General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win ranked games on 3k bracket

How to win ranked games on 3k bracket in General Discussion

    I'm not sure I became bad or I play with bad teammates who wants to jungle dominating games and lose towers always also I was increased my mmr from 600 from last year now I'm 3.1k but I made it 3.4k and lose streaks I felt more noobs stays on 3k bracket than guardian or low I accept im too noob but not much than my team and enemy always dominates late game by defending and team jungle ..need help
    p.s sea server. ...sorry for bad English

    Need help plz don't troll ty

    Story Time

      3k is the worst bracket. You see too many people who start calibrating accounts and then climbing up to their usual mmr, and sadly you might not be one of them. So you shout "booster" "smurf" but that is just not helping your case

      Riguma Borusu

        if you're better than the 3k bracket you'll climb in no time, so become better.

        ~THE END~


          @MAYUSHII i was waiting for that answer coz some ppls on every post comments like u no matter

          Riguma Borusu

            You asked how to win games.

            My advice is get better at the game.

            Yes, everyone else is going to say that as well, because it's true.

            Better gameplay = more MMR

            Elo system is mathematically sound.


              Ranked role on dotaplus didnt have "jungle" role btw GabenFace

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                Consider playing cheese heroes or heroes who end 20-30 min . Worked for me to get out of 3k . U got 96 games and 50%winrate with alchemist , hes one of the best heroes to get out of a bracket u dont belong to . But u got 50% winrate Means u arent that good sadly and belong there , but u can definitely get higher with time.

                '96 Neve Campbell

                  3k is easier than 1k

                  NIKAD MAJNOVALA!




                      Spam meta heroes, sometimes your comfort heroes doesnt win you games. Or get good.


                        ya boi get better at game, and then make new acc, cause u cant carry this 3k dumb ass shits
                        getting better at game is true but not the whole thing, u must make new acc after that :)

                        just check my fucking games i dont know what i must do more for my team, its unwinnable :) they just wanna ruin . thats all u cant win solo


                          3k bracket is trash. just focus on getting better

                          this account is 3676 ancient 2 with 83% progress. no calib party

                          i have 94% winrate since calib should be a 100 because i picked techies one game.


                          *tldr focus on getting better if you are really should gaining mmr should be a breeze


                            3k is easier than 5k


                              wat are you struggling at?

                              do you know how to use creep aggro?
                     (section 4)


                              farming?(do 1vs0 hit creeps lobby)

                              doing smokeganks?
                              push lane,put a smoke on your inventory always,after your core gets a strong item smoke together aftre you saw someone,put ward while you do smoke at enemy jungle and let the one who has a stun goes 1st

                              watch high people replays,youtube,see wat they do
                              at early fights,hitting people with rightclick after your stun spell is really good

                              at lanes,play with the jungle and try to hit people from trees if you support range. if melee try to learn to lasthit by not standing close to a creep,but far away and then move and then hit and go away again(so not get harrased)
                              at fights,if you support just cast a spell and run away( go back) immediately
                              if you stuff that has dagger like enigma/axe you wait enemy for clump up,stay very very far away from the fight(dont get hit)
                              if you initiating a gank,and enemy is gonna die anyway after you blink+stun get away from that place immediately
                              if you carry/mid,wait enemy casts their stuns on your friends unless you have bkb and you can rambo
                              after bkb duration almost out,go run away and wait your friends get stunned then u go
                              if you pushing,if carry hit tower
                              support no need hit tower,you can either be in front of the tower and try zone enemy or usually the better one,be in really behind of your carry and cover with stuns
                              if you offlane like tide u go front of barracks or at barracks,no need hit tower so your carry is safe

                              itembuilds? hero mastery? specific role/laning skill?
                              watch replays
                              (or, watch replay of high mmr player playing the hero you want to learn,play the hero alot)
                              don't get hit by a creep,buy alot of consumables like salve/clarity/mango

                              raising mmr?
                              check the meta,learn op heroes,watch the replays of those op heroes,spam a hero
                              check behavior score,if not normal raise it to normal
                              developer 1
                              dota_game_account_cilent debug
                              type that on console dota2

                              so,er for watching replays
                              for example your last game is wk
                              and you want to know wat the hell you do wrong
                              check the one where it goes the same lane as you

                              go to view match-copy match id-watch-replays-search match id-download

                              if download isnt working,library steam-dota2-properties-check integrity game cache to fix it

                              or go

                              those all references for self practice i guess,practice wat you love/feel bad at first so you have more fun

                              Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                Learn to play meepo, brood, arc warden, or visage. Stomp their midlaner.

                                Change your photo into a anime girl.

                                Learn to use quickcast.

                                Now climb to 4k.

                                Muhammad Sumbul

                                  You can't lose,if you don't play ranked

                                  unbreakable spirit

                                    3k? Since I'm in the same bracket I can tell u something, pick support heroes, the ganking ones ofcourse, run at their mid occasionally, shut down the offlaner completely, make plays happen, you Wil climb


                                      be aggressive, tell them your son bitch out of my line.


                                        Ty all will try my best :) @ayase yes will change my pic to anime xD p.s I use quickcast


                                          But, what i need to do if i won my lanes then i lost the games. What i need to do if my team's just feeding the game, fighting eachother, also they want to clash every time when our cores need more items, sadly some times i met people who dont understand their role. for example an initiator who didn't want to open the war or a support who didn't help the safe lane and the worst moment is when we finally won the clash they just forced to push the tower, they were not listening and dead. I was 4k one years ago but now i'm stuck at 3.4. Idk whats wrong with sea server, people just being rude every games.

                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                            Just play Treant and relax! U lose some and u win some but all with minimum effort


                                              changing photo profile into anime girl worked for me, before I was ancient 5 now I am divine 3


                                                Just play centaur offlane, i have 85% winrate with him in 20 ranked mm.
                                                I am an old returning player though. I have rekted players from Legend 5 to Ancient 5 in my lane.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  What is so spacial about changing profile picture ? into a anime girl photo ?


                                                    I'd recommend looking at the situation first before picking, I've met against people who say "ako mid" and they still choose mid despite the fact that there is a mid hero already chosen and a support role is needed


                                                      As someone who has finally climbed to 3k from 600, i can say this. You might have the skill of someone at a higher rank, but that skill would still only be equivalent to 50-60%~ winrate.
                                                      It takes a lot of matches to climb unless you really shouldn't be where you are.
                                                      Just enjoy the games you have, after some weeks/months you might be some stars higher :)

                                                      Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                                                        Learn more and change your strategy, different MMR bracket requires a specific role missing where no one plays,

                                                        I climbed from 1k to 3900, what my experience was,

                                                        1k-2k, teams lacks support that actually controls map with vision and detection invis (with proper ward+sentry) no one can properly gank here

                                                        2k- 2750ish teams lack supports/carries/mindset needed for ganks and countering ganks (both teams have slight map control knowledge, so execution of ganking must improve)

                                                        2750ish to mid 3k, this is where I had the mindset that sometimes I have to be both carry and support, sometimes buying wards, but also able to solo kill, I get out of my usual support spam and climbed MMR with Axe, (this is the stage where everyone is almost smart enough)

                                                        mid 3k to 4k, everyone is smarter enough that the simple stupid problems are replaced with small things, farming inneficiency, out of sync communication for skill combo, map awareness vs risk getting vision/farming an extra creep wave, etc


                                                          Get Good! Explore different heroes. Play support & Tank roles...





                                                              im uncla im playing ranked match my enemy medal is immortal my medal open is immortal ?


                                                                Just pick Riki


                                                                  just get good

                                                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                                                    pick lc woods and u can get divine3 at least (like me)


                                                                      hi lc woods what do you like the most,hellbear stew or kentucky fried wildwing?


                                                                        3k is easier than 1 mmr


                                                                          do like me play and then gaben gives you free 3 stars


                                                                            my last game was cancer wr feeds at mid after failed to lh on offlane with riki(team) and he went to mid feed voker 30+ times we still almost managed to win and after 3 enemies dead me and riki tried to rs where wr (after he want to play normal after that 35+ feeds and he was keep telling push and dead as solo he was only crusader and enemy and team everyone is legend and also he mentioned he is smurfing on crusader cant able to lh with riki) chatlog


                                                                              dont listen to anyone just get better. and worst bracket is 4500-5500. complete dogshit bracket

                                                                              Chuck (#5)

                                                                                I am a SEA player with the same situation as you. I've been trying really hard to raise MMR but unable to just playing pos4 support/offlane with a 54.85% winrate (fell from 55%). The carries in this MMR range just don't co-operate with me and teamwork is non-existent in majority of the games. Note that I found in Archon bracket, players are much better as a team than the ones in 3k bracket or Legends.

                                                                                I climbed to 3.7k MMR playing offlane/supports in Ranked Roles and then fell to 3.4k MMR in recent 10 days because the carries I get are plainly just too stupid. They are unable to carry the games or are completely new to the game. I am getting players who:
                                                                                1) Solo feed to enemy team by going alone and having little to no map awareness. I ping whenever I see a threat coming and say "B" but they don't seem to understand or ignore it and when they die, flame saying "no ward" despite wards being out of stock and wards ARE on the map but the carry is just too blind to check minimap or goes to the not warded area of the map.
                                                                                2) Lots of pos4/carry players like to dive towers for a kill and die even at low levels (as low as lvl2) feeding the enemy team. When I play Centaur/BB/Axe offlane this happens a lot with a stupid lane support wanting me to dive at lvl2 with no items at all, lol.
                                                                                3) Some refusing to buy bkb/linkens when needed and generally not taking objectives. Lots of the carries just want to jungle farm and 1v5 instead of 5v5. I don't want to stereotype but in majority of my games, when I nicely ask both my mid and safe lane to come push or gank with me I get flamed with "fuck you" "idiot" "tanga" "bobo" "you talk too much, muted" "you are not my captain stfu" insults from majority of indo, vietnam and pinoy players. I have a large number of players in this bracket muted because they are just VERY toxic (I have normal behaviour score and no recent LPs so I have no idea why these players are this much toxic).
                                                                                4) Some carries build weird items like stout shields/vanguard on ranged heroes, safe lane core rushing expensive items like skadi as a 1st pick item choice after boots instead anything useful like a battlefury/mjolnir/radiance for farming or diffiusal/shadow blade/blink to go for early pick offs. Buying multiple same aura items like 3 Vlads/Shivas etc when these players don't even fight as a team.

                                                                                Notice the bad trends I am talking about above? I will admit I do mistakes as offlane/pos4 support player but that doesn't mean being unable to win is entirely my fault. I can't help it when BOTH my mid and safe lane carry are playing worse than me in majority of my games. If at least one carry is playing Dota 2 right, then I would get carried but sadly, that's not happening at the moment.

                                                                                So what I am doing right now is, practicing safe lane core roles in unranked and lobbies to switch to a safe lane carry role so hopefully I can 1v9 and carry myself above the trench I am stuck in. I used to be a mid/safe lane carry player but have lost touch with it for sometime now because I am used to enjoy playing supports/offlane with my friends. My advice is, if you notice any of the things I mentioned above, then it's better to switch to mid or safe lane core role and try to win from there as these are the only 2 roles that will help you win games more than the rest. I am currently practicing divine/immortal meta's top 3 pos1 carries. And remember to mute any toxic interaction with your teammates. Responding to flames is a waste of time, just mute and do what you have to do. Hopefully this works out well for you too.

                                                                                PS: Many players in SEA assumes anyone speaking proper english or shot calling is flaming. Like "lets go roshan before high ground/buy bkb/use a certain skill/save buyback" when it's not really flaming. So it's no wonder there is poor teamwork in this region. It's like 1v9 if I get teammates who don't speak english or bad at it, so muting them and playing it like a bot match feels very good to me when playing.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  Ty guys and @chuck for the big info and spending this much time to reply