General Discussion

General DiscussionHero trends for this week

Hero trends for this week in General Discussion

    If you check hero trends for this week along with the massive jump in winrate for brood, wisp and arc warden out from the dog tier and into merely the a little subpar tier two other important hero win rates went up.

    Spectre is now sitting on 59.72% average winrate. Zeus is now sitting on 59.55% average winrate. They are both almost 4 full points of the next 4 highest at 55% (WK, Axe, Underlord, CK blergh).

    So you have a choice of going Zeus and spec or for a strength core line up if you want guaranteed wins.


      nice info... i dont like the way valve is doing things.. they giving nerfs n buffs almost solely based on the pro meta but pubs are what made the game what it is today... n i dont like the bi-weekly system also.... they mixing up the game too much in a very short time... i miss those times when 2-3 metas would evolve from the same patch coz they stayed for months n players got to explore all the options... n the offlane creep pull change does not go with the theme of the game i feel (dota was supposed to be about innovations n counter plays)....

      as for sure win, at archon i dont have anything called sure win...

      Story Time

        too much of updates and too often.. this is not sustainable, neither for the brain of the already mentally challenge dota-players, neither for the pro-scene audience/viewers, who might not follow the updates but still like to watch dota

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