General Discussion

General DiscussionSO SAD

SO SAD in General Discussion
1290 mmr

    I use invoker in a match. I got 26 kill 2 deaths 27 assist but still normal skill? I win in mid, how can i get very high skill ?


      alexa play despacito


        Lol bait post? Not even a new account.


          mlg sad violin deadass family guy compilation in the hood prank

          Player 281121816

            You can start to sucking my dck and got vhs very easy


              good. garbage like you can stay at archon or lower


                You have a negative wr lmao

                High skill is ~3250 mmr and up
                You need to play more and actually WIN
                Getting to high skill is just playing dota and winning, i went from normal skill to VHS without even noticing because i went from 3k-4k without even checking regularly on my dotabuff


                  Normal skill & Unknown skill ------- bracket of Guardian - Crusader
                  Normal skill (only) ------------------- bracket of Archon - Legend III
                  High skill ------------------------------ bracket of Legend IV - Ancient IV
                  VHS ------------------------------------ bracket of Ancient V - Immortal
                  note: it differs when you party with low rank, sometimes your skill lowered, but sometimes you get what you really deserved.

                  Not really accurate but, yeah this will do. Hope this helped.


                    You are way off

                    HS 3200
                    VHS 3800

                    Legend 1 should be around 3300 mmr and I calibrated archon 7 at 3218.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    CAESAR KING OF APES

                      Nah. Here I got Legend 2 & it's not even 3k mmr (2990 or sth like that).

                        PRO TRASHTALKER

                          Ur current mmr is in normal skill. Its not a matter of one or 2 good games. u abandoned so many games previously and lost a bunch. i suggest u make a new account and play turbo if u just want high skill level games.


                            3.2k is not legend 1 anymore, this is 2019 pls stop using internet explorer, I'm 3.5k legend 6 so I think legend starts late 2k now


                              Crusader but got vhs in most of matches feelsgoodman


                                That unknown skill for the Huskar game though.

                                1290 mmr

                                  Im recalibrated there's no way to up my mmr?

                                  1290 mmr

                                    i make a new but only normal skill's i have more kill and assist but still normal




                                        the best way to raise your mmr is to win

                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                          I hate to say it but you are far away from High Skill. Why dont you at least calibrate your mmr first? I would imagine you are about 1k mmr and you need over 3k to even touch high skill games




                                              it's funny how the vhs-seeking-wh0re are all come from SEA server