General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I spam 3 heroes or not?

Should I spam 3 heroes or not? in General Discussion

    Hello everyone!
    I'm asking for some advice from you guys as the title say...
    I'm a very versatile player and I'm confused if i should spam 3-5 heroes or not, I have almost 7k hours in Dota and I play for fun but I also like to climb sometimes, like now, soo I like almost every role and I can play a lot of heroes but about climbing is still better if I spam some core heroes or not?
    Tell me what you think guys if you want!

    Аня Тейлор-Джой

      Spam 3 heroes and go mid it is faster to gain mmr that way i have 1,786 hours in dota and now archon 5 by playing mid.

      If you like playing as support you need to be really really good to gain mmr.


        Go for it reminds me of the days i started dota spamming sven , ursa and kunkka


          thats the key to getting mmr/becoming better. focus on 3 heroes and when you get bored just pick another hero. though do it on the role you feel comfortable with.


            No. Spam one hero. If he gets banned, abaddon the game.
            If you spam one hero, you will know that hero inside out and then will learn how to deal with counters.

            you can change that hero after few thousand games.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            H3AD-5T v2

              For gaining MMR, absolutely. I just reached my desired rank by basically playing 3 heroes.


                Also same role?


                  u just pick ww if u couldnt even manage to have the same winrate as global winrate after 10 games u give up on mmr and enjoy grinding sth else

                  Something to say

                    You can certainly spam 3 heroes to climb. In fact on a different account I spammed just 1 hero to climb from 3.2 to 3.9k (Kotl back when mana leak was a thing and a few games here and there of chen). Find a hero you feel good playing and spam it to learn all sorts of matchups. Soon the mechanics will become like second nature and you will focus more on the other game aspects (which will actually be what helps you gain mmr). Autopilot, same skill/item build every game, not paying attention to minimap and enemy + allied heroes item timings and powerspikes are some things you will start doing less when you learn to master a hero and start focusing on the game and asking yourself questions.

                    (Bot) Beerus

                      If you want to increase your imaginary internet penis, sure. But doda will be a game where you only play those 3 heroes, because every time you play another hero, you will suck and feed and lose.

                      100% la creatura

                        yes same hero + meta + same role