General Discussion

General Discussionhow 2 win offlane???????

how 2 win offlane??????? in General Discussion



      buy 6 tango 1 salve 1 shield , play safe till lvl 3 if enemy harasing so much . and just hide on side jungle like side shop or else. so u still gain exp , and u can get some gold from side camp or u can try to steal 1/2 creep on lane . just dont greed too much .

      Bu yorum düzenlendi
      Marko Bulat

        Pick strong laner carry or trilane, if fighting cancer like Axe-Skywrath, Jakiro+Treant, Undying+SK, report them and abandon! x)


          Don't die. Only goal of offlane in a real game

          love scars / you hurt me

            pick doom and use infernal blade whenever its off cd


              just hide and get levels if facing high level amount of harrass. if the enemy support doesnt leave that means you won the lane as offlaner.


                it is not meant to be a win lane, but the thing is u win the lane when their carry cannot last hit and you dont feed. So just do ANYTHING that to tilt the enemy carry ANYTHING. If by any chance their carry say gg, its your win, that means their supp already blamming the carry for failing LOL. Offlane if mind fuck battle


                  As long as you keep enemy supports occupied as solo offlaner its a won lane. If u dual lane, you have to r*pe them.


                    Play like a good player


                      my favorite lane! denied creep is 100%more fun than last hit

                      [ Crisis- ]

                        keep their supports busy by trying to disorient the lane (e.g. be aggressive against the carry when supports are away, go backdoor if your hero can, etc). this will make your team's other lanes safer.

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                          Don't play greedy heroes who are weak in early games. Don't play single-targeting squishy supports like Shadow Shaman. Go 3 safelane if necessary but the enemy carry will have a leeway because of that.


                            win condition for offlane is "dont feed and get as much as you can"

                            know your hero and be aware of missing enemy heroes