General Discussion

General DiscussionIs rampant spoiling still present today?

Is rampant spoiling still present today? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    With the harsher punishments, 6 month bans etc etc or are people are generally more nicer? Thoughts based on your exp. Thanks


      Hell no. If anything ganes are more toxic now, and I’m not just saying “bad” but actually game ruining toxic

      Story Time

        talking about the best behavior bracket: nothing changed.


          People don't abandon as much from what I can tell. Everyone is still toxic as hell but at least they think thrice before rage quitting now.


            More toxic. Instead of abandoning the game or speeding up the end by constant feeding, they afk in jungle with shadow amulet.


              6 month bans are for people who feed every game and throw games in the most obviously detectable ways.

              You can still just as easily throw games and feed every now and then and not even get low priority as long as you do it only occasionally. So most people will show some degree of restraint.
              So no.

              low impact palyer

                The behavior system rework was mostly a pointless endeavor because banned players just make new accounts. It also did nothing to deter cancerous players from misusing reports since they are delusional enough to think spiting their teammate for having one shitty game will get them banned.


                  i mean even if u look at pro streamers (rtz, ramzez, etc), they just rage buyback and and destroy items whenever they are having a bad game. it happens everywhere dude, dosent matter what bracket you are in.


                    U guys think outside changes will change a person from the inside? It's all ways to keep the person from unleashing the inside. Exactly like governmental rules.
                    The thing is the raper might think oh if i get caught raping theres this punishment. But in dota a toxic person isnt like omg if i keep shittalking i will get a 6 month ban, until he gets it


                      No toxic in my games,thanks icefrog


                        Raper GG end.


                          I don't play ranked since no server in the region, but I didn't have overwhelming bad experiences. I usually play with a party of friends and so far I had fun. Once in a while you do get the shitty game but isn't something constant in my region. In East Europe and SA I suppose the cancer is rampant.