I would love to give some but there is so many after it and u are 200th in lane so u need to wait a moment for it
300 APM doing random things is too much and will get you injuries. You don't need 300 APM as treant in 2k MMR. Use your APM more wisely and efficiently.
most of "apm" comes from pointless spamming prettysure if someone checked pro players apm they would be in the range of 100 to 200 maybe even lower than 100 unless meepo chen /etc
A lot comes by scouting as tree. OFC I could play more like afk tree and have only 100 APM as Tree players usually have
I do not use it I just click too much.
I have noticed how supports usually click too much compared to core players
Like I had 315 APM as WK last game I did play. I might have 100-200 too much. 115 would be enough to just last hit deny
If someone knows why I have so high APM it would be nice to hear bec in my opinion I do not have 300+
200+ on lane is ez to get if you farm with stop animation button and pudge is camping for you in the trees, so you have to be in constant movement.
So my 300 APM might be legit not any bug
I just wonder if I have some malware :D
80-90 on average heroes.
My signature heroes like visage, brood, and lycan puts me at 120-150
APM takes into account every single action you make in the game. Selecting, clicking, pressing a key (as long as something is bind to it obviously). The only thing it does use is the minimap, if you click on your minimap or use a camera hotkey, it won't count.
However it's kinda strange you have 300+ on treant. Maybe with some cancel mechanics as Lex said.
There is noway the dota + Apm is only close tp be accurate. It says like 350 in average for me while its less then 150 on a serious Apm tracker. stop thinking youre good cuz dota + lies to you lmao.
What are you fucking going on about? What does malware have to do with APM? Why do you care about APM its one of the most irrelevant stats in the whole game...
APM doesn't mean that you are good. In your case, it only means you are clicking without objectivity. Check yt video of a 300 APM starcraft player and compare how useless are your clicks.
Last games I have got little better and dropped 50 apm https://i.gyazo.com/d06daccce43c2d8dde556688352da010.png
Just 242 as SB
If I try hard I might get under 200 soon
i have 350+ apm every game because i use wasd for camera and also have rapid right clicks enabled
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