General Discussion

General DiscussionHow common is it to fall 2000-3000 mmr over time?

How common is it to fall 2000-3000 mmr over time? in General Discussion

    I always hear about players being 5.6k or 6k 2-3 years ago and I always look these players up and they are usually from Legend to Ancient now. Can someone really lose that much grasp on the game and settle that low?

    Take this game for example..


    This is a game from 2019 (no I'm not in it).
    But I find it very interesting that the rank these players have now are this sporadic. I know each player can have vastly different situations and various sort of "breaks" in playing. But how much of that actually remains and how much is really lost? Or do these players just get to high mmr spamming heroes or getting lucky?

    I just find it hard to believe that some of these people that come back and are 2-3k mmr used to be 5.6k or so when imo, the game in certain areas was a lot harder. I feel you would have to take well over a 5 year break in order to lose the grasp of the game this badly.

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      No you are wrong in everything. Most people just quit grinding mmr because it takes much effort, time and commitment. They used to analize their mistakes, pick accordingly, have better reactions due to no lifing every day in dota. Now they have life and just play for fun, no tryharding anymore. Most of my friends are like this nowadays. Does someone pay you to be divine + ? It takes much less effort to achieve success at anything irl other than dota. This game is just not worth the effort cos it takes everything and gives nothing in return. You gotta be on some different planet in 2021 to find that kind of issue ununderstable. They dont care about mmr anymore but about their families, companies, workouts and all other real life stuff. No one wants to be a nerd. And when you stop tryharding you drop easily.

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        @Lex has a point, being high MMR takes a lot of time out of your life. You need to sacrifice a lot to be a high ranking Dota player, and after while for some people they lose interest. They stop improving and people get better. Just look at Dendi for example, he used to be one of the best mid laners for years....

        Nowadays Dendi can't even get rank 500 on EU


          Everything is possible in Dota world :lick:


            @Lex Though this can be the case, this can't be the case for everyone and I find it hard to believe this would be the case for most.

            More of the less the overall arch of the game has been steady the past handful of patches with small changes. Those small changes could have been not taken into account which can make people lose mmr. But I feel the understanding of map awareness, not over committing, and game upkeep is still whats set people apart from say Archon to Divine. I find it hard to believe to lose that much mmr if you still understand the over arching strategy behind the game. You will definitely go down in mmr if you're not used to new patch items, spells, and hero changes. But I don't think they will make you lose 2-3k mmr if you were once high mmr.

            @Road to 2k mmr
            Dendi is an odd case too though. The difference between being a Pro player and streamer is a big difference but he was also losing games even when he was still a pro player after Ti3. This could of been more to do with his inability to adapt with the changes of Dota 2 rather than just stop improving.


              I peaked at 5500. I dropped down to 3000 because other priorities. I came back home everyday after my job, workout session and daily chores. Sat down in front of a PC, played like shit and lost two games. Over the period of a few years, I dropped around 2500 MMR.

              Then Covid happened, and I started grindig again. Now I am back to 5100, but my life is falling apart. I neglect the gym, my job and everything.

              The grind is not worth it.

              Slim Shady

                Tbh i think dota is most fun at low mmr, because you can just play the game without having the pressure of needing to gain mmr. You can play with idiots that build mask of madness on AM and its beautiful. The other day i had a game in gaurdian where the void on the enemy team build tranquil boots and went support void.
                Highest rank i reached was legend, but i got there spamming 1 hero, so i only know how to properly play 1 hero, and that made dota super boring for me. I dropped down because i started playing other hero's too, but now if i play that 1 hero in gaurdian rank it just feels like smurfing, yesterday i was playing him again, went on a 5 win streak but met a very nasty smurf meepo that even got a double rampage in gaurdian lmao

                It feels good to be back, but dont take this game too srsly, mmr is just a number and it does not equate to having fun in dota.


                  @Slim Shady

                  You can play Dota without pressure even on higher MMR. Yatoro could cruise and have fun in 6k.


                    @Viktor;dNs; Kind of weird to say that though because the reason he is high mmr is because he cares about the small things that happen in dota. He wouldn't have fun in 6k because he would instead be tilted by the mistakes of someone not using their spells lol.



                      The guy above me said that he thinks "dota is most fun at low mmr, because you can just play the game without having the pressure of needing to gain mmr"

                      I replied in that context. All I tried to say that, being high MMR doesn't neccecarily mean that you will be pressured to get even higher.

                      Whatever the MMR, if you are chill, you can have fun.

                      I know I'm not having fun because I'm not chill.

                      Maybe Yatoro was a bad example because we don't know him. He could be chill, he could be a rager.


                        I dunno what OP is trying to prove here ? That many people are buying accounts or get boosted ?

                        If you quit trying and have huge breaks you will drop at least 1.5 k unless you are talented player. Mostly people grinded just by hard work on their mistakes. When you quit nerding you lose the momentum that kept you winning games on that particular level you were playing.

                        Also you can always grind again and regain mmr lost but what for tell me ? What point are you trying to make here ? People dont care about this video game anymore that much and you seem to have some kind of a problem with it.


                          In order to lose huge chunks of MMR e.g. drop from 6k to 4k, you really have to take a long break i.e. a year or so.

                          The toughest part is to improve and reach the next level which of course requires substantial time investment. However, once you have achieved a certain level of gameplay you may casually play and maintain 50% winrate in your bracket without putting much effort.

                          I have an everyday job which is time consuming and I also enjoy tryharding in the mid 6k bracket during my spare time (mostly weekends) without falling behind in real life stuff. Even though I understand it is a subjective matter, i feel that you overdramatize that part a bit.


                            One reason could be he passed the account to someone else. However, the game has been evolving over the years not just the patches themselves, but the kind of plays one would expect. It could be possible they could not keep up with the pace of the game in high mmr, and thus drop to lower ranks where players are already getting better.


                              @Lex Not trying to prove anything only understand. You have agreed to accept life priorities is the end all be all for this phenomenon. Though I agree it happens sometimes, I don't think it happens all the time or most of the time. I also stated earlier that I can see this happening taking huge breaks like 2 years +. But then it raises the questions "How many people take short breaks compared to long breaks" or "Does the game really change that much in the course of a year to say a break will do this"?

                              I don't have a problem with people losing their touch with the game and losing mmr. But if this is actually true then maybe valve should be doing something more about it? Is it true that mmr decay needs to be more potent? Should the mmr be more nuanced than just win vs loss? Should these things really be looked at if mmr and people in their bracket can play so poorly purely based on "priorities".

                              The reason I asked the question because I've taken long breaks myself. I've been playing for about 10 years on this game and I took 1 1 year break and 1 3 year break. But for me I've never lost so much mmr from being completely rusty. For my 3k year break I was around 4k mmr and when I came back I dropped to 3k but quickly got back to 4k. This is a normal rubber band effect for me. But I can't see an immortal taking a 3 year break, coming back, and calibrate at archon. This is just a little too farfetched for me

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                They already came to the solution. If you have a long break, you need to recalibrate.

                                asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...


                                  asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...


                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                      Combination of rank inflation and no longer having the time to grind the game, I stopped playing super regularly and lost about 1.5k mmr, even if I have regained some of it now.


                                        Lex the I am totally not a loser irl btw, and Parmaviolets the I only play ranked with smurfs in party but take credit for my MMR im totally not 2k max without someone going 30 2 on mid for me.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                          Lex the I am totally not a loser irl btw, and Parmaviolets the I only play ranked with smurfs in party but take credit for my MMR im totally not 2k max without someone going 30 2 on mid for me.

                                          Who fucking asked?
                                          I have a similar winrate in party and solo ranked and I dont even play ranked nowadays unless people invite me too it, correlation not causation. 2k is like what? Crusader? Not even a relevant mmr.


                                            Before ppl invite u they gotta be mid players and on a smurf ofc


                                     avg parmaviolets party inviter lol

                                              asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...

                                                xd subhuman bots 4k 5k apes stop commenting u are bots go play supermario

                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                  Before ppl invite u they gotta be mid players and on a smurf ofc

                                                  I guess that says a lot about the state of ranked matchmaking when most people who fucking do it are smurfs then, does not really change the fact I have a similar winrate regardless of if I am in a party or not does it now?

                                                  xd subhuman bots 4k 5k apes stop commenting u are bots go play supermario

                                                  Its a number in a video game big man

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    i wouldn't insult bot designers with calling 4k 5ks bots bro

                                                    asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                                                        If I start playing this shit game again I'd probably drop to 3k


                                                          *climb to


                                                            Yea happened to me. I peaked at 6.2k and stayed around that range in 2018-2019. Took several breaks(usually 6 months to a year) but just got back at it again and now I'm back to 4k and playing a different position(mid) compared to what I did before which was carry/offlane. Dota is definitely different compared to back then with the addition of jungle items and new heroes, so takes time to get used to it again.


                                                              I hit 5.5 K mmr around the first of August. After the game took so much time from my life and starting to drop i stopped playing. I came back after a few months andi continued dropping until I almost lost 1K mmr. Stopping even for a couple of months reduces ur reflexes and ur general gameplay by a huge margin.