General Discussion

General DiscussionThere's nothing shameful about retreat

There's nothing shameful about retreat in General Discussion

    Really winds me up. Win a teamfight, 3-4 surviving heroes push highground with half health/mana, take T3 and maybe a rax and then get wiped out when the enemy respawns...

    I know it is normal skill things but it really tilts me that this happens over and over again..


    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      sometimes that rax worth it

      you need to think objectives. what can we achieve now?
      just wasting the death time of the enemies is what make games being thrown

      can you force a buyback?
      can you take rosh?
      are the lanes pushed?
      are you able to take objectives?
      what is your immediate advantage after the fight?
      do you have enough sustain to keep yourself in good shape while the enemies are down?

      generally regrouping should take place after a LOST fight. don't go one by one and feed. go back, let that tower go, don't accelerate the impact farther

      let the death time count down. play around your and their buyback. if they got aegis, play around that as well


        Unless it gives you megas 3 deaths for a rax is rarely worth it.

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          yet it isn't set in stone. you should never go back and waste your advantage. always try to achieve something

          Dark Hunter

            ^ 3 heroes dying for a racks is throwing away your advantage though as they just got a giant gold boost and could even make a counter push if its later in the game.


              It is just as important not to lose objectives as it is to take them. 3 dead for a rac just means that you have gifted objectives or you will be forced to use a couple of buybacks.

              Suiciding for objectives is not objective gaming.

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                didn't say it is. but never just go back to farm. asses your advantage and get the most out of it

                if taking rax is not plausible. do something else. like rosh

                Suck my tiny curry dick

                  Or you can pay attention to the time. Maybe weaken range tax until it’s almost nothing and leave. I don’t know but there’s plenty you can do and not die. You can tell when they respawn.

                  Suck my tiny curry dick

                    Or take Rosh


                      There’s lots you can do. My complaint is people staying on the enemy high ground when the enemy is about to respawn. It isn’t like it is a random unknown event. You know they are going to come barreling out of the fountain in 5..4..3..2..1!


                        It happens A LOT in ~5k MMR. People are too greedy because they want to end fast and get out of this shit fest. I've lost many games because of greedy cores who try to take racks and then proceed to throw the lead and then the game.