General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to itemize jugg late game?

How to itemize jugg late game? in General Discussion

    Played battle cup last night and lost at game 1 after 75 minutes. Felt like I was barely dealing any dmg late game, might be the enemy team was just too tanky idk. I went bf, into diffus, null, blink ,abyss.

    I was doing very well, but then the enemy luna started to get ahead on farm, sold bf(bad idea, needed it for pushing later), bought mkb and butterfly. Still barely dealt any dmg and died almost instantly every fight. What did I do wrong? Is that how jugg is? Did I have a chance against that team?

    Here's the game:


    rgz- YB `ztx

      Ultra late game calls for Divine Rapier.


        if u have null and are having trouble killing someone u can buy thorn

        i wouldnt want to play jug v luna later though, although that might just be because i think jugs shitty in general


          jugg beats luna in the ultra lategame with = farm, but jugg wont have = farm
          dont sell bf
          u shud have some sort of initiation item, and probably something like bkb or skadi to make u not evaporate instantly in a fight


            u shud just go bf into sny/manta, and just run at towers whenever healing ward is up and win by 30 min
            people dont know how to handle healing ward when u micro it behind u to keep u safe.


              Battlefury into sny is much better than battlefury diffusal


                I love juggernaut


                  U should backpack ur travels and make a bloodthorn for dmg and utility. Vs that lineup instead of a blink go for sb into silver so u can catch any1 offguard with ur mini doom combo. And selling ur battlefury was the decision that cost u the game never do that its so OP item right now and selling it also slowed ur farm so u couldnt be 8slotted at 75 mins.

                  Potato Marshal

                    You didn't get a moonshard


                      since she had a satanic, my guess is that your AA didnt hit his ulti on her when you wanted to fight her?


                        Your Farm is horrible, also you have Blink + boots so you miss 2 items.
                        Get get s&y for boots and silveredge for Blink.

                        But as i said youre Farm is horrible.


                          i think it is because you dont have enough stats items, jugg stat gain is bad, ofcourse he will evaporate every fight without some stats item like skadi and sny


                            imho a mkb would be good in this game. enemy has 2 sources of evasion and underlord aura (which greatly reduces any crit dmg). mkb also offers true dmg (also bkb piercing).

                            Mode Idiot

                              I am a juger spammer. I spam it from 1.6k mmr to 4.3(ancient 1). I love question about juger.
                              I see your enemy with luna butterfly and disruptor.
                              U need to a little tanky but must deal much damage too. Why tanky? Its. Make sniper can free hit. What can u do? U can talent +5 omnislash.
                              Before war, u use 6 main item like this silver, rrfresher, aganim scepter, skadi, bkb, butterfly. Consume moonshard. In 3 backpack => mkb, satanic, assult quiras.
                              In war, go silver and come to enemy, ulti, bkb, rehfresher, ulti, bkb. Change refreher, aganim scepter, bkb and use mkb, satanic, assult quiras. Hit hit hit, satanic.
                              I hope this will work.
                              Please correct me if i wrong.
                              Replay my answer mate

                              Mode Idiot

                                2 ulti with aganim scepter = 36 omni slash= 9000 damage = kill 3 hero


                                  u dont need 9 fucking slots to beat luna


                                    Pls don't listen to that fake 4k Norma skill jugg 2 posts above. Lul

                                    Mode Idiot

                                      Haha. Ok. Not 9 slot, i will make 7. Consum moonshard. Silver edge, buterfly, mkb, skadi, bkb, satanic.
                                      U can hear me or not, i dont care. I am not fake 4k. I move on from 1.6k mmr to 4k with juger, so i will answer what can i answer with a question about juger. He ask, i answer. If u dont like my anwer. Give another answer to help him. Dont trashtalking with my answer. It will not help him to improve his skill to use juger. Trashtalk mean nothing. Ty


                                        number 1, i can barely understand english
                                        number 2, if ur strategy requires 7 slots of farm against a luna, it is not feasible
                                        number 3, if u r giving bad advice and not accepting when someone says u make no sense then u r also in the wrong

                                        Mode Idiot

                                          Number one . U still archon and trashtalk to ancient. U need divine first


                                            name one reason why im wrong and i will stop

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              Haha stop pretending to be ancient when you are normal skill in solo ranked


                                                Your jugg is bad

                                                Mode Idiot

                                                  Guardian stop. U know nothing with dota. Go play mobile legend

                                                  Mode Idiot

                                                    u dont need 9 fucking slots to beat luna. Why i dont need?

                                                    Mode Idiot

                                                      Haha. Ok. Not 9 slot, i will make 7. Consum moonshard. Silver edge, buterfly, mkb, skadi, bkb, satanic.
                                                      Whats wrong with this answer?


                                                        What's wrong is that there is no way a jugg outfarm a Luna such that he has 7 slots to fight her before the game is over, or Luna is 9 slotted and feeding her team moonshards.
                                                        The way Luna works, the game should be long over by the time her enemy carry is also 7 slotted or she will probably lose the game anyway.
                                                        U don't need satanic or bkb imo, it is far more realistic for ur slots to be fury, sny, sb/blink, butterfly, mkb, maybe nullifier
                                                        Not to mention that as a jugg, you want to pressure Luna before she becomes too fat, by running at her towers with healing ward and not giving her too much space to farm. Instead you propose the literal opposite which makes no damn sense at all.


                                                          You guys discuss about 9 Slots or 7 Slots while op has 500 lh at 75 min i think Your both trolls.

                                                          Mode Idiot

                                                            Haha. Account buyer is rigth. The problem is, juger not enough fat im this match.
                                                            For na cl => dont affraid to luna so much with 6 slot, juger is balance to her. And you forget, they have sniper. They can win with ultra late game. Dont affraid to much to luna.


                                                              No one is afraid of Luna
                                                              The fact is that if ur just trying to AFK farm 9 slots like a moron ur playing to lose
                                                              You don't itemize for 9 slots that makes no sense
                                                              U itemize for a specific strategy/purpose


                                                                It won't be ultra lategame when Luna is 6 slotted running at ur towers, it'll be like 40 min and u'll be like 2 items down. It's unrealistic to play to win past that point since she should just rax u.

                                                                Mode Idiot

                                                                  Hey idiot. We talk about his game. Already 75 min. We talk about ultra late game. See his question first. And see the link. Fucker. U make me so mad bro. Idiotttt

                                                                  Mode Idiot

                                                                    We talk about ultra late game fucker. Why u so idiot. We must build full slot juger. See the question fucker. See it now!! Why u talk to end faster. The game alteady 75 min. See the question fucker!!

                                                                    Mode Idiot

                                                                      Fukcing archon. U waste my time idiot. Thats why u stay in archon forever. Becouse u so idiot. Read the question fucker!!

                                                                      Mode Idiot
                                                                        Yorum silindi

                                                                          Get refresher and aghs jeez and put them in ure back pack when u ult/ their cd


                                                                            Lmfao rekt


                                                                              Archon got rekt! Read it fukrr!


                                                                                I'm Glad your rebuttal to me calling you out for being normal skill, is that I'm a Guardian. I'm really tickled.


                                                                                  haha why so mad? 2k monkey