General Discussion

General DiscussionA suggestion after increasing 1200mmr

A suggestion after increasing 1200mmr in General Discussion
The Humble Man

    After 40days of not so casual gaming with my guardian n archon friends
    I managed to squeeze 1200mmr. From crusader 3 to archon 5.

    How did it happen.

    First I bought dotaplus and was properly blocking players who were trash n game throwers. Once I crossed crusader 5 I unblock them and strt blocking new shits.


    I had a party of 3
    1 was archon 3
    I was crusader 5
    Another was gaurdian 3

    We decided our roles
    Since I play only safelane.
    I chose safelane in rankroles
    Archon took mid
    N Guardian only knows three hero
    So we asked him to play pos4

    He played Pudge tusk clock.

    I had the luxury to play all the carries
    But blocked the heros for my other party mate

    My archon friend played dk ta void spirit and windranger.

    Our strategy was simple
    Create space for me n buy safelaner the time required
    Which means pos4 n pos 2 will fight
    Luckily my mid laners knows item timimg and always completes blink deso on ta before 17mins and he fights while I farm for 27mins straight. And thanks to wk spectre terrorblade jug. Managed to win

    Later my hardsupprt friend who is legend 1 also joined us when our Guardian is not available.

    Strt was simple

    Wen offlane doesn't go tank
    We pick mid DK
    Or I sometimes I pick some tanky carry who can frontline while mid ta hits.

    Wen we hav offlane bb
    We pick TA and snowball. Bottom line is dota is difficult solo. Have a bunch of friends who are near n dear to u and just create co ordination.

    Having a guardian 3
    Just asked him to catch specific heros

    Like if he plays clock
    I ask him to lockdown enemy supports in fights or their midlaner who doesn't have force staff.

    With simple tacts and co ordination. 1200mmr achieved.


      I went from 1.4k to 2.7k, by just spamming techies every single game. LUL
      Only suggestion I would give is "keep improving". The strats that work in certain brackets don't work in other brackets. Took me almost a year to accept that. I was stuck in 2.9k to 3.2k region for over a year, because I was like "I climbed this much, it means I'm good and I just get bad teammates / enemy is smurfing / enemy is hacking / other shitty reasons I said to myself to feel better".

      Congrats on climbing but don't let this get to your head. Good luck on further climb.


        im pretty sure u wont see one player twice in your games, so advicing ppl to buy dotaplus just for avoiding is totally wrong.
        its only 16 slots, your player pool must be so low to see a guy twice and banning 16 individuals have an impact on your games.


          And you have lower than 50% winrate?


            I improved from 1.4k to 2.2k just by spamming terrorblade. I even got a 17 winstreak. Climbing to 3.7k however is a longer and harder process (i spammed both rubick and lion but little to no avail so i had to adapt someway). Shitty teamate always happen but i prefer shitty than toxic. Once had a shitty midlane (0 4 1) and fortunately our Axe kept calm and we managed to win in just a simple roshan bait a go for the win. My only advice just embarce the toxicity and the soon you realize it has no effect (or became one which ever first)


              I was about to say the same as Kowareta did. Its worth maybe if you are immortal 1000 and higher, where you actually do run into same people.

              Anyway congrats.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                if you're not crusader player but ancient, divine+ having avr 5 death on crusader bracket as carry is just BAD. If you want to gain mmr just die less and hit creeps more. And if you're playing 5 man parties if you're the booster these kind of games should be easy for you to carry

                The Humble Man

                  All your suggestions are valuable for me and more than 75 percent of the mmr credit goes to you guys as well. Really good answers in forum and u motivate player. Kowerta always said if ur good enough u can climb on ur main. I did use a party strt but they were also in same rank like me. Due to voice chat and soild communication n trust. We managed to win and at the same time enjoy the game which we can talk about in weekends when we meet.

                  Guys thanks a lot. Special thanks to bambooni, Lex and kowerta