General Discussion

General DiscussionHow play nightstalker

How play nightstalker in General Discussion
The Humble Man

    Kindly advise me the tips on how to play nightstalker offlane. I need help please

    Where is my Hu Tao

      it is extremely important you are using ur mana to get range creeps early game. between 1 to 5 mns you cant let them deny any range creep as it will cripple ur game. U should try to be lvl 5 at 6 mins get a kill with ur fast attack speed and ms and get lvl 6 off that. salves are your best friend if you are diving tower u should pop a salve if enemy is running away it will not cancel.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        solar crest very good hunting carries in late game with ns


          Aghs rush everygame so you can farm and rape people


            Play safe at early. Rush echo sabre for mana sustain, buy aghanim after echo for farming, buy silver edge and the rest is up to you.

            And u supposed to pursuit backliner by using vision advantage thx to his ulti or wreck havok by destroying enemy initiator's plan (ES hiding on the bush waiting to echo)