General Discussion

General DiscussionSelling Immortal hidden MMR account

Selling Immortal hidden MMR account in General Discussion

    There is no smurf pool queue times are 2-5 min and most players have high level accounts. From previous accounts I made I am almost positive your first ranked game once you finish 100 hours will be at rank 4900 (6.2k) or at worst unranked Immortal (5650+) Behavior score is 9900.

    Play remaining 85 hours and you will get Immortal rank, divine at worst if you lose most games.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      what a garbage scam

      Noobs are obviously going to have poor stats for the remaining 150+ games and calibrate in bottom ranks.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Turbo has 0 effect on hidden MMR.


          @fibi if u create new account what should i choose? i am a beginner or ive played dota 2 before? and same email or new?


            how much if i buy that 20games account?


              I cant tell you my secrets because valve will fix but you need to delete certain files that remember your old MMR because it will tag you as smurf (long q time, toxic players etc) and it will give you same MMR you had before. After deleting these files I press "I played a similar game to Dota 2" and then you must have high win rate and high impact in first 15 games and you can get 6.2k average on first ranked game.


                I sell this one for 27 euro. 100% Divine-Immortal when you calibrate.


                  27 euro for what? For this price u can buy calibrated 6k account on funpay, and buy account like urs for 3-5$ xD Also IT WILL BE in smurf pool anyway until u get 700 matches +-


                    If u willing to negotiate you always start the price high :). Also please show me where I can buy calibrated 6k account for 27 euro because I would love to buy it so I can sell it for more the double then that. Every 6k account I sold or saw on G2G went for 60+ euro.



                      Mirai `

                        what is your secret sir, for the love of god so i won't get banned. i doubt they will fix that anyways ))


                          same, whats the secret

                          Tapped for posterity <3

                            Good try bro. Last game was on legend mmr


                              let me join unranked game


                                banned soon anyways


                                  the secret is git gud