anti Mage, Phantom Lancer, ...


                                              Anti-mage really? one bash and I couldn't blink out.

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                                                  Low Expectations

                                                    I am just gonna thow it out there, Bane is the best way to control troll I think with that any carry can kill troll

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      engima then too? Zeus + necro ulty? I mean if we're talking combos there's tons of answers and therein lies the best answer, team effort.


                                                        What about bristle back ? He should kite him well. I guess it'd mostly work for one on one since it'll take bristle forever to get troll down so with troll popping bkb in team fight may not be as effective Id say hed atleast be a headache for troll tho.

                                                        plz do

                                                          ^^ what he said. team effort and combos. best way is anti bkb heros like enigma, batrider, treant (ult after(!) troll popped bkb), clockwerk, bane, beastmaster, magnus, windranger.. even lina w agha to a certain point. Plenty of ultimates got buffed and pierce through bkb these days. But all that hits right only with teamwork and timing.
                                                          i agree that troll is not really countered by any other carry.

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                            Its a disgusting hero that people pick when they want to win but don't possess the skills to do so.


                                                              Pick Lina, Lina or Lina.
                                                              Couldn't go wrong with her nuke, stun and attack speed. Unless you are mentally retarded.
                                                              If you can't pick Lina go MoM AA because you've already lost.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Here's a good example of how to shut troll down.


                                                                Granted my team sucked, had some awful issues with nyx and despite a lot of kills clinkz really didn't do much of anything (0 tower dmg, 46 min game what?), but look at their team:

                                                                Storm, not a direct counter but good against any melee carry
                                                                Spectre, counter to high dmg heroes in general with reflection
                                                                Omni, counter to physical dmg carries
                                                                Axe, counter to bkb heroes and sniper protection
                                                                Sniper, one of the best counters to right clickers/melee heroes in general

                                                                Their entire team is built to counter PA, jugger, troll type of heroes. Every fight I had to bkb early or storm would just wreck me, but omni would simply ult til my bkb wore off, then I'd be dead from spectre, sniper, axe. To beat that team you need some big time magic team fight of your own like a silencer, tide, sand king support base or something, not a bunch of right clickers.


                                                                  morphling max str -> 4.25s stun, bye bye little troll


                                                                    and what if the enemy team picked sniper and troll??!! cause i didnt win a single game if we enemy has boh sniper and troll.




                                                                        You can ley down to the floor. try not to cry and then start crying :D


                                                                          troll is the ultimate man fighter, even void and spectre fear him in a 1 on 1. so counter him thru supports and team work. chain stun him and its goodbye troll

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                                                                                ^ Stop it, the last thing this patch needs is more ways to play troll ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                                  BM stun can deal with it

                                                                                    Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı

                                                                                      Sniper is only carry I have played that I have a advantage vs troll . Other than that Ive always needed a strong second carry to help me down a fed troll. I have seen a blood seeker with abyssal do ok vs troll but I think bs is a crappy hero in general.

                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                      Lisbon Acid!

                                                                                        refer to

                                                                                        There is an article under 'Strategies' that explains how to handle Troll Warlord including hero picks.

                                                                                        I hope this article helps!


                                                                                          @KiTraK` How does morph deal with troll? Do you mean 1v1? And what type of morph? Eblade? carry morph(manta skadi satanic)? or the new meta str morph with eul and 4.25 sec stun?


                                                                                            he obviously means the utility morph


                                                                                              ^ Well once troll gets bkb morph cant do shit for X sec. Beast master on the other hand...

                                                                                              But yeah in general 4.25sec stun destroys pretty much anything.

                                                                                              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                                                distance is the answer to troll. if he gets too close you will probably lose without lock down or hope he doesnt have bkb. If he picks up a blink then this might be a bit harder