General Discussion

General DiscussionDota competition level

Dota competition level in General Discussion

    Why players under-estimate their skill,their mmr what ever is it.
    You always see" im just 1k,2k,3k,4k,5k scrub"
    Not make a sense,you spent so much time to climb to your actual mmr,some of us spent fucking life on it.
    I play doto propably about 6 years,never really keen to play ranked but since i have this acc as my main i do,getting close to 3k and im fascinated by competition already like man these ppl here know dota,and know it really well already.
    Like in my last 50 games i gonna say wp lads fucking wp.Ppl know pick in most cases thats a big difference between 2k and 3k i found.
    So this is mostly appreciation tread im proud of 3ks i meet.
    Also didn't meet any idiot (highest bs) lately,so if you out there think dota is toxic,your games are toxic not everyones,but you part of these games and you can always make it better or worse,or for me the worst option ignore teammates which not suit you.


      Sometimes I'm shocked how bad ppls actually are. I'm picking solo off lane lich in 4k game and dumbster the whole game solo.


        because people like to generalize from what they observe

        and they observe that other people is shit instead of working on their own gameplay, so they come to the conclusion that x bracket is shit because of y


          3k is ultra garbage, there are players that split push solo and die to clinkz every 2 minutes all game long, then flame supports for not covering the entire map with vision to compensate for their bad map awareness. 3ks are just 1ks that learnt how to LH properly and click buttons.

          nothing to appreciate.

          even in a group ranked game with ancient the dudes picked invo, abaddon and medusa against meepo and then even built 2 midas', then wonder why they cant fight meepo that runs in your base minute 20 with aegis. most people below 5k have 0 game understanding, including me