General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with Tri-lanes

Help with Tri-lanes in General Discussion

    I'm guessing it's just the meta thing, but I've noticed way more tri-lanes in my games and it seems like when the enemy does it they execute well but when my team tries it we fail. I also have been under the impression that you usually tri-lane the safe lane but I see it being done in the offlane too.

    What are the advantages to tri-laning the offlane? It seems almost counter productive to me because you lose the ability to consistently pull.

    When drafting a tri-lane and when drafting against a tri-lane, what should I be looking for in my hero selections?

    At what point do you abandon the tri-lane? If my offlaner is getting pooped on do we change strategy to help him or just consider his lane lost and keep the tri-lane going?

    If I am playing as a solo offlaner, what are some tips to help me deal with a tri-lane?

    I know I'm in the normal skill bracket so I recognize the possibility of my observations and encounters with tri-lanes being completely wrong, but I am seriously trying to improve my game and any advice is much appreciated.

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      both sidelanes are pretty interchangeable in latest meta, you see teams running a lot of solo sidelaners on a 1v1

      the safelnae tri lane is pretty much the "original" meta of TI1- solo offlaner that can't be killed, mobile and early tempo midlaner that constantly gank sidelanes, weak laner as a carry with 2 very independent supports helping him
      at this meta, most of the offlaners are really tanky ones that can provide utility, tidehunter was super popular, also clock, magnus and so on

      having to 1v3 is from the get-go putting you at huge disadvantage, you won't be able to contest too much, so those tanky and independent offlaners had a very simple role- forcing the supports to stay in lane, you don't get farm, but the supports doesn't gank, and generally those offlaners had a way to catch up later (like tide- ancient stacks)

      but lanes are significantly more dynamic nowadays, roamers are everywhere and much more emphasis is weighted on dominating the early game rather than ensuring secure farm to the carry, so solo 1v1 is much more popular

      if they tri lane you, they will have exp disadvantage and the other lanes would be significantly weaker, so you should let your team take advantage on that, make the supports work while your supports are constantly ganking every lane and winning both other lanes

      if they are tri laning to secure farm, they either have a really weak carry that needs alot of farm (AKA spectre/anti mage), so if your team uses their advantage to obtain tempo and constantly pressure them, their carry would be useless

      if they are tri laning cus they saw it on a pro game and wanted to pull it off, despite having a strong laner like lycan or gyro, than they waste way too much resources on securing him farm, so you should go and farm woods if you can't contest


        When you trilane the offlane, your goal is putting huge amounts of pressure on the enemy carry, denying him a lot of farm. Usually, you put your carry in the aggressive trilane, so that you accomplish 2 things at once: your carry farms safely, and you deny the enemy carry the ability to farm safely.

        When drafting for a trilane, look to have at least 1 setup ability for stuns(ex Shadow Demon disruption for Mirana arrow, an old favorite). When against a trilane, find the right balance between mobility and tankiness(both armor and hp).

        Depends on your draft. Usually, you can leave your carry after you've secured him a level advantage over the enemy offlaner, before you head off to gank. If your carry is the type to require heavy babysitting, stay there, ensure that he will get the farm to carry your lategame.

        Solo offlaner, try to hide in the trees early on, and soak early xp.

        I'm also normal skill, yes, but I try to analyze games, and synthesize what higher MMR players say.
        Higher MMR players, just correct my errors pls. I'm also interested in this topic, so I'd also like to learn from what I've missed out/erroneously stated

        Lruce Bee

          no one trilanes in 1k dude

          it's because you play normal games (and have lots of parties who lane together) or ranked party games (so people lane together)