General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone explain to me why supports do this.

Can someone explain to me why supports do this. in General Discussion
Where is my Hu Tao

    At around 2 or 3 mins they just randomly go in the jungle and sit there waiting for timer to hit 53 and they stack ancients. They would do this multiple times and not help the lane at all. Out of the first 10 mins of laning phase they spend 6 mins just sitting in jungle full mana full hp while their cores getting pressured. Like no one takes 4 or 5 stack ancients and it just sits there until around 15 mins the enemy comes and takes it as a team. So basically instead of supporting they stack for the enemy. Even if someone goes bfury if you stack ancients that many times the amount of hp they lose taking them is not worth it at all why not just help the lane more so your cores will be stronger.

    Then after 15 mins when cores are a bit stronger in doing stacks they completely forget stacking is a thing and never do it again.

    Free 2 Play Scootz

      Generally it’s a good idea for the pos 5 to give the carry solo xp as much as possible. If ur support is doing this while ur getting pressured heavily then it’s a bit of an issue. My advice if this keeps happening is to just pick carries that get farm boosts from levels (Sven, wk, luna) and just hit the jungle when the lane gets too hard.

      Where is my Hu Tao

        not pos 5. It is usually the pos 4 that does this. The pos 5 doesnt have access to the ancients


          what i dont get is why u playing your clinkz,riki or other carry heroes on offlane and expecting someone care about you? just queue safelane, jesus christ.

          stacking is actually meta, assists gives u like no gold nowadays, either u hit creeps or stack them to get some gold.


            you even picking riki pos 4
            please stop talking about others :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:


              There are ways to stack ancients without leaving the lane for too long. The problem like many supports is they sit around doing absolutely nothing, so I suggest just get team to report them. Best is just play support and carry your team, cos your cores are going to feed anyway.

              Where is my Hu Tao

                how do we report kowareta to get him banned again?

                I get stacking is meta and that is great. Say it is around 4 mins 40 secs they go and stack a camp and run to runes and come back that is great. What actually happens is to run to the triangle at like 3 mins 20 secs and sit there for 30 secs stack 1 camp and then go oh there is a rune walk to the rune wihtout boots and then go oh nothing to do mid walk all the way back top. It is now like 7 mins game time. They spend 4 mins of doing literally nothing. They also stack the ancients instead of a normal camp. Like very few heroes can kill ancient stacks after it is 3 or 4 stacked. It literally the same as blocking the camp you cannot farm it for at least 15 mins. That is 15 mins where no cores can touch the camp vs if you just leave it alone at least people can kill it finish it before 53 and kill it again.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  how do we report kowareta to get him banned again?

                  imagine being this guy. LOL


                    i just dont get it
                    you are just barely 4k mmr, why would u expect your supports do stuff right? im 6k mmr, i fuck up my pulls half of the time, i cant be careless about stacking camps even when im playing core, i last hit like a dog

                    there is a reason ppl are low mmr , did u even tried to understand that?


                      Its typical for Ancients to play weird stuff on the offlane.

                      Hatrið mun sigra

                        Communicate with them I guess, easiest way to solve the situation. I'm sure most of them are just mindlessly imitating what they saw in a pro/higher mmr game without considering the time, draft, levels and different circumstances they are in. Not to mention the fact that what they're doing is not even useless but straight out damaging. Do both yourself and them a favor and explain it to them.

                        Where is my Hu Tao

                          Explaining is usually met with extreme defensive butthurt attitudes. Like i have never once in my life met anyone that responded well. It usually oh you dont like how i play? I go destroy items or feed or leave or mute.

                          Like once all i said was a simple can you stand to the left side so we in a 2v1 against the enemy core. That way the enemy support cant get to you and we can both right click the enemy at the same time. The guy said mute and tp bottom. Another time i talk about how to skill and my reasoning why before the lane started. Still goes his whatever build and then later left to jungle. The simple fact is no one really plays support. Every single pos 4 you see are only there once in 10 games to get role q. Just a cancer system.

                          As for the weird stuff in offlane. The main reason is cuz the normal stuff for offlane leaves very little to outplay. It is safe but you dont really win the lane or lose the lane. Like tide or axe or centaur doesnt matter how hard you win lane or get farm you cant solo kill anyone you have to wait for your team to play with you if they afk during ur power spikes your pretty much done useless all game.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi


                            You’re literally barely 4K and you’re arguing with an Immortal player thinking you know better than him?
                            I suggest a cup of humility and trying improving how you sustain yourself in lane other than blaming ur pos 5.

                            Where is my Hu Tao

                              Which immortal player did i argue with? I dont see any


                                Kowareta god

                                Where is my Hu Tao

                                  Pretty sure turbo truckers and banned from forum people dont count.


                                    >> my teammates are dogs
                                    >> high mmr players are dogs too
                                    >> only im good with my 4k mmr after 10k hours playing this game

                                    POG, can u teach us how to be god tier player like you?


                                      You said its pos4 that does that . So whats the problem ???
                                      If you cant play offlane 1 vs 2 then dont play this game .
                                      Cry me a river fkin nooob.

                                      Dota psychologist

                                        If you ever get faith in humanity, play a game of DOTA and u lose it fast.



                                          Hatrið mun sigra

                                            9o_o6 of course you can kill heroes on your own with classic offlaners, without the help of your team. I mean that's the whole point of playing in the offlane: play a hero that by nature is stronger early game, that has hp advantage, is tanky, often times dominates the lane even 2v1 and in case he can't he's strong enough to survive and get level advantage, which translates into additional edge over the enemy safelane. Close one or two items and go around creating chaos and taking objectives. Axe singlehandedly carries an entire team (possibly not vs Undying-Necro-Timbersaw all together lmao) with only vanguard, blink and blademail by min 16ish, until he naturally falls behind (it's not even granted actually, depends on enemy carries and items) late game. This is true for other offlaners too, take Bristleback or Timbersaw. Even Centaur, Shaker and Slardar. Otherwise what's the point O.o

                                            Regarding the communication part, I know what you mean and it's annoying. Trying to gives you at least a chance they might listen though, also depends on how you say it, but not doing it is a guarantee of failure.


                                              honestly, are u even going to care what a sub 50% winrate, jugg/clinkz/riki/(put any carry hero name here) on offlane player has to say in your games??

                                              flourishing new leaf

                                                If the carry wants stacks he should make them himself and let the support get some gold and free xp who will make better use of it than the useless carry.


                                                  benao be like "ah yes im carry sven lemme just leave my safelane and go stack my ancients on the other side of the map and give up lane farm, ah yes im very smart."

                                                  also this other dude saying offlaners dont have room for outplay, like lmao just cuz u suck ass at them doesnt mean they dont have options, p much every offlaner has room for outplay besides maybe the most passive ones. but like the fact u mention axe as having no room for outplay is kind of sad. idk maybe just think that most heroes in this game have more dimensions than just "im offlaner, i always do x"


                                                    If you're complaining about pos 4 roaming around and you can't survive the offlane then you're young and inexperienced. Imagine yourself a couple years ago where the offlane used to be 1v3 😁

                                                    Where is my Hu Tao

                                                      Back then it was better to 1v3. That means ur safe laner had a trilane and doing the same back. There less pressure on you to do well. Survive get exp. now you have to win the offlane cuz you have a pos 4. If he fucks you not only are you useless he is useless and ur safe lane probably going to pressured as well.

                                                      flourishing new leaf

                                                        @shoukyaku thinks ancients are saved for «your» team.
                                                        And he expects someone to spend aøø game being afk stacking ancients level 2! Nice
                                                        Ask pptrashd how that worked out two times in playoffs at ti being level 1 until like min 10. Ez f loss

                                                        And the carry is supposed to stack his own shit IN lane. Ancients are a bonus f retards. Play effectively around the map and you get all that shit at the time you need it


                                                          How about you start learning the game instead of crying about it?

                                                          I went 0-4800 on this account carrying my crusader and guardian friends to legend and ancient.

                                                          If I can boost 4 friends ~1500 MMR all while basically winning 1v5 how the hell do you allow yourself to whine like a little bitch when your support goes to stack?

                                                          Maybe... Just maybe... If you weren't playing a shit hero in the wrong lane with no ability whatsoever to clear camps, you'd cry less.
                                                          You're basically that idiot that carries a gun in his pants and wonders where his cock went after tripping over a pebble.

                                                          So tired of even reading shit people like you write. Delusional asswipe.


                                                            wow an actually good comment, guess i should start the timer again we gotta wait another few years for the next one.

                                                            also shut the fuck up benao u dumb tool, i didnt even say any of what ur responding too. reading comprehension of a fucking toddler.