General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion







        Stopped playing? posting first time on forums btw


          Good: Finally a 75%+ winrate on PA, along with a couple records by her. I rarely see that if the person has more than a couple games with her. And PA is probably my second or third favorite hero to use ^-^

          Bad: Not really "bad" but that record 1:33:33 match must have been brutal to lose. Oh and you had your record 19 deaths in that match.


            @Izarea: excellent winrates across the board. Really good. Pretty insane records too

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Is this thread dead yet?


                You're killing it with such comments, here let me help:

                Good: Good Winrate, good KDA..! You play much heroes...

                Bad: You played too much Lycan in a row, you seem to play alone...


                  Good: all top played heroes positive win rate
                  Bad: winning streak < losing streak i suppose


                    Good: A fellow Invoker, with very similar stats to mine <3
                    Bad: You're an Invoker, not an Anti-mage. To pick him is treason. You deserve that 33% with him.


                      Good: high game impact (K+A/D), especially with Invoker - man I wish I could be like that.
                      Bad: seem not to be good on supports (role 4-5)?

                      Low Expectations

                        Good: Great winrate
                        Bad: Doesnt know how to play with or vs a bloodcyka


                          Good: Great Rubick, teach me :P
                          Bad: sub-50% winrate


                            G - Has Lion as highest GPM all time, ROFL Well played!!
                            B - But Slark at the highest XPM though :S



                              John Cena's FU


                                Good: a LOT of games with CM and good win rate <3
                                Bad: Maybe you should stop playing WR


                                  Gud: nice wr % on many heroes
                                  Bad: you like John Cena


                                    First post.
                                    (To BraToS)

                                    Good: Your highest KDA ratio is on Io. Well played.

                                    Bad: Pudge player (boooring :P)

                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                      Good = NO lame heroes in your last 5 picked and willing to try IO.

                                      Bad = feel like you made a new account possibly? and KDA is pretty low overall.

                                      Oh Shit Waddup

                                        Good: making good use of ES it still seems. Kudos.

                                        Bad: 3 heros below 50% in most played but still good kdas and nice heros for team play, except imba spirit :P


                                          Good: You have a high win rate, very jealous (since 6.80 I've dropped so badly)
                                          Bad: Far too much alchemist play. That hero is still an OP support in low level pubs, and also its like 1/5 of ur total games (get some variety. I hear Pudge is fun)


                                            G - Looks like you play all types or roles. Vair nyse
                                            B - win ratio I guess I don't know. But you're on the cusp of 5-0

                                            @ John Cena, rofl ya I haven't played WR since probably 679 started. :S

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            Oh Shit Waddup

                                              @biggsy I play him mid, but yes I do agree even though support alch is one of my most hated things haha. And what do you call low level of pubs? Cause I'm only 4,2k but I'm still happy with win rate as alch. Although I do agree I need more heros haha



                                                Good - I always love a good Crystal Maiden. One of the most useful supports in the game. (And you do well with her)
                                                And your top heroes all have good win-rates except for Windranger, and 40% isn't that bad.

                                                Bad - Upon further inspection there are a lot of sub-40% win-rate heroes in your list.


                                                  bad : smurf detected !

                                                  Good : nyx nyx nyx


                                                    *Pardon me for taking up a spot here*

                                                    I just have to ask, why have I been accused of being a smurf two times now? If you look at my first couple pages of match history you see that I didn't do too well when I first began. I gradually got better and better, and unfortunately because of my poor playing early on I got stuck in the trenches. I'm climbing my way out but that's beside the point. Why do I smell of smurf?

                                                    Temper Grace

                                                      @Izerea - Very high overall winrate for a new player. Typically new players will be closer to 40% in the opening 500 games, you have nearly 60%. You also have very high winrates on your most played heroes.

                                                      Good: Very high overall winrate, and exceptionally high winrates on your most played. KDAs are decent.
                                                      Bad: Appears to have poor winrates on most mid heroes.

                                                      /\/ /\ T
                                                        Yorum silindi
                                                        /\/ /\ T

                                                          @Temper Grace - with meepo among your top most played heroes, impressive to see someone that can pull him off.... Even though the winrate is not exactly good.

                                                          Pros: has average winrate and good range of heroes

                                                          Cons: bad winrate with a bunch of heroes


                                                            Good: Top win rate on IO is above 57%. Nice.

                                                            Bad: Top 8 there is 3 that are under 40% win rate. I would probably ditch some of those guys as your most played and try something else.

                                                            Hex Sigma

                                                              good: dazzzzzzzzle!

                                                              bad: your rat doto is not strong enough(42% wr on prophet of rats i mean furion)


                                                                @ raspharus

                                                                Natures prophet is dead to me. I can't pull off a natures prophet if my life depended on it.

                                                                Check my lycan though its above average though since i transitioned to him for buffing my mmr rating lately.

                                                                RETIRED PLAYER

                                                                  @cpt caveman

                                                                  Looks like you're a support, which is pretty rare. And you also buy wards!!
                                                                  Your carrying seems weak though, with only 700 gpm on alch as your best gpm of all time


                                                                    @ Mauz

                                                           is all time @ 813 with razor. Still pretty weak though. I typically play supports only these days. Rare when I get to play carry.

                                                                    Good: BH and PL win rate over 70%.

                                                                    BAD: natures prophet @ 40% dont play it. I ditched him after I learned I blow with him.


                                                                      Good: Centaur Warrrrrrrunner! (lots of games on him, great winrate)
                                                                      Bad: Overall GPM could use some attention

                                                                      KONY 2012™
                                                                        Yorum silindi

                                                                          61 denies with a spectre? lol gj :P
                                                                          chen/invo/druide low win rate guess u need micro practice


                                                                            bad : I hate dazzle

                                                                            good : so many matches sensei :3


                                                                              Terrible lycan

                                                                              Amazing puck


                                                                                good: baconback
                                                                                bad: too many heroic items

                                                                                Patriarchal Shitlord

                                                                                  Good: Good luna, nice win rate and a nice balance of heroes
                                                                                  Bad: Oh... you're one of those guys who save the game using the backdoor i dont have a problem but i can see people hating you a lot.


                                                                                    I don't get it, save the game using the backdoor?


                                                                                      @Satellizer your winrate and KDA's on first page are really impressive.

                                                                                      Noberto: Good, your shadow shaman seems well decent, good win rate and a lot more games then any of your other heroes.

                                                                                      Bad: CK gotta go, only 4 games but its not really played competitively anymore, without wisp I would leave it. Play more dota, not even 100 games, put in the time son.



                                                                                        Hex Sigma

                                                                                          good DAT WINRATE teach me master
                                                                                          bad: 19 denies


                                                                                            good: necro wr/kda
                                                                                            bad: win rate, only 500 games tho.


                                                                                              Good: razor kda and wr
                                                                                              Bad: suck at most of supports (%20 wd, %25 dazzle u wot m8)


                                                                                                Good: Omniknight and almot 70% win rate for crystal maiden
                                                                                                Bad: terrible win rate and can't play other heroes




                                                                                                    sick winrate, you love trees and wolfs right? :)

