General Discussion

General DiscussionAny Dota veterans know the cure to cancer. Need urgent help.

Any Dota veterans know the cure to cancer. Need urgent help. in General Discussion

    I think I have third stage cancer. Just asking since most of you guys invested thousands of hours into Dota, you all must know the cure. I can't go back to league because I hate myself too much too play that game. Please someone send help.


      Its like with gambling. You want to recover from bad streak by playing more. But actually what you need is rest and 1-2 days break when you are ready to play again with PMA.

      Thats how poker pros do, when they feel they play bad or are super unlucky - they just give up playing on that day.

      but.. emotions influence us very much so its easier said than done. Let's not delude ourselves - dota is a kind of addicion which influence our feelings. Negatively when we lose, and positively after wins where we carried impossible game to win.

      Tilt is something you just have to deal with if u want to get better. Once I went from 5.1 k to 3.9 in a matter of a week. But I was actually drinking a lot of alcohol back then. (long before 7.00 patch)

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Buy battle pass and play ranked role queue. The cancer should recede to stage 2.

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          I plan on buying BP but I heard everybody marks Mid or safelane


            I do take breaks, it's just that when I get back to dota I have someone blasting foreign music on their mic.


              no you cant


                Play with people you enjoy playing, because that way, if you do good you will feel good winning, if you guys lose, it's no big deal y'all will still have fun cracking jokes with each other and won't get mad at your teammates

                bad decisions

                  touch ur ding dong


                    You cant cure cancer on dota my brother. It spread like plague, maybe u have one inside u too