General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Assert Dominance and Destroy Enemy Confidence

How to Assert Dominance and Destroy Enemy Confidence in General Discussion

    At the start of the match predict that you will win and 1 second after that say this in all chat "has a streak of 13 successfully predicted wins." You can change the number as you like but don't make it too low or too high, keep it medium, the best is 13 I'd suggest.

    Surprisingly, 90%-95% of the times people will believe it, because I guess, they didn't really know the difference.

    Kabir singh's bo0ster

      or just play the game


        Don't think people ever fall for this or at least not for more than a few seconds someone on the team always points out the truth.

        Now when I pick lvl 25 Arc Warden and announce I'm an immortal player on my Arc Warden exclusive alt acc that tends to trick a noob or two.


          Based on my last 7 games experience, most people believe it. And there is this dude cheering me for the win streaks when we won.

          Pernod Cola

            Yeah and most of the times they hunt u on the map for that and kill you and you wont have a game. At least thats what i do to the high streak ones

            Kabir singh's bo0ster

              Idk I had a smurf with 75% win rate and I mostly played TA, every game I'd play vs counter mid with 2 supports running at me min 0, attention is not a good thing in my opinion, I'd rather have people underestimate me.


                If you are a good enough player you want to bait their entire team into trying to hunt you down and wasting their time. There is nothing I love more than killing the enemy mid and endlessly talking shit to the enemy team about how they can never kill me. Of course a double gank rotation quickly follows, I see them coming with wards, grab some safe farm in the jungle while the enemy team wastes there time trying to put this trash talker in his place. They go back to lane and I walk up and kill their stupid mid player again.

                Kabir singh's bo0ster

                  Yea try playing TA vs Viper and a Spirit breaker, Lion rolling up on you with smokes and warding your jungle and bringing 5 sentries for the Viper to have constant vision advantage, maybe legend players just walk up like bot scripts in plain vision, and then when you run away their script goes "returning bottom".


                    Another favorite of mine when solo queing is to type in all chat "Report X for feeding, this shit makes the game no fun." after killing someone on the enemy team. Now the enemy mid player is not only mad about dying but is having to explain to his team that he is not feeding and is just losing. Instantly tilts the entire enemy team half the time if you get a real early kill.


                      5 Sentries, Smoke, Time dewarding/warding jungle. I mean I'm sure that would be a successful gank but at what cost? You spend 500 gold and 3 minutes of time to make the enemy mid lose 200 gold and 30 seconds of time? All the meanwhile the safe laner is free farming because 2 supports are focusing all their time trying to kill mid.

                      Also if 5 Sentries get placed mid I'm sure the other lanes are probably easy to gank or at some point there will be a ward shortage on enemy team. You really booster?

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                      Kabir singh's bo0ster

                        Bold of you to assume my safe laner and support can't manage to get ass fucked while the supports are spending 70% of their time mid.


                          That is bold of me. I should use my real life dota experience and know that while I 1v3 mid BOTH my side lanes are losing and I will soon be facing 2 side lane carries that out leveled their mid and my entire team. xD

                          Sad but true.


                            I always laugh at those „chat” tryhards trying to get psychological advantage, because it actually makes your enemies play better.

                            '96 Neve Campbell

                              Yikes imagine actually doing this retarded crap. All you have to do is spam the bock bock bock voice line and that will tilt the other team


                                It does not make your enemy plays better, OG use the psychological tricks in TI and they have won twice. It actually make the enemy tilted if they can't control their anger, and resulting to low focus.


                                  Hahaha so taunting won TI for OG ? xD Im speechless.

                                  Maybe taunting works on your bracket, on that low mentals. I admit it does because I played on Legend recently. It has no effect on mature players though, and often it has a complete opposite effect from my experience. Especially if you try to taunt a decent player who died in a stupid way by mistake. Karma tend to strike back.

                                  You dont seem to understand that players usually play on auto pilot. And on Divine+ taunting makes them reconsider what they should do to win the game and they start tryharding instead of playing much worse, what you claim. So I can only agree that it works on lower brackets, but if its your strategy for the win instead of playing your role properly, then its not good news for your mmr in a long run.

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                                    Lex you are right that not all players get tilted if you type at them in all chat after they die. Some certainly do try harder. But it isnt the person who died that you are trying to tilt. It is that player's teammates that you are trying to tilt by tricking them into thinking they have a shit teammate. (Obviously this only has a chance of working in solo que.)

                                    Maybe you kill the mid, flame him in all chat, he comes back trying harder. But all his 4 other teammates who think mid is lost all start to lose hope and try less hard. Then you go gank another lane and they all blame mid because they think he lost lane from the earlier death. Its a vicious cycle when you give the enemy team an easy target to blame.

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