General Discussion

General Discussionexpectations of carrys

expectations of carrys in General Discussion

    Hey Friends,
    i know im not good at this game. But why do people in my rank flame Carrys way more than supports or offlaner.
    I never get flamed as a support. But i get instantly flamed as a Carry, especially when playing complex heroes like morph.

    Should i just mute after first flame?
    What should i do if my lane and all other lanes are losing. Try to help defend or try to splitpush and cut lanes. Sometimes it feels either decision is wrong. But i dont wanna give up like my team.


      Mute 'em all


        Just mute. People on lower brackets tend to observe your mistakes instead of actualy playing the game themselves properly.

        They probably’ve been carried by a smurf from time to time and have high expectations now. :p

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          Just mute, no point arguing. 90% of players at our mmr want to be carries and think they are better at it. So they will vent their anger at perceived mistakes, whether justified or not. On the other hand, u can be a support and never get reported even if u play like dogshit. Ur carries will blame u sometimes but not like 4v1 if u are a carry. They usually go on the carry first.


            they think carry should be the best player in the game and when its underperforming or doing "weird" things people tend to go full retard and if they lose game especially if the carry is at fault they'll report him no matter the reasons. Also i had multiple games with my drow ranger when my support is leaving me alone or a time when they went a fckign 3 lane and i was vs windrunner and then after a failure they start coming to my lane like a fcking ants. People can't play certain roles and they tend to report someone because they don't perform on their expectation...


              Watch BSJ coaching on YouTube you will get the idea :)

              Willow's Alt Acc

                Crusader haha.
                Relax, crsuader bracket are innocent people.
                You will face true toxic people when u reach legend


                  why would anybody expect someone who picked last to do anything? just let me hit the creeps with my last pick am LOL

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                  Chilling And Winning

                    I mean why not just flame the carry and hide in the shadows xD. I've fucked up on offlane in many games and my teammates are just flaming each other to death meanwhile i'm having fun moving around being 0-10-0 xD. That aside i don't really care how good my carry plays. if he plays half decent i'm okay with it. But i hate it when my cores get tilted and start throwing the game. So i expect the cores to take the flame and keep trying their best after all supports can't do shit without the carry and shit and if the carry start saying shit like gg we lose and stuff like that. That breaks the game i think. When playing support pos 4/pos 5 from some point like +40Min you just have to trust your carries and do everything you can do. But if the carry starts saying shit well that obviously breaks everyone's spirit. Mentality is very important. If you want to learn carry mechanics, how to have 600 gpm and shit and win alone then watch bsj and stuff. But that won't stop the flaming obviously. Even if you improve 100% overnight you still will have a 70% winrate or something like that. So you still will have hard/unplayable match ups. That aside it's not like everyone in your team is a dota genius. Even if you had RTZ playing in legend bracket he would most likely get flamed every now and then because he's too good for legends to understand his movements and decision making so at the end of the day trust your own judgement and decision making if you give up to a legend flaming you then you will stay a legend as simple as that. Learn the mechanics and implement them and ignore others.


                      Probably just mute but at some point you have to ask yourself if the flaming is justified. Perhaps you truly aren't ready to play those complex heroes in ranked and other people don't want to spend mmr helping you learn.