General Discussion

General DiscussionIs phoenix good?

Is phoenix good? in General Discussion
Tired of Winstreak

    I don't really know this hero but somehow my wr is pretty good. Is this just a coincidence?

    And when we suppose to pick phoenix?


      If you have good winrate it doesnt really matter if the hero is actually good. At the very least the hero is good for you or you've found some style that works that others dont know about. Who cares if it works for others.

      Solo Leveling

        Phoenix is a super good hero. Has a relatively higher skillcap (lots of abilities and positioning to learn using his ult) He is usually played as a 3 or 4 however he isnt as popular right now because 3 position is ideally tankier and has stuns.

        Since you are archon I would recommend trying both 3 and 4 phoenix. Hero can pump out damage and has a pretty game winning ultimate (even able to save your carry with an aghs)

        Phoenix is especially good against right clicking heros because his Fire Spirits slow attack rate by a huge amount.

        General strat: Fire Spirit heroes. Use Icarus Dive to Position somewhere so that people cant hit your ult. Use Egg. Use all your spells again when out of egg.