General Discussion

General DiscussionGauntlet must have been created after throwing a cocaine party at Valve

Gauntlet must have been created after throwing a cocaine party at Valve in General Discussion
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    Otherwise there's no fucking explaination to why every fucking game in that dogshit mode looks like this:
    When I was 0 1 0 after being left alone in lane for no fucking reason the score was something along the lines of 35-5. 51-11 in the end. I check my animals' medals after the game and surprise surprise, my amazing 1-18-5 Lion and my afk pos 5 are HERALDS. In tier III. 2 heralds while the other team had a divine 1. Plus my Bristledog was premuted and apparently trashtalked so much in the all chat that even enemy BS said he was gonna report him. I can't even get mad as usual for how ridiculous and trash this game is, what even is the point of playing this joke of a mode.


      Same experience here, its either we stomp hard cuz we have divines or we get stomped hard cuz enemy has divines (once i even faced an immortal SF mid)

      '96 Neve Campbell

        Maybe dont play it then?

        Hatrið mun sigra

          Yeah but why does it have to be like this, it makes no sense. Creating retardedly unbalanced matches by putting divines, ancients and down to heralds and guardians in the same game while showing these fake ass tiers.

          Kabir singh's bo0ster

            Cuz not many players play it so they have to balance it like that instead of fiding 10 players with equal MMR, they find 10 players with different MMRs but match them as accurately as they can, its probably not a huge priority to balance these games perfectly cause they are irrelevant.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              Gaben pressed the "fuck you" switch and put you in the hidden pool again, that's why you are getting such bad teammates in every mode. Pepelaugh.

              Where is my Hu Tao

                what tier are you in? I am in tier 7. Also it is balanced from the tier not the mmr. If you are in tier 1 or 2 you are playing with a pool of every single player in the dota. if you are in tier 5 you are only playing with people who are in tier 5


                  I also had heralds in 1 gauntlet. Holy cow their reactions :D I would have to drink 0,7 of vodka at once to play like that.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Hatrið mun sigra

                    @9o_o6 I'm in tier 3, man lucky you :D

                    It's not just their reactions, they spawn and go towards death, respawn and do the same thing over and over. Literally like creeps. Also idk why they suddenly leave the carry alone in the middle of the laning phase, it's not the first time it happens, just to tp offlane and feed. Early pull making me tank the wave and double wave for them I-

                    Where is my Hu Tao

                      My advice is pick pub stomper. Heroes like ursa storm void spirit qop spectre antimage do really well in this mode due to the fact there will be useless players who do nothing and you get no pressure