General Discussion

General DiscussionSandking -50 attack slow epicentre talent

Sandking -50 attack slow epicentre talent in General Discussion

    Who picks this? What is the point of taking this talent? When you epicentre someone 9/10 times you have also stunned them with burrowstrike so they can run away. If you've stunned them they are stunned for 2.2 seconds which means they aren't attacking. The 1/10 times you don't stun them they are probably either trying to run away because they got initiated or counter initiated on which means they have taken a heap of damage. The whole epicentre itself lasts for like 3 seconds so at most you get 30 seconds of minus 50 attack speed.

    Minus 50 attack speed is also barely noticeable. Jakiro's talent is -60 attack speed which can be constantly applied every 4 seconds vs a minus 50 attack speed for 3 seconds every two minutes and only if the enemy is within the spells aoe. Compare that to a 50% increase in the damage which sandstorm does which hits everyone in its aoe which will add up to about 100-200 extra damage to everything in the sandstorm aoe depending on how long it takes to run out of the aoe or cancel the channelling, plus more if you take the 50% slow talent at 25.


      Agree, never understood that talent


        sometimes if u play against 5 hitter, they try to pummel you instead of running, just like CM freezing field, but nontheless, still useless talent since he has sandstorm invisible

        Potato Marshal

          Always seemed like a dumb talent, even the attack speed slow component of the ult seemed dumb


            Dunno, but rodjer used IT today in DAC. And He Is one of the best (if not the best) position 4.

            IT just adds Up to the controlling He has.