General Discussion

General DiscussionBuy quelling blade on TA bois

Buy quelling blade on TA bois in General Discussion
Kabir singh's bo0ster

    130 gold +6 damage, works on heroes when psi blading off creeps. U can last hit easier in early levels. U don't have to get 2 WB's just get blight stone and then u can kill ranged creep off 2 psi blades after level 5. On Radiant u can cut trees by Ancient camp and stack them up to 10 times instead of only 1-2 times as the spawn box is very short when pulling towards your base and very long to any other side. On Dire cut trees near ancient camp and u can stack hard camp and ancients without using traps, and on dire main jungle if u place 1 trap on medium camp, 1 trap on low ground hard camp, and cut trees towards the last medium camp u can stack the entire jungle in one go. Buy on TA its bery gud damage early, good for farming, and all this tree cutting stuff.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      whats wrong with 1 wb, qb is p good on the ranged heroes like dusa who cleave so that sounds fine

      Kabir singh's bo0ster



          u say dont buy 2 wb, but whats wrong with buying 1

          Kabir singh's bo0ster

            If u have 1 Wb and blight stone at level 5 u leave the ranged creep at low HP after 2 hits so it can be denied, while if u have 2 wb + blight it dies in 2 hits, same if u have 1 WB + qb + blight stone, so its just a little efficiency thing.


              i mean i was suggesting the latter thing, i see now what u mean

              lost from within

                Why do you bother telling legends this shit. They can't even press buttons properly


                  true bro

                  Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                    Personally, i prefer 2 circlets and one slipper into 1 wb and blightstone


                      isn't technically TA a melee hero? does she get the quelling blade bonus?

                      Kabir singh's bo0ster

                        ranged get 6 damage, melee get 13