General Discussion

General DiscussionHow To Get Rid Of Smurfs

How To Get Rid Of Smurfs in General Discussion

    I may sound like a cry baby but yeah I know. I'm ok with losing, its part of the game but what Im not ok is we lose because of smurfs. Why don't they just play in their own level and leave us low level players rank up. I mean, we can't enjoy the game.


    A smurf morphling mid with a 1125 XPM on a guardian bracket. I find this unfair :-(

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      If you play ranked to climb MMR, smurfs are the best opponents you can ask for.
      Playing ranked while not wanting to play against strong players means you just want to get mmr without any efforts.
      Also, don't give the shit reason "I'm ok playing strong opponents, but I don't want to play against someone 3k mmr above me.".
      If you want to improve, watch the replays with those smurf. See how they play. Check their positioning/itemization/skill build. Understand the reason why they are better than you, and then try to learn those things. Smurf is just another person who is better at that game than you are.

      Apart from that, smurfs in unranked are just subhuman trash ruining game for casual new players and this case you just hope you don't get this piece of shits in game.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      Kabir singh's bo0ster

        Add a paywall to ranked nothing crazy but having to pay 10-15 euro to open ranked would fend off at least half russians and peruvians making smurfs to sell.. Make it so an email can be used to make only 1 acc, and a phone number has to be added to even play the game in unranked or ranked, this would be annoying enough. On top of that add some damn smurf detectives, multi million dollar company can afford someone to go through boosting websites, boosting streamers, suspicious accoutns and just start banning kids, add a bit of manual labour. With all that I think there would be much less smurfing.


          its always good to see we have a replace for parma's hypocrisy in this forum.
          the fucking animal selling/boosting accs on forum and now lecturing valve how to deal with smurfs =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


            Takes one to know one.
            Only a smurf/booster knows, what would piss of smurfs/boosters.

            Kabir singh's bo0ster

              Its not hypocrisy I don't think of smurfing as a bad thing at all, its literally the most fun way of playing this game, imagine grinding thousands of games on one account for some feeling of fake accomplishment, surrounded by people that insult you, ruin games, people u hate and make posts about how "subhuman" they are after they report you to low priority for 5th time this month, doesn't sound too fun.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                If you play ranked to climb MMR, smurfs are the best opponents you can ask for.
                Playing ranked while not wanting to play against strong players means you just want to get mmr without any efforts.

                Wtf did I just read.

                Now, how to get rid of smurfs? I dont know. Maybe Valve should increase the games/hourd allowed in order to play ranked. But still, a old account can still be boosted by smurf. Theres no answer to that. I hate smurf. Theyre like the bully in your elementary school who attack the weak coz they cant do shit vs their own size.

                The only thing we can do is bout smurf is;

                git gud


                  In order to get rid of SMURFS. You have to beat them first in your rank. After you have beaten them. You rank will grow fast because your skill is better than SMURFS. If SMURFS are Divine, your rank will became Immortal. I don't mind if top 10 Immortal rank Smurfs playing in my Divine rank. :lick:

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    fucking valve make mmr booster life easier with each update like +100 mmr per win if u are smurf and removing 3500 mmr cap and shit

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      Let Kabir boost your account from Guardian all the way to ancient in just 2 days :) for only low cost.


                        i see, u have difficulty in simple understandings aswell @kabir :))


                          @kabir: "imagine grinding thousands of games on one account for some feeling of fake accomplishment,"
                          Me: "cough" "cough"


                            everybody, literally everybody in < archon brackets : this shit is no fun, i wanna skip this shit rank

                            KaBiR tHe DoTa VeTeRaN: its so chill and fun to last pick ta and stomp archons. if u dont like it, just give $10 to valve instead of a condom to my father HiHiHiHiHi

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              wonder what happened to locking the phone numbers on ur acc

                              there still seems to be a ton of smurfs


                                As long as a (competitive) game is matchmaking and rating/ranking based on skill, there will be smurfs and boosters, there will be cheaters, there will be account buyers, etc.


                                  The smurf is thinking the same way as you in fact. The same reason why smurfs like to play in low brackets is cos it is more fun to be better than everyone else in the game. They are pathetic creatures, and the best way to counter them is to get your team to stick and catch him.

                                  defense of the herald

                                    dont get rid of them, join them.

                                    flourishing new leaf

                                      Fix the report and punishment system (VALVE) and you will naturally get rid of smurfs.