General Discussion

General Discussionancient bracket

ancient bracket in General Discussion

    hey guys, what's the mmr to reach ancient? is it possible to calibrate to ancient medal?thanks


      See post about skill bracket. Check profile. Yep. 20 games played and all in SEA.

      See the guy who got ancient 2? He kept playing for the 1000 games you need to reach that bracket.



        '96 Neve Campbell

          You can get ancient with 1k duh. Im a 1k scrub apparently and I have an ancient medal.


            Ancient medals are worthless. It doesn't represent what it should. Everything but Divine or Immortal rank is pretty much a joke, because anyone can get to Ancient nowdays.

            Maybe if Valve finally introduce separate medals for solo and party or just completely merge both solo and party like in CS.GO.

            Currently, Ancient and below are pretty much useless medals. They are made just so you can feel better about yourself.

            smurfs = no balls

              yes, anyone with even less than 50% winrate like @daily dose of dopamine can reach ancient easily :)

              smurfs = no balls

                we dont know the exact limits since we dont know all the factors but its something like 3500 nowadays, which is very low compared to what it was at first

                NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                  Winrate doesn't really represent anything when it comes to brackets you are already in. (apart from the fact you are where you belong to be)

                  If you put someone in a bracket that's below his skill level, he will be able to win more.

                  So basically, you play your matches mostly in Normal Skill

                  Obviously, your 53% doesn't mean you are good, it just means you have oponents that are easier.

                  If anything, ranked winrate and your winrate for, let's say last 6 months means more than global winrate.

                  Not sure if you're just trolling tho, but if not I guess you are just not a very smart person.

                  @ edit

                  Ancient 1 is not 3500 for sure unless you have at least party of 3800-3900. In case you are, let's say, 3500 Solo and 2500 party, chances you will get Ancient 1 before 3.8 or even 3.9k are quite low.

                  Regardless, Ancient 1 is supposed to be at least 4.1k if not even 4.2k, and nowdays you can have even Ancient 7 with as low as 4.4k.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    Ancient 1 starts most of the time at roughly 3800MMR I am Ancient 5 Right now at 4320 MMR


                      ^ whats ur party mmr?


                        I have 2 smurf id that's already ancient 7 lol. 100% agree with vertox, ancient medal below is fucked up clearly by valve smh


                          On my smurf acc I have solo 3700 and Ancient 4 almost, here Ancient 5 with 4500 mmr :D


                          NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                            Ye, Valve has ruined completely medals below divine. It's actually meaningless right now. I hope they do something about it in the next season.


                            I'm 4.2k solo 4.4k party, which should be around ancient 2 or 3 at best.

                            As I said, medals are worth nothing below divine now. For example, many 1ks and 2ks are high legend or low ancient.


                              ^ yo, they did this to stop stupid low ranks from making new accounts and ruining games, now every body is happy, whats wrong?
                              u are just mad about it cause u cant get divine and it hurts u when u see 1ks are same medal as u, just fix ur self lol

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                u are just mad about it cause u cant get divine and it hurts u when u see 1ks are same medal as u, just fix ur self lol

                                o my

                                NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                  ^ yo, they did this to stop stupid low ranks from making new accounts and ruining games, now every body is happy, whats wrong?
                                  u are just mad about it cause u cant get divine and it hurts u when u see 1ks are same medal as u, just fix ur self lol

                                  Nice way to stop people from making new accounts I guess.

                                  Hey fam, I'm not mad more than you are. We all want better ranks and badges, at the end of the day.

                                  But trully, 1ks being Ancient really doesn't feel right, regardless of how I feel about my rank.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    <quote> u are just mad about it cause u cant get divine and it hurts u when u see 1ks are same medal as u, just fix ur self lol </quote>

                                    Omega Lol!!!!!!!!!!


                                      I'm not mad more than you are

                                      i cant say anything about this :D
                                      We all want better ranks and badges, at the end of the day

                                      well, i want higher badge cause im not enjoying my current badge at all, consider enjoying ur life instead of comparing urself to others and getting mad about it, smiley face


                                        But trully, 1ks being Ancient really doesn't feel right, regardless of how I feel about my rank.

                                        + really why would u care about it when its not affecting u , i mean if u where a archon whose teammates bitching cause they have ancient medal it was making sense, but u arent :/

                                        the 1k guy is happy with his blue medal, gaben is happy cause the 1k guy spending his income into battlepass, but u are angry about it cause u cant laugh at their medals anymore (when ur current medal is laughable too)

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                          well, i want higher badge cause im not enjoying my current badge at all, consider enjoying ur life instead of comparing urself to others and getting mad about it, smiley face

                                          I'm not enjoying my badge either, but it's not like I'm actively trying to do something about it. At the and of the day, at least I am where I belong to be. Obviously, everyone gets mad while playing Dota sooner or later, that was what I wanted to say.

                                          Uhm. You don't know me, dude. You can't say for sure whether or not I enjoy my life. I'll just say that this is what I do in my free time and pretty much it has no effect on my real life unless I start playing 10 games a day, which I don't for last year or so, with few exepctions.

                                          the 1k guy is happy with his blue medal, gaben is happy cause the 1k guy spending his income into battlepass, but u are angry about it cause u cant laugh at their medals anymore (when ur current medal is laughable too)

                                          Even if this is the case (that I'm angry because I can't laugh at their medals anymore), I have all the right to be mad, because unlike ParmaViolets (for example), I actually worked my way towards Ancient and earned by playing and getting better at the game.

                                          However, it doesn't really bother me that they have the same medal as me or you, what bothers me more is that the system is badly made.

                                          People calling you out for being bad at this game just because they have fake Ancient medal compared to someone with exactly same MMR but just lower badge.

                                          It's about flexing with fake badges and fake skill, rather than being mad. There's absolutely no reason for me to be mad more than you are, once again. We all get mad playing this game, someone more and someone less.


                                            Honestly the medals are no different then MMR if you had any sense. Stop bitching about them. its based on MMR and a % of players currently at a Level. The Sooner you calibrate and the higher streak you get the HIGHER the medal is you receive. Since MMR is based on a distribution factor of numbers which translate into skill it formulates rough brackets. if your skill mimics a higher bracket an your winning youll get the medal easier. I'm sure some of you have lost games and Gained Medal % all the while losing MMR. So stop bitching. They finally fixed the system and now you kids bitch. Ancients are still at the top 92 percentile. My Party is pretty much the same.

                                            NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                              Honestly the medals are no different then MMR if you had any sense

                                              They are different, completely different. Implying that I have no sense and then writing things that you did write above actually says that you are the one who has no sense.

                                              You are pulling the stuff straight out of your ass, unless you are the one who made the whole badge system, boi.

                                              The Sooner you calibrate and the higher streak you get the HIGHER the medal is you receive

                                              While it's important to win more than you lose at your calibration, it has no impact upon reciving higher medal. On the contrary, if you actually calibrate as soon as the new season kicks in, you will end up with lower rank compared to someone who's about to calibrate later in the season, you stupid uncontained ape. (had to insult you because I just can't stand how stupid you are, lul)

                                              ts based on MMR and a % of players currently at a Level

                                              It's not merely based upon MMR you stupid fucktard. It's actually based upon irrelevant things aswell. This is why someone with 2.5k solo and 3.9k party has Ancient 3, for example. You stupid ape.

                                              Since MMR is based on a distribution factor of numbers which translate into skill it formulates rough brackets.

                                              Ahahahaha. What? Do you even know what are you talking about? Do you really believe that if you write something that looks like a wall of relevant text, people will bait into it? This makes no sense. xd

                                              if your skill mimics a higher bracket an your winning youll get the medal easier

                                              If my skill mimics a higher bracket I should also get a MMR increase or at least play with HIGHER skilled opponents, you stupid ape.

                                              I'm 4.2k solo and yet I've never seen Divine players despite being Ancient 7(or very rarely). Your MEDAL LITERALLY has nothing to do with MMR these days, even tho that shoudln't be the case.

                                              . I'm sure some of you have lost games and Gained Medal % all the while losing MMR. So stop bitching. They finally fixed the system and now you kids bitch. Ancients are still at the top 92 percentile. My Party is pretty much the same.

                                              Exactly my point. Medals are based upon some unknown and irrelevant formula known only by Valve (if even they know it at this point tho, it's volvo at the end of the day)..

                                              Oh, let's also not forget delusional people. They stick to every theory that will help them feel a bit better. :)


                                                i climbed up to 4k from where I have been and I really wanted that ancient medal around half-year ago. It actually sucks when everyone has it just by abusing party. My friends with solo 3k have ancient 7s zzz


                                                  Mmr represent skill, then medal should be represent mmr. If medal cant drop then medal can represent the highest mmr achieved and ots okay (just like the first season i think). But medal now is have completely weird formula that known only by valve which is wrong. Just make medal stick to fixed mmr lol, why make things so complicatex

                                                  burden of dreams

                                                    Probably coz they based on the percentage of player in a certain medal, the mmr decay is horrible tho. Divine used to be like 5k now its like 4.7


                                                      currently had 3.425k mmr right now with 2.841kmmr party

                                                      NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                        Legend 7 should be aprox. 4100 MMR, so basically you are 700 MMR ahead of your badge for no reason.

                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                          u are just mad about it cause u cant get divine and it hurts u when u see 1ks are same medal as u, just fix ur self lol

                                                          Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssh dont speak the truth or you will hurt snowflake's feelings again


                                                            Your First Statement is literally a baseless Insult With no Merit. The Medal is a ROUGH correlation to MMR based on NUMEROUS algorithms at play.

                                                            #2 That is completely false. Your going on anecdotal data based on a players likelihood to stay at the MMR Peak. most players will in fact land Lower MMR because they don't maintain the Peak MMR. but on Average a player WILL calibrate a Medal HIGHER then his current Average. So once again your an idiot.

                                                            #3 that's called Averages you ape. I have a friend who is 3.5K MMR solo but 1.2k Party and is like Archon 5. His AVERAGE sucks. Did you learn how averages work in Elementary school?

                                                            #4 Players are based into percentiles. Percentiles Change based on the NUMBER of players currently residing. We are not talking about 100 players. Each player is his own percentile. If you have Millions of players the 99th percentile could be 1000 players while the 98th percentile is 10,000 Players. It doesn't take a middle schooler to figure out that in order to get into the 99th percentile from the 98th you need to MIMIC the MMR of the 99th percentile which is ROUGHLY figured out by the ROUGH standards at work. IT IS possible to win 10 games in a row and go up 3 medals dumbass. Just the other day I had to mid vs an Immortal 800 he had over 2000 games on invoker and he absolutely shit stomped me. I ended up going like 1-6 Mid. I didn't get last hits I got denied and lost my tower.

                                                            #5 Once again your ignorance is amazing. If I am an Ancient level player and I titled and became legend 2. One of two things will happen. If I am Actually legend Ill fall into ranks with the legends BUT if I am NOT legend and still ancient skill level I will Stand leagues ahead of the Legends and REGAIN my Ancient. Some games are worth More MMR then they are medal %. Did you not know its possible to LOSE MMR but GAIN medal ranking?

                                                            You never see Divine players? You must be a trashcan. I play with Immortals and Divines in literally 45% of my games. I cant get away from the fucking 20-0 Shit stomp mid Immortals on the enemy team.

                                                            "Stick to theory" its math Kid. Did you fail it? Hell its not even college level math. if you go to valves Dota website you can see the Distribution and how it works. It is really not that difficult to understand how they come up with medals and MMR. Medals Represent Percentile and Peak Skill Gain while MMR is Real-time Skill used for finding your games. You can get +25 MMR when its A,A,A,A,A Vs D,D,A,A,A Why? Because the Divine ranked players either have a really terrible party or have lost a lot of solo MMR and despite their Medal Showing divine they are no longer divine. I'm sorry if this math is too complicated for you to understand. You are an idiot sir keep whining about your trash play. I see why you get LPP so much now too. if I ever run into you ill contribute to your own personal Hell. 439 Games of Single draft you should be ashamed.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              The fact that once you get a medal you cannot lose it means it will always be an unreliable measure of skill aside from Immortal of course. You can get divine 1 and then lose 25 games in a row and tank your MMR but you are still divine...


                                                                Anytime you use an extreme to measure something Goku It will always be unreliable. That's the whole purpose of the Medal. Its just to show Peak skill to all players but the Game STILL USES MMR TO MATCHMAKE. that's why when you see IAADL You can get queued up with AAALL And still come out with + or - 25 MMR. because the ACTUAL MMR is Averaged. The medal means horseshit When searching for a game. that's what this idiot Dopamine doesn't understand.

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                                  I can't even bother to argue with someone who's mentally challanged, fuck.

                                                                  You win man.


                                                                    I can't even bother to argue with someone who's mentally challanged, fuck.

                                                                    win is a win no matter what


                                                                      Only thing challenged is your ability to comprehend Middle school level math.


                                                                        No man, its not as simple as average like (solo+party)/2 because as u say, u can gain percentage at losing game (fck man, u lose mmr). And one more thing, EVERYONE here know already how matchmaking use mmr to queue. What this vertox want is medal that represent mmr (or peak mmr) fairly. And i think just for making solo and party medal separated is nice solution


                                                                          I have 2 smurf acc with ancient 7 medal. One with 2k solo and one with 3k solo. Yeah both have high party mmr something like 4.8k+ i think. But its hilarious i need to get up to +2000 mmr just for getting divine which is literally one rank ahead


                                                                            its insane actually my smurf is on 4.4k party i think and its already ancient 7 with 2.1k solo or something like that

                                                                            THE DOG

                                                                              Now it makes sense now.

                                                                              And that calling "uncontained ape" made my day lol

                                                                              NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                                                Well he is.


                                                                                  i have 3900 solo smurf and it was like legend 6-7 and when i calibrated party(3200) i got ancient 3 immediately


                                                                                    Literally every poster after dopamine confirmed what I'm saying. Your literally just such an ignorant fuck all you can do is insult people when your wrong.
                                                                                    @Desephviasco That is also part of the Player distribution like I had mentioned earlier. Its why you will find such weird extreme examples of players with either really low MMR at a high medal or Low MMR at a high medal. I have a friend at 4.5k MMR at Ancient 7.
                                                                                    I am at 4.4K at Ancient 5 only at 30% Go figure. Its when the player distribution changes where you find weird scenarios like that. its too bad dopamine is just an angry poster who rages over a medal that has no significance that goes away every other season. For those of you who don't understand

                                                                                    #1 Medal is not an accurate display of a players AVERAGE skill/MMR- Only PEAK skill/MMR
                                                                                    #2 Based on the Percentile of players in any given bracket The Medal can roughly change the MMR needed to get into any given bracket. Which is why divine has a considerably large number of players in it despite ancient having less and immortal having less. its like a gateway.
                                                                                    #3 Solo and party average to create a PEAK Medal but it is not a simple /2 since Solo Creates medals From Herald to Immortal. Party does not generate a Medal above Ancient. it can only contribute.
                                                                                    #4 It is confirmed by Valve that Winstreaks do in fact hurry medals Along. MMR DOES NOT. MMR is based on players in a game and their ACTUAL MMR. MMR Does not give a fuck about medals. For this reason you will find players at the Same MMR with different medals. Sometimes off by 2 medals. That combined with Player Percentiles. I'm sure if you took every single poster in this discussion and we all posted MMR youd be shocked to find how many of us have the Same MMR but different Medals.

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                    ur parents r siblings




                                                                                        Which is why divine has a considerably large number of players in it despite ancient having less and immortal having less. its like a gateway.

                                                                                        only u can say that as a fact

                                                                                        (when kids trying to look like growns)

                                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                          Oh sorry it has moved since I last checked. You cherry pick one tiny detail but prove me right anyway. I guess that weird Surge in This graph means nothing to you kids. The surge here at Ancient 7 has no explanation whatsoever its just a naturally occuring thing to you guys nor apparently does it strike you as weird? To me very clearly indicates The "gateway" I'm talking about and It has moved since I last checked- Sue me. instead of being at Divine to Immortal they moved it From Ancient 7 to Divnie 1. Its still the same principle. it is ok though if you don't understand even when you post the evidence for me. You kids can keep flaming the company making millions living in ignorance and playing your LPP games Dopamine. in the mean while I'm going to embrace their shitty medal system and enjoy and loko to my own failures as to why I cannot get Divine.

                                                                                          "Ye, Valve has ruined completely medals below divine. It's actually meaningless right now. I hope they do something about it in the next season"

                                                                                          There is nothing ruined.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                            u dont know shit about anything, but u think u know everything, i like that :)
                                                                                            medal system and every rank system must be look like normal distribution, so we call them "fair system", thats how nature works.
                                                                                            i doubt even u uneducated kid heard about Normal Distribution, but whatever
                                                                                            thats why they change (mostly reduce) mmr needed for medals, to make it "fair"
                                                                                            as u can see valve ruined his system with "party mmr"
                                                                                            u cant reach higher than immortal so ppl stack there and it makes graph doesnt look like normal distribution, but thats ok and makes
                                                                                            u cant reach higher than anc 7 cause ur solo mmr is 1k :)))) and thats why ppl stacked there

                                                                                            I'm talking about and It has moved since I last checked- Sue me. instead of being at Divine to Immortal they moved it From Ancient 7 to Divnie 1.

                                                                                            well, whatever u say. m'bad start a need iq discussion with u

                                                                                            hey guys, did u know after anc 7 there is a gateway? games after that giving u 25 mmr * ur IQ so every moron like ^ cant reach that :))))


                                                                                              Im Ancient 3 70% with 3.8K solo, 2.2K party


                                                                                                The number of Ancient 7 people in 2K solo MMR now is laughable. They should change it back to how it originally was: you could not reach ancient or divine with party MMR. After the last legend rank, only solo MMR would be factored into medal.
                                                                                                If I don’t deserve to be Ancient because of my party MMR causing a skew, so be it. I’ll gladly take being Legend 4-5 on my own merit.

                                                                                                smurfs = no balls

                                                                                                  i dont understand ppl who dont respect party mmr... I think party mmr is just as valuable as solo. My solo was lower than my party for pretty long time and I was never ashamed of it because i think its just a matter of preference and opportunity (to play with friends) which one is higher. Having higher party does not automatically mean u are worse... Solo MM is cancer anyway and I would still be playing only with my mates if they were availabe for dota

                                                                                                  smurfs = no balls

                                                                                                    if someone is higher rank, he is higher rank, thats it. It does not matter is it party or not. However, in my opinion rank does not measure skill very accurately anyway so who even cares.


                                                                                                      why people have to stack at anc 7? Stack at your 1ks ffs


                                                                                                        i reached divine 2 and stopped playing this game , bcz this game is a waste of time and worthless