Nothing to do with that. If you could push out all 3 lanes then do it.
It's more about how teams prioritize pushing out the more relevant lane
- Top Lane for Radiant (w/c is usually more advantageous because its closer to Roshan)
- Bottom Lane for Dire
Why are they the more relevant lane?
1. Because you can open up ganking opportunities in the enemy jungle.
2. Its easier to gank there than in the opposite jungle w/c has high ground advantage.
It's just the natural flow of efficient games. Same can't be said for games in 1k where anything can happen with lanes.
It's more about how teams prioritize pushing out the more relevant lanei disagree offlane for each side are usually the last to go down and the least important at least according to pro players the most important ones are
- Top Lane for Radiant (w/c is usually more advantageous because its closer to Roshan)
- Bottom Lane for Dire
1. mid T1
2.safelane T1 then T2
It’s because you can’t normally push three lanes at once without one or more of your heroes exposed to a gank.
because pushing all the 3 lanes at once in practice isn't going to be the easiest thing to pull off constantly
ideally you want all lanes to push. because that way your jungle is safe, it's much harder to gank you. you can gank them more safely. if you win teamfight you can get objectives and if they win teamfights they would waste time pushing the lanes back
"ideally", the lanes equalibrium should always be on the enemy high ground
however, don't forget that they want the same thing
U want all 3 pushed out but it's difficult to do
When u have a lane pushed out, it forces the enemy to respond to it, meaning u have vision of a hero, making it safer for ur carry to farm
It also means u have more vision of the enemy side of the map, force rotations, make it easier to set up ganks (with vision and forcing heroes to certain places), means u can take enemy bounty runes, makes it easier to rosh, etc
There r innumerable benefits to shoving waves
Ask blitz
Lütfen yorum yapmak için giriş yapınız
What is the reasoning behind keeping two lanes pushed out and one lane pushed towards you? Is it for a chance to kill someone pushing that lane, or is it because if anything goes wrong, that's a lane the carry can retreat to and farm?