I think the favourite role of a person says a lot about their personality.
I've noticed that pos 2s are usually self-centered, entitled and rude. Pos 1s are like midders but much more childish, they tend to complain and give up even more than pos 2s. Pos 3s are the real heroes usually, especially if solo laning. They don't complain, don't flame, they just try to survive ganks and trilanes and do their best. They might be the most introverted irl, counting only on their forces and not trusting others. Supports are generally nicer than cores but tend to be more passive-aggressive and neurotical.
Special mention to those pos 4 Mirana pieces of shit, who buy 1 ward at the beginning of the game and say "I will roam", then proceed to jungle for 99 minutes straight, get midas at min 98 and show up when the game's ended with those parkour-like leaps while bragging in the all chat "why so ez? Sooo ez, ez game" iuofhasoimsgèjfjdSGAOSGH those people I swear.
Most mid/carry pickers are either the worst players or decent players with the worst mentality
And also :
Pos 3s are the real heroes usually, especially if solo laning. They don't complain, don't flame, they just try to survive ganks and trilanes and do their best. They might be the most introverted irl, counting only on their forces and not trusting others.
^ that hits too close to home
from playing;
-russians are hated way too much, most of them are normal players
- iranians, turks and north africans are crybabies that throw games becausw of slightest provocations (you said wait for roshan before highround i dived anyway and died, instead of acceptinh that i was wrong i type gg noob team in all chat and deny my items, because MUH honour)
-people with 2k+ games in 3k are braindead, too dumb for dota
- offlaners cry all the time for ganks, even if they have the same level as the enemy carry
-pudge pickers are bad at dota
from dotabuff
- SEA average IQ must be low (how can people even get the idea that opendota avg mmr is based o your performance, or that dotabuff skill bracket showns is based on your performance on that game? read that stuff so often)
Party players will report you 3x/4x if you say anything slightly offensive.
And that most players think they're the best in the team or something like that. *Insert god username
The 52% winrate firstpick SF mid with (smurf 7.5k) in his name - proceeds to go 0-10 mid and flame the team
@Potato PC
Whenever i supp I always try to pick first, but when I first pick supp my team takes it as an indication that I will do everything and then proceeds to pick 4 hard carries.
Anyone who picks venomancer , viper or necro just wants to watch the world burn
Peruvians are always mad and flame everyone but the moment anyone else says anything they just throw and get tilted. Also Zeus, Invoker, Pick and QoP players have no idea what is happening half the time and Mirana players who say they will roam and sap the safelane XP for 10 minutes straight and have gotten a single kill or assist since First Blood.
@Potato PC
not my experienc
generally I find that if im first picking, my teammates feels more comfortable picking what they want. maybe it's because they dont worry that they would be forced to pick support themselves? idk. anyways the point is that generally people would than be much more open to compliment the team
I am crusader 2, thats like 2k mmr
and I constantly have 2 supports in my game (90% of the time Im one of them. but I like supporting)
Lütfen yorum yapmak için giriş yapınız
What are some things you have come to believe playing the game? People you hate? Things you love?
I've encountered that Invoker players are ALWAYS massive dicks. I've never met a nice invoker player.
And you guys? What are some sweeping generalizations that you have playing the game?