General Discussion

General DiscussionWhos your favorite Dota hero?

Whos your favorite Dota hero? in General Discussion
Safe Base

    Silencer, I wish I could silence some people in real life.


      Meepo but got some hiatus so playing in my dummy account to train myself again :p

      Arthas 2

        dear valikiss, im in very high tier and im platinum, for ur

        your argument=invalid...

        when you play pudge you ahve to buy wards, tp adn smoke, which i can guarentte you dont buy with any heroes at all

        Arthas 2

          @ valikiss, and i would love to point out your shameful defeat with mason. yet again.


            wowowowwow platinum so good pls tell me more

            yeah shameful defeat losing game at 4 o'clock in the morning after playing 12 hours straight


              fyi mason would probably beat you as well Maverick


                stfu karake hes platinum

                bum farto

                  On the topic of pudge, he is actually quite good played out of mid. e.g. offlane/trilane


                    Was platinum the highest or was it diamond? I don't remember .D

                    Babi Ngepet

                      so true!! he can actually contribute to the team despite having no items n high death count

                      my favorite heroes r lycanth n death prophet btw


                        diamond was highest

                        Arthas 2


                          ""yeah shameful defeat losing game at 4 o'clock in the morning after playing 12 hours straight""

                          then why even accept to play the match?
                          Fact: You poked your nose into mason's butt, entered a challenge, lost it, and now your being a sore loser.

                          and im in very high tier, you can check it yourself( watch my recent matches)
                          I drop to high/normal when i play with my irl frnds.

                          and, diamond is the highest. but i was in platinum, although this does not matter any more.

                          ***********Once again id love to remind you of your ass getting splintered by mason*********


                            Easy support heroes like Lich. They win games in low level pubs where I belong.


                              Goku. With super gold hair... is great!


                                Techies! Because it's so funny when somebody walks on mines!


                                  Tinker. He puts out so much damage once you can get your hotkeys correct. Laser, Dagon, Rockets, Rearm, and repeat. Repeat again if the hero isn't dead yet. Or late game, get a Scythe of Vyse and keep someone permanently hexed because of Rearm.

                                  Plus you can push and farm the lanes like a beast once you have Boots of Travel, and in pub games, people are terrible at counterpushing.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  Player 103543943

                                    Timber saw, get 3rd skill level 1. Then give the enemy carry on the hard lane serious harassment and they cant do shit about it.


                                      so, u r platinum, then u can su :D


                                        I like all heroes that u just need to "Press R"


                                          I hate those heroes lol. Silencer kicks my ass with "R" until I get BKB.


                                            Tinker is my favorite hero right now, but I usually don't like restricting myself to just a few heroes to play. Most of the times in pubs, I'll hit random and just roll with it :D


                                              medusa... kickass carry


                                                I like chaos knight just so i can get ez kills early with dat perma 4 second stun.


                                                  Ya dumayu mou chlen nastolko ogromen, chto ya mogu igrat im


                                                    Favorite hero: Necrolyte
                                                    Most successful: Pudge
                                                    Best support: Dazzle
                                                    Best carry: Chaos Knight
                                                    Best teamfighter: Enigma
                                                    Most fun heroes: Clockwerk and Timbersaw
                                                    Fastest farmer: Alchemist
                                                    Scare-the-crap-out-of-noobs: Visage

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      Pudge isn't funner than clockwerk? Invoker is the best though, I wouldn't be playing dota without him.

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        clock, from 322 meters away


                                                          I'll do the same list as above
                                                          Favorite hero: Templar assassin
                                                          Most successful: Invoker
                                                          Best support: Shadow demon - Rubick
                                                          Best carry: Gyrocopter
                                                          Best mid : Puck - TA
                                                          Best teamfighter: Shadow fiend
                                                          Most fun heroes: Tinker - Windrunner
                                                          Fastest farmer: Nature prophet
                                                          Scare-the-crap-out-of-noobs: Bounty hunter


                                                            Lol my list is very funny:

                                                            Favorite hero: Invoker
                                                            Most successful: Invoker
                                                            Best support: Invoker
                                                            Best carry: Invoker
                                                            Best mid : Invoker
                                                            Best teamfighter: Invoker
                                                            Most fun heroes: Invoker
                                                            Fastest farmer: Alchemist
                                                            Scare-the-crap-out-of-noobs: Invoker



                                                              Favorite hero: Invoker
                                                              Most successful: Invoker
                                                              Best support: Invoker
                                                              Best carry: Invoker
                                                              Best mid : Invoker
                                                              Best teamfighter: Invoker
                                                              Most fun heroes: Invoker
                                                              Fastest farmer: Invoker
                                                              Scare-the-crap-out-of-noobs: Invoker



                                                                phantom lancer, easy hero to play, unique gameplay compared to most carries. loved to play him since dota 1


                                                                  Nothing in life or in game compares too landing a 5 man reverse polarity on magnus.


                                                                    Beastmaster, even though i pick him occasionally- its hard to put him efficiently on any lane other than mid/solo- and those are always occupied...


                                                                      i liked pudge for a long time but navi fanboys ruin everything so now i enjoy kunkka and mirana the most i guess, timbersaw is fun too

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        I hate BM. Never works in pubs.

                                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            Favorite hero: Mappo
                                                                            Most successful: OD/Spacecow/weaver
                                                                            Best support: Warlock
                                                                            Best carry: Alch/Naix/Fv
                                                                            Best mid : OD
                                                                            Best teamfighter: Invoker
                                                                            Most fun heroes: Invoker/Slark/Void/Mappo
                                                                            Fastest farmer: Alch/Doom/Mappo
                                                                            Scare-the-crap-out-of-noobs: Mappo


                                                                              Favorite hero: Meepo
                                                                              Most successful: meepo/Io/Visage
                                                                              Best support: Io/Visage
                                                                              Best carry: Alch/weaver/meepo
                                                                              Best mid : OD/meepo/puck
                                                                              Best teamfighter: puck/Dark seer
                                                                              Most fun heroes: meepo/Io/visage/puck
                                                                              Fastest farmer: meepo/alchemist/Lone druid
                                                                              Scare-the-crap-out-of-noobs: Meepo/Visage/alchemist


                                                                                Favorite hero: Lina (i love zapping ppl)
                                                                                Most successful: Slardar/Drow
                                                                                Best support: Cm/Wr
                                                                                Best carry: Pa/Luna
                                                                                Best mid : QoP/Batrider
                                                                                Best teamfighter: QoP
                                                                                Most fun heroes: QoP/lina
                                                                                Fastest farmer: Luna/Furion/Lina
                                                                                Scare-the-crap-out-of-noobs: Drow/Lina

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  Terrorblade is Terrorblade


                                                                                    Axe is a lot of fun. Especially early to mid game. I love running into the midst of everyone and spinning a bunch and using the ult is a great time too. Blinking in and saving a teammate with call is pretty fun. I dunno why everyone always hates on Axe.

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      Ursa right now since it's so much fun to punch nerds to death. Razor is a fun one too.

                                                                                      bum farto

                                                                                        Favorite hero: Shadow Fiend - Can't play him well though but got some tips from the 90% guy
                                                                                        Most successful: Axe - I have been told people have never seen anyone but me make him a game changing hero
                                                                                        Best support: Venge - Cause I actually play her as a support non of this "I'm a carry" shit.
                                                                                        Best carry: Have to go with Ursa or Void cause I can turn games with them and can play them early as well as late
                                                                                        Best mid : Magnus - Fallen out of mid as everyone wants mid these days so I just leave it to them
                                                                                        Best teamfighter: Wind Runner - Like Christ alimighty you can control team fights for days and still get out alive
                                                                                        Most fun heroes: Venomancer & Crystal Maiden - because I am a support at heart
                                                                                        Fastest farmer: Doom & Luna - near perfect last hitting with these two
                                                                                        Scare-the-crap-out-of-noobs: Axe & Tidehuner - Blink in and watch them scatter

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          Pudge - Can control a game more than any other hero (apart from some supports) allows you to win the mid and early game, giving your carry a chance to win. + I iz da best EU



                                                                                            everything golden

                                                                                              I enjoy Shadow Fiend and Storm Spirit alot, the dominance you get with those heroes is insane :D. Bounter hunter is also pretty nice, E + W spam 24/7. Havent played all heroes yet since i switchd from HoN to dota2 a couple of weeks ago but there's alot of heroes that are SO MUCH FUN



                                                                                                i enjoy the sight of pudge being picked by the enemy. free kills


                                                                                                  The Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrand Magus!


                                                                                                    Lone druid because 2 damage sources which makes it easier to last hit and i love seeing a bear rape people LONE DRUID IS THE BETTER BEAR URSA SUCKS

