General Discussion

General DiscussionI need a little help with getting out of this bracket

I need a little help with getting out of this bracket in General Discussion

    when i calibrated i was new and cause the 1k bracket was too toxic, i played unranked and hid my mmr, now with the medal system i needed to play ranked and stomped all my games, before the 10th game i checked to see my estimated mmr and it said 4.1k, then i played my last game of ranked and got guardian (4), how is this possible, this bracket is too toxic on every server, after I finished calibrating im hardly playing with normal teammates, every game my team are a bunch of crybabies who keep throwing if they die once, and the average mmr is never the same, I calculated the average medal mmr for every team and the difference was huge, isnt it supposed to be a 50% win probability for each team?

    Edit: I checked a reliable source and it said that it depends on the old mmr, so guys, what server can i play on without toxic players and 5 carry teams, I need to find my way outta here, i live in dubai and my pings on servers with ranked matchmaking:
    SEA: ~90
    EU WEST: ~125
    EU EAST: ~135
    RUSSIA: ~140
    JAPAN: ~160
    US: ~225

    Please send help asap, I tried EU WEST and SEA and theyre both toxic as shit so far, My friend recommended Japan but i havent tried it yet.
    And if you have any suggestions on how to leave this swamp and start climbing mmr fairly please add them. Thanks for any responses.

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    Potato PC

      If your MMR is low, all server looks "cancer" to you. But i've heard people say that some server have "good" time to play.


        Well do you know any of those "good times" to play ranked? That would be great


          Im a scrub myself, but... If you are actually really good then shouldn't you be able to win like 70% of your games? In 1k it's rather easy to win mid or any other lanes. I mostly spam Kunkka mid and so far I've got 76% winrate in ranked with him. Im not a good player so I guess you could do way better than that.

          BTW, my high mmr friend used to say that an easy way to climb out of low bracket is to spam characters that win their lanes easily, like Void for an example.


            thanks mate, im good in almost all safelane carries and midlaners, ill try spamming kunkka in unfair games just to make sure, and when the ranks seem fair id play my favorite fragile little heroes like invoker and sf, and about having a bad winrate, my team always either picks 4 safelane carries and leave me to support then fail all lanes, or has 1 or 2 throwers since minute 4, its 1k buddy, hell in dota


              I feel you, dude. Winning mid and then taking objectives with Kunkka is pretty easy especially that if you go phase into armlet early - you are pretty much unstoppable by low mmr players. One thing that helps a lot is... Don't get angry on your teammates, you kidna rely on them. They will eventually get enough farm to kill everyone.

              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                I feel you too. Very hard games in 1k bracket... I can barely get 82% with Meepo. Life sucks

                Solo Leveling

                  You are in a bracket where you should be able to singlehandedly win games with OP heroes

                  Stop making excuses and blaming teamates and get better yourself. Only way to climb. If you want a broken hero to play pick Riki


                    im trying to get better, i watch pro games alot and learn from them everyday, and about riki, i know how op his ultimate is atm but i dislike the hero itself, whats the point of playing and winning mmr if youre not having fun. but thanks for the advice, i do enjoy playing viper as a tank or kunkka as pos 2 into late game, ill try just spamming those heroes until i get rid of this cancer bracket then ill play my favorite heroes and climb mmr normally. i know the toxicity never disappears until im 10k or something, but it will definitely get better and more playable the more i climb.

                    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                      Stop lying. You are not trying to get better, you are just fucking delusional and you're wasting our time.

                      You are in that bracket because you deserve it.


                        Mother Russia

                        Solo Leveling

                          I think your expectations are wrong. The cancer and teamate struggles never go away, they just change as you climb, for example in 4k bracket people know what OP heroes to pick but always pick them 1st or 2nd and get countered anyway.

                          I see so many first or second pick Shadow Fiends that get dumpstered by a Visage counterpick. You might think Very High Skill games have great communication and teamwork but I still get peruvians than cant speak english and Smurfs that Go WK jungle cuz they dont care. Its just how you let it affect you

                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                            It's pretty simple, it's not a rocket science. My highest MMR EVER was 4.4k. My Current MMR for past 1 years is not above 3.7k.

                            I conisider myself to be an average Dota 2 player, and by any means not good compared to 5k or 6k players.

                            If I can maintain 82% winrate with Meepo and above 70% with all other heroes I've played in 1k, everyone can.

                            It's not the team-mates that matter in low MMR, it's actually you. In order to actually gain MMR and get out of super-low MMR you just need to work on your basics.

                            Tho you don't have to, if you don't want to. But then you will be stuck forever in 1k and you just need to accept it.

                            It's a fucking miracle how people think that everything is holding them down but themlselfs.

                            Watching pro games without any plan or just playing the game over and over again won't mean you will improve.

                            Want to get out of 1k or 2k? Learn Meepo. You don't have to be super good. Just learn how to farm and how to blink-poof. Dedicate and work on your decisong making basics, such as :

                            When to push, when not to, where are the enemies on the map, is there a safe place to farm, can you kill someone without getting killed, should you split the enemies or fight them and so on.

                            Honestly in 1k you literally don't need to do any of things above actually. If you slowly play better than them eventually you will rise.

                            michael sassbender

                              get good


                                If you want to climb you need to channel your inner autism and pick one hero and just get absurdly good at him.

                                Potato Marshal

                                  You try to play every hero, despite not even understanding their basic item or skill builds. Battle fury into butterfly on Void? Blademail rush on Viper into aghs octarine? You honestly belong in 1k


                                    ill try spamming a hero or two then, thanks for the advice.


                                      dont watch too many youtubes git gud by your self


                                        i never said i watch youtube, i watch live games and see what each player does, since they are mostly +8k i can see what im doing wrong while watching them do the right thing.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          Try learn shadow fiend my friend, but dont first pick it. He's always OP on the right hand. build aquila>magic wand>drums>SnY and triple raze that injoker. good luck

                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                            I dont understand why do you want to get out from that bracket, not like anything changes on your way up, you just get more MMR you are afraid to lose on a bad tilt session, but playerbase is the same toxic assholes you meet from herald to divine, its not like my ancient and divine friends play in lands of OZ where everything is from chocolate and people spread peace and love.


                                              ^this guy does have a point to be fair. Don't stress about it too much just enjoy the game


                                                Yes, everybody said SEA is cancer.

                                                U are not alone.

                                                Go mute everyone and spam ur 55%++ winrate heroes over 40++ matches.


                                                  I know they don't disappear, ever, but don't you think that it just might get better generally ?

                                                  Davai im already kinda good in shadow fiend but i usually build magic and not physical, is that alright or should i start playing him physical? I sometimes play physical when enemy team can easily shit me out if im playing magic, but im still not very good at it, check my last ranked sf game with magic build.

                                                  I do enjoy the game, If i don't, then there's no point of playing, but its more enjoyable with less trashtalking and throwing, and I dont really like this medal in my profile let's face it, and the only way to get rid of it is by climbing.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  Bazooka Joe

                                                    Just try to be positive and have fun playing the game with heroes that you really enjoy playing. When a teammate is making bad decisions, tell them that it's okay, you'll get them next time. When someone is intentionally feeding or is just really bad at the game, ask them nicely and give them positive reinforcement. Always remember that a single player cannot carry an entire team so you should be the glue to do this if no one is stepping up for the role. This game is really built for fun and you should balance your queues of solo and party with people that you love playing with. Even if my team lost, i usually get commended by my teammate or sometimes even my opponents for my positive attitude and that relieves my disappointment of losing the game.

                                                    This mindset of mine helped me climb from Crusader 3 to Archon 2 in a short span of time. :)


                                                      Hey if u need help i can coach u through some games in my free time, always happy to help


                                                        Don't learn Meepo that thing is cancer.
                                                        I will give you some advice based on the cancer games of lower brackets

                                                        - Pick heroes who can go in any lane, and since in 1ks safelane and offlane are literally the same, you can be flexible if cancer people take your lane.
                                                        - Pick a Hero who is a good laner so If you're a solo safelane against a duo offlane (does happen thanks to junglars) you don't lose.
                                                        - Pick a Hero who has good early attack damage so if you contest with your allies you win ( This happens more often than people think)
                                                        - Pick a Hero who can retreat to jungle if things go bad in your lane (That annoying ally who contested last hits starts feeding)
                                                        - Don't engage in messed up early ganks and just focus on growing. If supports are rotating to gank your lane, great, otherwise stay away. At 1k all battles are pointless (tbh they're pointless till like 4-5k).
                                                        - Pick Heroes who can kill buildings, since that's the onlly thing that wins you the game.
                                                        - Preferably a Hero with escape mechanisms considering all they do in 1ks is gank, failed ganks will create space for your allies.
                                                        - Pick a Hero who scales well. in 1k games are long because everybody looks for kills and not ending the game.
                                                        - Learn the picked hero to perfection.

                                                        Heroes who come to mind with most of those qualities:
                                                        Jug, Clinkz,Troll, Terrorblade, Void, PL

                                                        Also, Server doesn't matter. the more cancerous the better (If you're a non toxic player, then in all games enemy has 5 toxic players where you have 4, so It's always an advantage). The only constant in your games is you. You have to think like you will have to 1v9 every game. Mentality is very important so you won't tilt at every little crap. Expect all lanes to be lost, And all enemies to be well fed. This will only make the killing of the enemy heroes more rewarding.

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          thanks fams, ill use those tips.
                                                          and i agree about having to play as if youre 1 vs 9 every game, there are alot of players who think they're krombopulos michael and wanna keep killing and nothing else.

                                                          La Dz

                                                            It is a best bracket ever 😃


                                                              Just make sure never tilt/rage/throw cause those things will just make everyone miserable(including enemies) especially yourself

                                                              Try to play nice and if you really want a role such as mid, talk it over instead of being such a brainless piece of shit and the favor will surely hits you (whether its good or bad)

                                                              learn to control lane equilibrium and jungle if having a rough lane

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                Basically if you want to grind mmr sometimes you want to secure the mid, so i usually pick sf at 1k-2k mmr (in hope there's no TA or visage counter) besides the power spikes of sf is so much that you theoritically can help any lane in need on 20-30 minute mark, but maybe that's just me

                                                                As long as your team don't do anything stupid, I won 9 match from the last 10 match i played as SF, you can check my other account at some suggestion from me is to watch Youtube video with commentary like Dota Bowie or if you don't mind the raw dota channel is good too they basically unveil what's inside a divine player mind, some I already practiced and with great effect help improve my play, I also use the Gosu AI assistant to analyze my post match performance, you can check it at best of luck!



                                                                  Visita Hari Danta

                                                                    don't try rasing your mmr, you'll just find retards that break their items after 2 deaths instead of noobs who flame wich other but still try to win


                                                                      Okay guys just 1 thing standing in my way, what if i wanted to pick a core and win the game easily without help but SURPRISINGLY my whole team picks cores and im chained to picking a support, which i know that if i do we'll lose because theyre surely gonna fail hard, but i have no other options but to hope that they arent that bad, and that hope dies when they start writing in the freaking chat some bullshit which can have one purpose, and its guaranteeing the loss, what to do now? pick a core too and get 5 carry team or just stick to the team balance and try picking a support, because to me, it seems like both options will most likely lead to a loss.

                                                                      if shit doesnt have a solution i just wont calibrate next season and play unranked and have some fun with people who are usually not as bad as in ranked until the next ti recalibration (if it comes), i had the last battle pass in ti but i didnt recalibrate because i didnt care about mmr.

                                                                      according to gosu ai, my average skill efficiency is legend
                                                                      average death analysis is legend
                                                                      average kill attempts is divine
                                                                      average damage priority is divine
                                                                      average hotkeys efficiency is archon
                                                                      average farming is legend
                                                                      average micro control is legend

                                                                      this is probably gonna be my last post on this thread, and thats why i tried to throw in as much information as possible, if shit doesnt work after this, ill just close the thread and go unranked until next recalibration.

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        First Pick SF
                                                                        Win ur lane
                                                                        Kill safelane
                                                                        Build physical items/ magic if u know how to raze well but i would suggest physical so u can push towers
                                                                        Buy wards if u need to

                                                                        You should be able to do this quite easy if u really are much better than ur teammates


                                                                          4.1k estimated mmr? Sir what are you talking about?

                                                                          In the entire history of >1800 matches on your profile you have a total of 14 Very High Skill games (avg mmr >3700).

                                                                          2 of them are in 2017. The rest are in 2016.

                                                                          13/14 of those games were ability draft.

                                                                          Stop listening to what says and face the reality. If you were anywhere close to a decent player you'd be stoming those triple digit average mmr games 20-0 no matter what hero you played.

                                                                          13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                                            If you really think that you are 4.1k based on gosu's prediction, guardian 4 should be so easy for you that even if 4 of your teammate's intentionally feeds. Going 1v9 in that bracket as a 4.1k player should be so easy that you're practically diving their fountain every game.


                                                                              When will you guys stop using gosu??? That page is a meme


                                                                                Okay guys, i started spamming my best heroes (invo, sf, kunkka, od) and its going pretty well, im carrying my team almost every game 1 vs 9, and i frequently get matchmade with higher ranks, when i can go mid (if there isnt a brickheaded asshole in my team) i go invoker, if hes banned i go sf , if both banned i take od, and when i cant go mid and some asshole doesnt listen then fails mid 7 mins later, i take kunkka core and go offlane, thanks for the tips guys, spamming my best heroes works just perfectly.

                                                                                ㄚ- 天照`

                                                                                  Play sf get dagon 5 at 17 min

                                                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                                                    hey dread, since im guardian 5 and one rank above you, i think im qualified to give you this advice since we're in the same bracket, but im still more experienced and better.

                                                                                    you don't need to pick support honestly. there's no point spending gold on items that dont help the team. just pick a more useful hero with stuns.