General Discussion

General DiscussionDelete Oracle please

Delete Oracle please in General Discussion
'96 Neve Campbell

    Fuck this stupid hero he should be fucking deleted from the game


      What do you have against Oracle? Not too annoying a hero imo.

      '96 Neve Campbell

        His ult is ridiculous imo


          imagine complaining abt oracle omegalul


            imagine this hero had shadow dance on his ult, with 30s. cd.
            imagine this hero had q stun instead of a root
            imagine this hero had aghs, that made his e cd 0.1s.

            this hero's been nerfed to a dogshit tier, and it's still possible to rape pubs with that guy.


              good hero but i jsut cant see how of all heroes in this meta, you wouldcomplain abt oracle


                This hero is strong as fuk but can counter



                  Former Oracle spammer here, He's both the strongest, weakest and riskiest hero play. Very hard but counterable
                  1. Any hero with strong lockdown + gap closer ability can kill him nearly easily or worst thing happen is wasting his ultimate for himself
                  2. Many people rather dumb to counter Oracle with Shadow Blade, Eul and/or Glimmer Cape. Just buy BKB/ Linken/ Lotus is much better since it has dispel. Other side note is let Fortune End hits you THEN use Manta (as Fortune's End is undisjointable)
                  3. Oracle is also very greedy. At level 3, you could deal a whooping 400+ magic damage and any kill you gave, will contribute him having his item. With at least Arcane Boots, Magic Wand and mangoes (and if lucky enough Arcane Ring / Keen Optic) he could prowl early mid game.
                  4. His weakest aspect is that you could kill him in a matter of second with undispelable debuff. The only problem you need to have BOTH magic and physical attack (or at least physical spell) to refrain his Fate's Edict useless. Any heroes who were focused on only one aspect will have to wait his 5 second partial immunity (if not both thanks to items)
                  5. On late game always aim him. No matter how far, his contribution is really broad. From initiating, counter initiation, sustain, and even reset. Kill him or at least take him away from fight.

                  But for now, you could have a rest since Oracle is pretty rare to be encountered as not much of his synergy really matter.


                    yeah like from my experience, a hero like storm spirit just poops on the wyverns and oracles of the world who want to sit in the backline and just use spells. p much any storm type hero who can gap close and jump on these supports is good. like even if u jump him and he ults himself, you are still profiting off that engagement usually.

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