You're a former 3k and now you're a crusader. You have over 3k matches and used to getting coached by 5-6k player on regular. So, no, you no need to surprise us.
Unless you asked for 10k player to coach you, i'd say no, you no need coach, cuz they will tell you same shit over and over and you will do your own thing over and over again.
- Just think bigger, stop auto piloting your storm build. Same build may wins you games, may even got you to over 50% wr, but as soon as you gained, you'll lose it soon, cuz you learn nothing.
- Try to play solo que more, with PMA, obviously.
- Ask your animals teammate to use smoke gank to kill enemy important heroes, not for a wd/cm/disrup/aa killing.
- Basically avoid killing single support when executing team smoke, even if they showed up on mini map. (in your bracket, usually their core can be found at nearby camp. Press scan button if you don't believe me).
- Your storm kills a lot, dies a lot. That tells me. Unless it's an objective winning kills, don't trade your life, you'd better piss off and hit nearby camp.
- BKB exist and it's not a bad item for certain situation.
- Play more games.
- It's 2021, any other dota 2's tips & tricks for efficiency could be found easily and free from youtube.
TL:DR Download your replay, analize what was wrong and make it better next time. Your former 3k MMR, 3k matches exp and had coached by 5-6k player on regular should be enough to tells you what was the wrong thing you did.
If you coming here to seeks for 9-11k mmr paid coach, you coming to the wrong place.
Tell me about ur game plan on pos 3. pick your best champ
For example:
laning phase (win/even/lose)
what to do if you win, what to do if lane goes even, what to do if you lose
Mid game:
how to create pressure(not feed), how to farm(not taking everything, try steal enemy's jungle), how to split
late game:
How your champ can impact the late game, who to aim or who to peel
Lütfen yorum yapmak için giriş yapınız
Im a former 3k scrub who stopped playing for a bit. Ive been playing with 5-6k people on the regular so Im used to getting coached and I have 4k hours in the game so Im not a newbie.
Ive played mostly pos 1 and 4, but with release of marci I would love to focus on playing 3/4 mainly. I can play very well with a full team so I mainly need coaching for pubs.
I speak English/Finnish and can play late afternoon / early evening most days.
If my profile doesnt convince you that Im worth your help, atleast play a few games with me and Im sure you'll be pleasently surprise.