General Discussion

General Discussionuncounterable mids

uncounterable mids in General Discussion

    what are they,what heroes to do when you are actually on that 4th pick and enemy got last pick and its a midalner


      Theres no "uncounterable" hero. just some heroes who do well against most lanes. Heroes who come to my mind are SF, Kunka, Veno(not very familiar with this though).

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        i very suck at kunnka or sf lol

        Palmen aus Plastik

          viper surely? there is no way you lose the lane against anybody.


            ^ I dont think so




                is zeus counterable? pretty sure zeus and windranger are the ones youre looking for

                i mean corrosive skin hurts but not rly

                kka is kinda countered by jugg mid? coz he cant combo him and if u cant combo the guy whats the purpose?

                and did you rly call the hero with 40 starting damage uncounterable?

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                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Dragon Knight

                  Potato Marshal

                    Viper, Pugna, Brood, TA, and Huskar counter Zeus. Aside from the magic resistance, you can't even use arc lightning when you're using clarity because of corrosive skin. Pugna for his ward. Brood because you can't burst her down. TA because you can't go through refraction without spending a ton of mana. Huskar for his magic resistance obviously.

                    SASA POPOVIC

                      OD shits on viper, wr is best mid unless someone actually picks Oracle support to dispell your windrun, but nobody picks that shit anymore so you are guchi! WR after buff can be played on any lane.

                      If you see some invo spammer mid pick PL to surprise him and ruin his day and then evrone elses day since they wont have answer for you if you last picked

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        so its wr wr wr wr wr,anything else?
                        ugh i hate using viper lol

                        Potato Marshal

                          I can't really think of any strong counters to Death Prophet off the top of my head though.


                            sniper is a dp counter,lina medu and drow is counter too i think


                              *lastpicks brood*

                              『Orwell That Ends Well 』

                                SF. Stack jungle and comeback even if you have troubles staying mid.


                                  rip me not sf player

                                  arin why you have become me


                                    dk will always be dk...


                                      ah, visions of mmr...

                                      Suck my tiny curry dick



                                          the true 5050 even got countered guy


                                            I think BS works well too I cant think of any heroes who can ez win 1v1 against him


                                              DK for sure

                                              Viper isnt the same after the rework

                                              Isnt visage a counter to DP?

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                DK, WR are pretty 'don't really care what lane im in' kinda heros, however.
                                                If your sidelanes are good, Pretty sure Bloodseeker + DP can win/trade even in everylane.
                                                Also Lina/Potm are jack of all trades, just lookout for Ta's

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  clinz can shit on bs


                                                    @laugh, That is highly debatable. In a pure 1v1 sure, he does some damage and hits you... But if your sidelanes are some Skywrath veno bullshit, you'll be hitting him for 120 damage out of nowhere. Seeker lanes rely on his team hurting sidelanes.

                                                    Also, Midgame i'm fairly sure a ruptured clinkz is a dead clinkz.


                                                      Everyone can beat a bs in 1v1 mid, I beat him in lane as fucking rubick

                                                      Old Man

                                                        picking hero for countering is good only for laning stage i think. no problem what heroes u play , this game are making for counter or get countered by only using item (this true lol)

                                                        btw im suck :)


                                                          bs will probably die to tinker since he cant lasthit and has 999 nukes lol


                                                            Visage mid can only be countered by melee heroes. Use q to mess with creep equilibrium survive till 6 then outcarry the enemy mid.


                                                              are you looking for heroes who win every lane? or for those who dont loose their lane?
                                                              first option is lc
                                                              second is dk


                                                                Wr is so op, meet her and my sf is lose cause her ult can move like a shit


                                                                  What the foq brood is gonna do vs a zeus feed spiders?


                                                                    Tinker , Invoker , Mirana

                                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                                      lina is very strong in pubs