General Discussion

General DiscussionInjoker players

Injoker players in General Discussion
Machado98 #xatubaking

    I just don't get why is he played so much. 10 skills? big deal

    I just find extremely funny all those proud invoker players with their mediocre plays as if the hero was hard to play

    Do you play invoker? Are you actually proud to win the 1v1 matchup? Is it that amazing to get more cs with your 100 dmg at lvl 3? Or to combo your enemy with 3 easy-to-land spells?

    I would just like to hear the proud invokers out there how proud they are to win their lanes with one of the easiest heroes to lane ever

    I mean, 100 dmg, tornado, ice wall, ghost walk, cold snap, meteor etc all available in lane phase invoker is a hard to kill killing cs machine

    Not to mention invoker can easily play around his counters

    I know invoker isn't broken or anything, but invoker players are just funny, all full of themselves as if they were actually better for playing an ez hero

    Be humble, sit down, your hero is no big deal


      shut the fuck up and stop whining u fucking bitch
      no one cares


        Lol, in my bracket, an invoker pick gets punished so hard that he cant get at 20 minute aghs


          invoker is the hardest hero and im better than all of you cause i can play it suck my dick haters SoBayed


            4k game archon, consider quitting

            Machado98 #xatubaking

              only 1000 matches in ranked, calibrated at 1900 long time ago and just recently went full ranked and now 3k and still climbing, I'm fine
              Also most of my matches are with high rank friends so the quality of the match is pretty good, I'm fine

              The Legendary Phenom

                3k after 4k games ..l...


                  In higher brackets where players understand drafting, game momentum and laning, Invoker would be dumpstered so hard before he can get an aghs. He isn't very much countered per se, but more about being controlled before he gets online.

                  Intrinsically Invoker isn't the hardest hero, but its the greedy nature and attention it draws in the game that makes it hard. Among popular pos2 heroes Invoker is probably one of the weakest in the meta right now(since 7.00 tbh), sure he has a ton of spells but none of them can be used as an effective wave clear, not to mention high mana cost with low sustain. Invoker is very resource greedy, needing that aghs to be useful, and also experience hungry. He draws the attention of the supports at the cost of his pos1.

                  Pick a strong laner against him, coupled with some rotations can pretty much ruin his entire game. If by 20mins in he's walking around with a treads, wand, and maybe a point booster with a staff, you'd probably already won that game because its a 4v5 situation with a their pos2 core unable to respond to anything other than sunstrikes.

                  TLDR; Invoker is hard to play, knowing how to play dota is so much more than just knowing which buttons to press. Hate the players, but not the hero.

                  Muhammad Sumbul

                    I have no problem with Invokers but Injokers must die


                      I look forward to people picking Invoker (and SF) since that gives me the opportunity to pull out my beloved TA, a hero I don't mind facing Invos/SFs up to a full badge higher (Archon 1 vs anything up to Legend 5) with.

                      Yami Yugi

                        I've been there, my mid OD falls hard early game against Injoker, shortly after I get Supernova and call for the gang then Injoker can kiss his MMR good bye zehahaha

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        Choke on your sanctimony

                          As an aspiring (read low mmr) Injoker player, is someone ready to trade me a dark artistry cape? :)

                          Black Velvet

                            Im 1.2k currently(on a break coz of exams), used to be an invoker spammer but the hero is so shit now that i hardly play it. Mostly playing support now, went back to ranked about a month ago and still many 1st pick injokers(sea btw) but i enjoy it as i can pull out my earth spirit probably one of the best heroes who can shut down invoker in lane. Tusk could also be a good option since invokers low ms hardly allows him to outrun shards early game.


                              Invoker isn't shit
                              Just don't pick him against a tusk or some shit and ur fine
                              He is just situational at best, it's like how other niche heroes rnt shit, they just don't work in a lot of scenarios.


                                archon speaking guys, take a paper and pencil and start taking notes


                                  if he is pickable in pro and high level matches and wins sometimes, then he isnt complete shit
                                  just look at mineski and occasionally midone
                                  then call me archon u fucking moron

                                  no tilt

                                    hes fun and getting to press lots of buttons calms my autism


                                      Archon 5.nothing to say.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        Being an injoker is fun you get 9 people to waste their time typing 'noob mid report injoker' every 5 mins


                                          he's fun to play,he's the only one who have a normal face

                                          if you lose a lane vs a invoker you can just kys

                                          are you sure that it's easy to land spell,it's so hard to land actually

                                          ice wall!??!? nobody cares about this spell when invo only has lvl 1 quas on lvl 3