General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW TO WIN AS SUPPORT

HOW TO WIN AS SUPPORT in General Discussion



      Get gud

      ЭЩ ЭЩ ЭЩ

        u should do ur best in every game. also u must play on sups which are in meta( such as nix, dw, etc). U can watch some guides on youtube how to play as a sup better( sry for my english >_<)

        Dirty FeeDeR

          buy items that helps your carry getting kill(example:solarcrest helps carries like void and slark),practise defensive and offensive warding , don't be greedy cause most supports can be useful whole the game without special items,make plays ,buy smoke and force your offlane and other support to gank enemy carry(even if you fail ,you'll strike fear in the heart of their carry),learn when to pull ,learn creep agro when your carry doesn't do it.learn harassing in the lane ,don't be always a full mana hero.pick meta supports,don't insta pick channeling depended supports like witch doctor.

          there is a lot to learn about supports so basically get gud.

          Sir Johan

            1: Buy all the wards and the smokes, at low rank the shop is usually fully stacked with them

            2: Deward common enemy warding positions and place observers on uncommon ward positions that give good vision, just outside the sentry range of pillars is good

            3: Stack and pull camps, block the enemy camp with a sentry at min 0 so they can't pull

            4: Smoke with your team around min 20 so that you can take rosh after getting 1-2 pickoffs

            5: Buy the aghanim's shard at min 20, most supports have really strong shards that improve their spells or playstyle

            6: Pick heroes with healing, this is one of the easiest ways to have impact as a support, just heal your team in teamfights and fights become much easier. Buy guardian greaves and holy locket for maximum heal. Heroes like Winter Vyvern, Warlock, Dazzle, Treant Protector and Abaddon all have above 51% winrate in Ancient bracket.

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              Just b good


                Keep queuing until you get matched with decent cores. That’s the only way


                  that is not true, when I want to pos4, the pos5 has ALWAYS bought all the wards and put in useless places, I can't buy them anymore until 20min when he no longer spam it :(((

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    Glimmer / force / wards / heal and stay behind your cores.

                    The Names Naruto

                      You wouldn't really spam support to get high mmr. The support role is just to get you tokens so you can queue core the following game. At the end of the day, even if you're the absolute best support in the world with 12k mmr, and your pos 1 is playing like a herald 1 you will still lose. Understand this: ONLY CARRIES Can Carry. Supports are exactly that, SUPPORT. Things that a support does: Babysit Cores in lane, Smoke ganks (generally at least 1 core will be in the smoke gank, though sometimes its possible to smoke gank with 2 supports and still kill a core), Pulling Lane, Harassing the enemy, also getting items that will save your carry (glimmer, lotus, forcestaff).

                      While being a support puts you in a better position to win the game, its indirectly linked with winning the game. Ultimately the most important thing in the dota game is the carry's farm. Whichever carry farms the best will win 90% of the time. (Ofc some games the poorer carry wins too, which is why i said 90% of the time).

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Ah yes the pick Riki every game for 15 pages straight giving advice about supporting, I can't play support for shit so I won't give advice but I played with and against some god tier supports, players that know more then your tiny little Riki spamming brain can imagine.


                          @LEO, keep saying that to yourself xD

                          Meanwhile there are players who went all the way to 7k/8k just spamming supports.
                          I personally went from 2.4k to 4.1k just spamming support.

                          A good support knows how to exploit the strong points of their carry as well as the weak points of enemy team.
                          Granted it's easy to climb as core, cause you just have to outfarm the enemy cores.
                          As a support, you really have to learn the game, exploit the smallest opening and play without fucking up to win, which means you learn how to manage resources, itemize according to game, read the flow of the game.

                          Your comment retty much explains, why the Ancient + brackets have shitty players. Most are like you, just spamming cores to reach that mmr, braindead farmville players. Once you reach a certain skill bracket, "just farm and win" no longer works.


                            just farm and win works til rank 1


                              Tell that to those void player who refuse to use chrono till 20 mins cause they want to farm that 1 item. Just jungling whole game, without looking at map or anywhere completely disregarding the fact that he has a lineup that can dominate the game with just his chrono(ex. snapfire). XD

                              "Just farm and win", let me correct that, "Just farm without thinking and hope for win"
                              Ex. Farming for 23 mins, and rushing a mkb against a disabler lineup with no evasion.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              casual gamer

                                Recognize when to go force/glimmer versus when you can afford to go other stuff like lens rush or crest or whatever

                                lots of time I see ppl go lens -> glimmer and die several times before they finish glimmer wheras if they rushed glimmer or force they’d be further ahead on xp and still finish lens at a good time

                                my advice is to just pick ss and wl, wl is very strong in teamfights especially with shard, ss has enough stun to counter elusive heroes that are often uncatchable like weaver/slark

                                as 4 I always pick luna because she has a strong lane presence and dominates teamfights, plus when you hit 6 you have huge solo kill potential on almost anyone

                                retards will say u cant carry as support but thats some outdated shit. supports get so much aoe gold and scale really well now, plus they are free to buy survival items like invis and force instead of stat items

                                The Names Naruto


                                  Good job humiliating yourself. This is my smurf account's dotabuff LMFAO and its higher mmr than your main account. Also Im ranked 200th riki in the world on this smurf account. Goodluck rotting in the trenches if you refuse to listen to Blue Stars LMFAO.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  The Names Naruto

                                    @AD.GokU™ |

                                    My main is 8k btw, i know how to support better with my eyes closed than you will ever do. Also my main is 8k while my smurf is 5k, while you're rotting in the trenches. My smurf is higher mmr than your main. Go figure. Can't take advice from som1 with a higher mmr, tells me you are incapable of adapting to advice or reason. As I said this is a carry patch, you don't spam support to climb mmr. Also you're an anshit player who has Below 50% winrate and is on his way to crusader or whatever the shitty rank below ancient is. Anybody who cannot get above 50% winrate in this patch is honestly scum of the earth.

                                    Literally this patch is all about spamming broken cores LMFAO. Also instead of crying about how people spam shitty cores to get to high mmr, how about you try doing it. Youre literally below 50% winrate - you're like bottom of the bareell player possibly even a bought account. Also my last game on riki was 6 months ago thats nearly a year ago. So please open your tiny asian eyes and read statistics properely.

                                    Riki was the most broken carry (in meta) and I spammed it, because icefrog made him the mmr hero - nothing dishonourable about spamming meta heroes actually. Badman got top 1 mmr in the world spamming specter, and Funkafel got rank 1 mmr spamming Tinker, I dare you to tell these guys spamming heroes is bad LMFAO. Youre clueless, divine 1 is literally one of the easiest medals to get in the game. The fact you can't even get a crappy blue star is proof youre as mediocre as you sound.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Wow BLUE STAR mr 4700 mmr smurf acc with more 1200 Riki games, 8k player full page lose streak in divine 2 games.


                                        It takes me max 20-30 games to get Immortal after opening ranked calibration, and 50 more to get 6k and above, rape child claims 8k while stuck in divine for 3000 games.


                                          Someone is triggered. Does truth hurt, to the point where you start making up lies?
                                          Funnily enough, every ancient to divine player I meet in my games is "Playing on their smurf and their main account is at 8k mmr" you seem to be one of those LUL

                                          I'll just say it again, you can climb mmr on any role, if you know how to play that role.
                                          Spamming cores is just a easier way. Just cause it's easy, too many players who reach high mmr spamming broken cores, have no clue how to play the game at that mmr.
                                          Game goes a little bit south and they have no clue how to handle the game, same playstyle, same items every single game and playing on auto-pilot.

                                          It doesn't matter if you are a divine or a immortal, a shit advice is a shit advice. The fact that you got so triggered by it says a lot.

                                          Literally this patch is all about spamming broken cores LMFAO.

                                          oh, so I guess all the top players who said that this patch is for supports, are stupid, right?. Free gold on map, support stuff is cheap, free tp on death,etc. Almost the whole patch is catered for support. But please, go ahead, I want to hear your 8k insight. XD

                                          Also, I never made a comment about your riki, and honestly why should I care if you spam. I just said you give shit advice and you probably are one of those shit players at high mmr who have no clue how game works outside of "jungling 25 mins and hoping to win".

                                          Btw, I care about increasing my mmr so much that I haven't played ranked for last 6 something months. Somehow even though I'm so obsessed with this game, I only play like 1-2 games per day. It's not like I have a job and I just want to have fun playing unranked dota.

                                          Instead of mmr, I prefer to polish my skill while still having fun, something a mmr shagger is never gonna understand.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                          Crystal Meth & Crotch Rot
                                            Yorum silindi

                                              I'm hovering around 2k since forever..these are my pet peeves and things I try to avoid doing when I play support:-

                                              1. ranged supports who hit the ranged creep in every wave, getting it down to below half health saying they are doing it to help me so that i can kill it easier. 9 out of 10 times it then gets denied. Why do people insist on doing this?

                                              2. Blast an AOE skill to get the creep wave health down...leading to ez denies.

                                              3. Most supports at this level won't take your last hits during laning, but after 15 mins all bets are off...they will use their skills to take creep waves and jungle creeps.

                                              4. AFK jungling as a hard support enigma or NP while i get raped in lane. If u wanna afk jungle at least do it in the offlane where there is usually a tanky offlaner who can reasonably solo. Miranas, pudge, BH hard supports who can't wait to go off roaming....

                                              Crystal Meth & Crotch Rot

                                                Original poster is a smurf, so strongly suspect troll post.



                                                  The Names Naruto

                                                    @tears LMAO at 1k mmr crying because he can't get a blue star. Also its obvious I'm a smurf because the 1 hero i spam on this account has 60% winrate LMFAO. And I was picking it in the offlane when Offlane Riki isn't even a thing. Youre so bad, you should just uninstall the game, you will never be divine 1, so you might as well remove that word from your vocab. Your last game was 11 months ago and you abandoned it, so then again maybe you aleady took my advice and uninstall dota. Only reason I won't post on here with my main is because I'd have to expose match making data which I simply do not want to. MMR is actually correlated with your ability to learn which is tied with your IQ.

                                                    Actually I feel this isn't even an argument anymore, you're getting way too much from talking to me, and I'm getting nothing out of talking to you. I'll just let you rot in your trash, and maybe down the line. You know thats how life is, some people are destined for the moon and others for the ground.

                                                    Instead of looking at how many riki games I got I'd suggest looking at the last time I picked riki which was 2020, and now its mid 2021. I havent touched a game of riki in nearly half a year lmao. You own yourself so hard, by trying to use statistics that never favoured you to begin with.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                    Anal Enjoyer

                                                      @AD.GokU™ | yesterday I started a game with my friends and there was a hard sup lich who claimed to be smurf and to sum it up, he was so noob he was farming enemy jungle with lich as hard sup instead of joining fights. idk maybe he saw a replay or something and thought he can pretend he is one of them by doing exactly what they do xD
                                                      just like this guy who shouts to everyone that he is smurf and understands game better, denying those 2K loses

                                                      Anal Enjoyer

                                                        about being a good sup the most tips that comes to my minds by the mistakes that my sups made:
                                                        1. build team items, once I had a very bad game with WK against underlord and guess what my hard sup built after arcane boot? he built HOM!
                                                        2. ****if you can't harras enemy pls pls pls go pull. do not stay there like fkin monkeys while they are both having control on units and harrasing me.
                                                        3. stack camps. one big difference between my bracket and upper ones is that sups never stack camps in my bracket
                                                        4. try to watch an eye for ur core and see if he needs Salve or Clarity. this one really helps him though he may not say it in words


                                                          Bro u played 3500 matches on the acc its no longer a smurf xd that is like 2-3 years of grinding.


                                                            LEO is 100% wrong. You can carry easily as Winter Wyvern. Ww is one of few heroes that benefit from enemies being strong with the nature of his ultimate.


                                                              Communicate in a way that your team wont perceive it as you flaming them for making a bad play or not efficient.


                                                                Report, Communicate and Consult = Win as support


                                                                  Below ancient as a support u guys should focus more on how to fight properly and ur positioning when u fight. Also when to cast spells and when not to.

                                                                  Above ancient you have to start paying attention to smaller details:
                                                                  1.As a pos 4 u can help stack ancient around 3 min mark and help mid get 4min rune n gang midd.
                                                                  2.double pull creep for safelane, if u can't then just stack and pull. It will greatly disrupt lane equilibrium and cause unnecessary death on carry if u only pull 1 small camp.
                                                                  3.6min mark when siege creep is up, you should look for a gang at opponent safelane and get their t1 tower with the offlaner so that carry can farm safely there later on.At this point in time, mid will probably get their rune and look for ganks as well so it's good to remind carry.
                                                                  4. Understanding ur support play style and itemisation.E.g wyvern good at def Towers, shaman at pushing towers etc.
                                                         to use items properly to save carry and sacrificing yourself for the carry survival no matter how dumb he may be.
                                                                  6. Good tp awareness, placement of wards and smoke gangs.
                                                                  7.awareness of when to leave carry lane to help other lanes!
                                                                  8. Knowing the right person to follow to fight and create space not feed, if u die there must at least be an acceptable reason such as ur carry getting a kill or winning rs fight or tower.
                                                                  9.Be consistent!


                                                                    Honestly Medusa and Naga need to be nerfed as a Pos3 and pos4 player its useless to play after 30 mins lol 😂


                                                                      Try pos 4 nyx.
                                                                      The level 4 mana burn takes almost 55% of her mana if she has shield on at any stage of game.

                                                                      But then again I doubt anyone knows how to play technical heavy heroes like nyx below 4k.

                                                                      Bles Bridges

                                                                        Thanks for the advice guys. I’m a 2k supp pod 4/5 spammer. Been following so many videos and all of the tips above but really feeling helpless with a 50% win rate. I think a lot of supports feel the grief because I certainly LEARNED a lot but it does not reflect on MMR. Really open for any advice.


                                                                          the most important thing is actually knowing who the fuck u are supporting. and thats pretty much about it. thats dota 2 for a support. in 90% of your games there is a one guy who makes u win and u should realize who the fuck that guy is in the first 5 minutes.
                                                                          u might be pos 5, but u leave ur lane to offlane and support the guy who is not a fucking braindead abused russian animal. and trust me, it makes u win. cause that spoiled kid is never supposed to win sth.
                                                                          sometimes u support the midlaner
                                                                          sometimes u support the offlaner
                                                                          sometimes u support your self, u start jungling and making items
                                                                          but the most important one is knowing when u should support your braincells and pretending u are playing while not giving a damn shit