General Discussion

General DiscussionWhos your favorite Dota hero?

Whos your favorite Dota hero? in General Discussion

    whos your favorite and explain why.. I use to like the commander of the abyss he was the most OP character I didnt even need to car what my team was doing because he would destroy everything lol but I guess now my favorite would be Sniper its always fun to see people try to run away while they are constantly being mini stunned


      i like weaver because i can spam my W. and i can wiggle my worms with my Q to them and while they attacking those worms i can go and attack them and spam my W.

      Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

        AA, loved him before the update, love him more now.


          slark loved him ever since day 1 of his addition to dota1 altho now when hes mainstream hero for hipster player like me feel like i should play something else

          also invoker but hes weak as shit and doesnt really fit any lineup so fuck him


            Tinker, though I lose all games


              Silencer, probably best counter-initiator in the game with his ultimate.
              And I just love his ability to permanently steal Int, the amount of Int you gain this way is ridiculous in pubs if you manage to survive the team-fights.


                definitely rubick so many ways to troll/kite/kill/support just baiting an enemy into using their skill and instantly stealing it greatest feeling for my rubick

                Penis Monkey

                  PA. 2k crits. A little more straight forward but 1 hitting people in the late game always feels good, and they don't even have to be supports.


                    Disruptor! Love glimpse on tp heroes! :D


                      PA is a beast, she's the one.


                        SForever. The most spectacular hero.




                            IDk about you guys, but 1 shot rampages with kunkka feels kinda good.

                            Tinker can out play the most heros imo, so i love that guy


                              Invoker! Nobody else can do 20+ spells with variation and style.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Storm Spirit is just so camp, gotta be him.

                                A blue Kenneth Williams.


                                  Invoker! Nobody else can do 20+ spells with variation and style."

                                  20+ spells... ...... hmm 10 spells + items.


                                    Jakiro - best support, fits to almost any pick, very good base str + int and growth, great AOE disable with 9 cd, 90mana. = no mana problems, passive AOE -50% AS even to rosh + towers !


                                      ursa, cause noob hero :)


                                        Storm Spirit or Bounty Hunter. It's always fun to see how far you can dive & still get out alive.



                                          I do not recommend refresher orb on invoker to anyone, but it is fun as hell.
                                          I've done 15 spells in 30 seconds. I've also done 32 spells + items in under two minutes.


                                            ive seen ur clips grimm dotacinema had 1 of your replays it is amazing to watch you go through spells with such finesse would love to play with u sometime


                                              Visage and Treant.

                                              Visage. Tanky as fuck, massive damage nuke, good slow and situational escape, AoE stuns, scouting, pushing, good stats. He has it all. Feels good to start as hard support and end up as a tank.

                                              Treant. Usually a very passive play style, but still quite fun. I just love saving my teammates across the map with armour and allow them to dive towers. Late game when you get blink it's even more fun. His ulti might not be so good, but it sure is funny and more effective using it in combo with blink and natures guise when they don't see you coming.

                                              ❤ Ashley ❤



                                                  Ancient Apparition, haven't played him since the buffs though. Phantom Assassin is a close second.



                                                    Thanks, which episode did you watch? Dotacinema 27, 45, or Hall of Fame?


                                                      My APM with invoker is 217, average !


                                                        Suddenly undying makes me happy. Only hero I have a decent kda with...yes I know its only 2 games. Shut it :p


                                                          @Grimorum pretty sure ive seen all of them but the 1 in particular i think was the hall of fame with the refresher sooooo insane!


                                                            ofc, it's very easy to get assists with him, just throw tombstone and watch your kda raising :D


                                                              Yeah, he feels kinda like cheating. But good fun as well. Will play a few with him and then try someone else. Not sure if this idea of mine of playing heroes like 20 times before moving onto the next is a good idea or not. I feel only playing a hero once or twice wouldn't teach me much.


                                                                @ Grimorum.
                                                                yeah seen Your clips, mighty fine voker :)
                                                                After Yuels, Aghs, Phase. blink/force. there really isnt much you need so i get refresher.
                                                                so yeah didnt really think about that, but i've done about 15 ish in 20 seconds.

                                                                vapour trail

                                                                  SF definitely. Like invoker, he's one of those heroes that can never get boring no matter how many times you play him


                                                                    sf definitely and potm too!
                                                                    baiting people into going you and being able to use triple raze + ulti = priceless combo!
                                                                    though people lately just run from me the who game and only dare to face me from for at least being 3v1 and usualyl 4v1...

                                                                    and potm arrows with no vision at all priceless too!
                                                                    sending arrow just at de 2 min marks at runes without vision and woods at random or locations where u might get ganked just epic... never grow tired of it!

                                                                    Arthas 2

                                                                      im so disappointed.... i read through all the posts.. and no1 likes pudge or windrunnner..


                                                                      anyways, PUDGE --best Male Hero , unless hes a enuch
                                                                      WINDRUNNER -- best female hero(ine), and also the most attractive.


                                                                        pudge is garbage hero

                                                                        Arthas 2

                                                                          garbage heroes are drow and pl... pudge needs skill to play..only garbage if you cant play.


                                                                            pudge is a garbage hero, any player with little brain can own him with any other solo mid hero


                                                                              can't remmember when last time i saw pudge in a winning team

                                                                              oh wait hes not a garbage hero hes presense in teamfights is sensational and his laning is so amazing

                                                                              Arthas 2

                                                                                lmao... id really love to see ur main account link.. post that comment form ur main account, and i mgiht agree...


                                                                                  So you say Dendis pudger is garbage and it didn't own many pro teams?


                                                                                    only way he own them because they didin't knew how to play against it back then just like slark completely dominated in international qualifiers and now hes barely picked at all

                                                                                    i would love to see for example alliance or mouz playing vs navi with pudge nowadays

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      shitty broodmother

                                                                                      Arthas 2

                                                                                        @ Vaikiss... dude, not every1 plays pudge like you... in a proper pudge game, pudge owns the game.

                                                                                        bum farto

                                                                                          Actually I think if people pull their heads out of their butts they might remember that the original post was about who your favorite hero to play was. Not the easiest to stomp or the one with the greater game presence.

                                                                                          @FPZ so what you are saying shitty broodmother is your favorite hero?

                                                                                          Keep on topic people its a forum not an e-pillowfight.

                                                                                          Arthas 2

                                                                                            i was keeeping mine straight.. till a guy disgraced my fav hero=)

                                                                                            Arthas 2

                                                                                              and btw, their heads are in my butt o.O

                                                                                              Requesting you guys to pull it out XD


                                                                                                57% of most picked hero


                                                                                                  The huge problem with pudge is he can't lane for shit, seriously. like he's amazing in Low MMR matches, but in anything higher. put him mid and he hugs his tower all game hoping for a regen rune.
                                                                                                  With any form of warding he will be lvl 6 by 12+mins and not a threat all game.

                                                                                                  Arthas 2

                                                                                                    @ valikiss, my account is no a smurf... first 100-150 games were hell cause of the shift from dota 1 to dota 2, and i play with my noob irl frnds.. not a party of proper players...

                                                                                                    and i do nto regard whatever smurfs say lol..

                                                                                                    and, i consider a person with 26% winr ate of pudge, an utter noob

                                                                                                    Arthas 2

                                                                                                      @valikiss, i just realised, that you make smurf account and go around alll the threads here and brag your e-peen.
                                                                                                      Also just realised that you just shamefuly lost to a guy in a 1 v1 fight. cant believe your still bragging around after that loss..


                                                                                                        nowadays 1300+ games = smurf

                                                                                                        u heard it here first folks

                                                                                                        u know whats the difference between me and u ? i play vs ppls who can play this game and u play together with bronze scums so even if u pick pudge u still can win with it