General Discussion

General DiscussionKaya and Sange on Dark Seer

Kaya and Sange on Dark Seer in General Discussion

    So I really enjoy playing dark seer personally around the legend I bracket, but the one thing that annoys me is his regen, both mana and HP. There arent a lot of great regen items for darkseer besides lotus orb / sheep stick. Then I wondered why no one buys Kaya and Sange on the hero. Doesnt it just give you everything you want? You can tank a lot better for your team and you dont have to worry about your mana pool. Get it between aghs and greaves (or even after greaves) and you can just spam ion shell on creep waves without a problem.

    Would love to hear your thoughts :)


      i play around the dame level like you, i would say k&s ist good for DS, sure. But Lotus/sheep helps your team more.
      And as you play ds as 3 i think the items who help your core are better then the ones that only help you.

      But as i said, perhaps a bluestar knows more...


        4k gold for little strength and little mana efficiency over greaves/lotus/blink/pipe/crimson/hex/(any item that enables your team) on a hero that can't do anything by himself after using wall and vacuum. In fights only stuff seer does is keep enabling the 2 other cores and being a general pain in the ass.
        After arcane and lotus, you barely face any mana issues on that hero, if you need kaya for mana management, you are definitely not playing the hero right.

        At around 18 mins, instead of a seer with arcane+kaya sange, a seer with greaves has way more impact.
        At around 25 mins, Greaves+agha/lotus/crimson/pipe is way more impact than a seer with Greaves+kaya sange.
        and it goes on.
        simply speaking there's way better way to spend 4k gold on seer instead of kaya sange.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          K&S on centuar is very dope as well


            idk anything abt darkseer but kaya&sange is a p broken item rn