General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is the skill level of unfair bots?

what is the skill level of unfair bots? in General Discussion

    are they around high 1k or low 2k or something?

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    casual gamer

      they do not accurately represent a human being of any skill level


        I think herald


          Pretty sure they play better than heralds.

          Bill Cutting

            They last hit okay but that’s it

            Story Time

              unfair bots still attempt to buy poor man's shield, it is so sad :(


                I used to practice against unfair when I was around 1.8k and win most of my games. Their playstyle is predictable, so by waiting for them to get a rune for example as an ember you could always get a kill. I'd say they have good last hit/deny capability, but their decision making is herald level


                  The bots aren't that hard but practicing last hits and denies they are not that bad.


                    Slightly better than 1k's for sure


                      They used to be better, after the 7.0 update they became shit. I wish we could practice mid against open ai tho


                        ^ but we have mid simulator already at ranked match


                          Their garbage absolutely garbage their only thing that's smart is the fact that they group up and thats it

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            bots have no decision making to speak of, they only have mechanical skills that are still bad

                            Watch it ass blood

                              Can spamming games agasint bot raise behavior score?


                                we trust in openai available for practice
                                pls volv

                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                  viper bot last hitting is definitely dendi level. otherwise perfect chainstunning (5k+). everything else is barely 200 mmr

                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                    ^ that and instantly landing their abilities as soon as you are in vision


                                      Definitely not that high because I'm low 2k and can solo carry my bot team with Invoker lol.

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        they stick a lot but suck at positioning

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          LOL @ you people that think bots are good at last hitting.. you have a looong way to go


                                            ^ Most people commenting are legends and below. What do you expect?


                                              unfair bots dont stack their stuns (so their timing is better than my avg teammates) and know all the ability cooldowns n(again,more than my avg temmates do :-D) but other than that they are shit! their cores usually get around 50-70cs in a 20+minute game (and also never deny creeps) sometimes you check their supports inventory and he has like 13 obs and is not willing to place... so yeah thats like some below 1k mmr experience right there

                                              edit: and sometimes they just afk at secretshop or outpost from lvl 2 until end of the game....

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                From cs they are Divine 5


                                                  Unfair is really bad, I don`t understand how you can practise last hits, when after 2min he left lain die from tower, and left mid lain. After that on mid i have free farm thil 10 min where every one come to mid for TF. More or less, I don`t get what I get from them, it`s free lain, even if they give hard 2min it`s usless to play game when everybody will be lower than you 2lvls after early games, and around 2k net worth lower. IN 10 min?? As TeenTitans sayed support buy wards but don`t put them, they just go in time to time for full lain push, also i found that if I play good my team will rush, get kills, but if I`m joking around my team will feed. For exempel i was practise darck seer stacking neutral and my team went 0-6 in 10min, but I practise last hits and my team got 8 kills in 10min. They arent in any skills if you play vs afk heroes it`s nto skill. In 1k gam eyou can see ward, from tiem to time, you don`t have stackign stuns or anything, but it`s robotick play, thy knwo cd of spels... But if tyey run around, don`t gank, don`t last hits, how you have oponent?


                                                    high 1k. but it's complicated.

                                                    during laning, if you just farm passively, they can be pretty adept at denies and cs. especially if they're ranged. 3k level of denying/csing if you just stand back and let them. but you don't want to do that, do you. you want to get in their face and get them under 50% hp after the first minute, which you can easily do. because that's what you *should* be doing in a real game. then they get scared and start laning like the 0.5ks they really are.

                                                    past the laning phase, bot games are absolutely worthless as practice when they start 5-balling mid.