General Discussion

General DiscussionThe ranking up phenomena!

The ranking up phenomena! in General Discussion

    Anyone else wonder why you lose when you are close to a medal rankup? It's a pattern I have.. This time we had a bat picker and I blamed him hard afterwards but after looking at his profile it seems we won a lot of games with bat rider ranked...

    Has anyone reflected as to why I/you tend to lose medal-matches when you've won 5 in a row to get there?

    another day in paradise

      Its because you are scared you will lose so you play worse and tilt more when everything doesnt go perfect

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        It's because I'm to old to rank up! I was way better when I was young and BOLD!


          I did it again! My team had a emberspirit safelane and i tilted.. Lost the game and so on..

          I think there is something to ranking up that I dont understand!


            its kinda typical algorithym 50% wr algorythm if ur not super good u are not able to break it


              The match making algo is very fond of the 50% winrate... So if you have a win streak and keep on winning, the match making will keep on finding you shittier and shittier games and eventually you will lose. No matter who you are. And you need to go on those long win streaks to actually rank up... And thus, the algo will punish you hard since you are winning and winning. My usual pattern has been that I go on this win streak and say win like 8 games in a row and eventually rank up, get a new shining star on that medal of mine and then ALGO hits... And I go 1-10 in the next 11 games and I'm right back where I started from. It can be annoying as heck as you can see and feel the change in the games... On that 8 game win streak, I can see that the people on my team generally know what they are doing and know that this is Dota and they know how the game works in general and after that medal upgrade, well, I get team mates that are playing tetris, the most usual thing is the safelane core player that is not using mouse to play the game... Just completely useless and couldn't hit the side of a barn with a shotgun while standing in it... And the mid players that focus on "blame game" more than on the actual game. It almost feels like you lose about 3k behavior score when you rank up and get teamed up with the worst scum the game has to offer. Maybe not the "run down mid and feed" types, but not far from it.

              The algo should be targeted on maybe 50.5% and not 50%... So you would actually gain a little over time.


                Ok! Thats curious?!... When I had a girlfriend my mmr spiked 1100 points.. I was unbeatable and I just kept gaining mmr..
                I've been thinking about circumstance a lot and this experience of mine.. Dota is not a place where everybody is happy and try there best and are psychologically balanced.. Quite the opposite, people make shitty decisions all the time and Dota is a very punishing game to play if you are feeling right..

                What made me increase so much in mmr was that my psychological wellbeing was maxed out, i didnt have any fear of losing and I felt like i could give my all. This can be sensed by the people you play with and you can sense them.

                It's very important to be psychologically motivated to win otherwise you'll end up with a block like me.. I've had a rough time since my girlfiend left and I've had 4300 mmr and dropped to 2300 mmr.. I used to be at 3200!

                In general my life was fantastic at that time due to other reasons but now.. Dota is just a game, if i feel like playing competative i do and if i feel like playing normal i do.. There isnt much concern about reaching the pintacle of skill! I've been good but I dont seem to want it or be able to achieve the same sense of passion for the game anymore!

                Slim Shady

                  ^ cock


                    We didnt have sex?

                    I lost everything in the fire..

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    Give me Carrot

                      Can I please know what character is your profile so I can look it up at r34?

                      exit code 0
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                        exit code 0
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                          exit code 0
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                              It's Sendo from Hajime no Ippo! Great manga!

                              Give me Carrot

                                Thanks, I liked the Little Mac r34 reference.

                                Johnny B. Goode

                                  It's just standard deviation.
                                  For your rank to change, your skill needs to change. You might sometimes get close to up-/downranking or even win/lose a medal just by chance.
                                  But if we're talking about considerable rank changes, they only come after considerable skill changes.

                                  Give me Carrot

                                    Nah, this game is filled with fucktards and clowns. Valve doesn't care. They have a Valve employee on their steam forum but nothing is changed in the stupid game. Because the Russians asked Valve to stop "Russian Racism" in their steam discussion. Valve doesn't care and only wants your money so they will force you to play with p2w morons who feeds and complains. Let's hope they all lose an arm.