General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker needs to be reworked completely, just like Techies #2

Tinker needs to be reworked completely, just like Techies #2 in General Discussion

    Not entirely sure why has previous thread been closed. Maybe threads get closed simply to avoid necroing, but I can't be bothered to check.

    It's been quite a while since the patch and Tinker is still broken, topping 55% winrate at a high rank (Along with a significant pickrate of 9.8%!). What are your ideas to rework this awful hero, to prevent him from playing the game with "Free Spells" option ticked on, but somehow keep the complaints of Tinker tryhards to minimum? The last bit is actually important, all jokes aside, what last thread has taught me is that a lot of players actual enjoy his rigid playstyle, which, I guess, is up to one's taste and we should all respect it. Regardless of that, however, I still believe balance changes are way overdue and reasons for why it's necessary to rework (and not just nerf) the hero have been brought up in the previous thread.

    Please don't come in with suggestions on how to counter Tinker, this is neither a thread for that nor am I interested in hearing it. Instead post suggestions that you believe could serve as a nice rework for the hero.


      Shouldnt be reworked no real reason to.


        Remove the defense matrix OR remove the damage block from that dumbass spell. [ (Damage block + status resistance + CDR) buff that can be casted without downtime is utter bullshit]
        If laser is going to do hp manipulation and hit multi target, make the damage magical instead of pure.


          The hero has already been re-worked and is actually worse than the old march of machines styled tinker. Unless you've got thousands of games on it, especially higher mmr brackets it's easy to win against it.


            oh yes, Gorgc, Qojva, topson are still low mmr I guess, cause more often than not I see tinker players destroying their games.

            Hexy Rose~

              @goku no wonder you watch that loser gorgc probably the reason why you're stuck in legend baby


                I wouldn't say removing a single spell could be considered a rework if it didn't affect the fundamental concept of the hero at all. Furthermore, march of machines was added as a shard for a little while, but it was actually so redundant that people didn't even bother buying it, since it's simply not necessary anymore.

                I also don't think you could argue against hero being broken right now, as he's literally topping the stat charts with 56% winrate (that's top 2 winrate of the game after Lycan, another broken hero), top 2 in damage, top 3 in kills and so on.. Only thing you could say is that maybe you think nerf would be enough rather than a full-on rework, but in that case I'm also curious to hear what do you think shall be a substantial nerf to a hero that lives off of infinite itemspam.


                  @hexy, that insult would've worked if you weren't a crusader.
                  Sorry but, I really can't take a crusader seriously. LUL


                    Tinker is a type of hero for those who enjoy pressing buttons in a closed sequence and fast-fingering to outplay/dodge/own the enemies. Reworking him requires features to fulfill this OCD-like playstyle, which is hard to pull off.
                    FYI, Tinker's Aghs laser was nerfed to have 2x shorter cast range and %hp reduction. His ult also takes 2x longer to channel.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      bro u literally play the most boring dogshit heroes with autotracking single target abilities also u have 300 games on kunkka and somehow struggle vs tinker? xD

                      Hexy Rose~

                        @goku if I had played much games as you, I'd be at least divine. be sure about it


                          @hexy well at 1k ranked games I was already at 2.5k mmr, you are not even 2k. So, that's a very big "IF".
                          Keep Coping though, it's always hilarious to watch low mmr trash cans making reasons for them being low mmr. XD

                          Hexy Rose~

                            @goku u play in SEA dude, that 2K mmr in sea was probably 900 mmr in europe and your current rank (legend in sea) is equal to Crusader in europe. if you'd like to ply lan, we can have a party. cause we actually have the same skills! you ply good sup and I ply good carry we can build a great squad


                              It's really hard for me to figure how is me playing kunkka in 2016 related to Tinker rework now. Please either use your brain for a second or just don't bother posting here.