General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the best hero for passing the 3k?

What is the best hero for passing the 3k? in General Discussion

    I know a lot of you knew that 3.5k is the maximum calibration but how can I pass this now? What is the best hero to ban and to pick for these boosters and with my buyers team? Please help :(
    If I pick mid or something else they just go through mid and that's why I don't pick mid heroes anymore if they go mid. Any meta to grind 3k?


      Hi, boosters are actually good at the game so they can pick any hero and stomp, even if they are counterpicked, they are countered by some trash kid 2-3 brackets bellow them so it doesnt mean anything to them.

      If you are good you will win game on any hero if you are not good and you need your teammates help to win games you belong where you are this is what i have learned on this forum, so enjoy!


        if you were a booster you'd understand which heroes are the best, without having to be told.


          Ure english hurts my eyes


            Gotta love kunkka


              Boosters mostly spam these heroes

              (still some boosters prefer to random picking and their picks depend on the enemy lineup, but the heroes that I mentioned above are spammed a lot by SEA boosters)

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                You should spam ur best heroes.


                  First pick sf


                    what is your mmr? if you have high mmr then it will come naturally. But boosters use one specific type of hero to carry games alone:

                    A core that has a very high pickoff potential. Most 3k games wont defend themselves against that and will constatly spay alone to be picked off

                    meepo, ta, tinker, slark all fit this and have little to no delay to solo kill everyone

                    but i think that if i were to carry a 3k average game alone i would pick a super strong offlane hero and win 1v3

                    like enchantress broodmother maybe bristleback


                      again, pointless to say which heroes, as this comes naturally, because that booster guy knows WHY those heroes can abuse 3k trash games.

                      If you're incompetent, you can't know you're incompetent ... The skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is

                      -David Dunning

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                        I think clinkz is your best bet, when i created a smurf 3k, I never lost as clinkz in 3k.


                          I just got 3500 with visage (was at 2700 3 weeks ago)

                          i have 5 reports to use

                            1. A hero that can solo kill the enemy's highest networth hero.
                            2.Alternatively you can just go the farm faster than the scrubs method and just outfarm them and kill them at min 20 when they just finish their battlefury OmegaLUL.
                            3. Then there's the rat and farm enemy heroes that come to defend method.
                            4. If you're up for it, you can play with your team but I don't recommend doing that because your mates are uncontrollable and it's much more consistent for winning games to just farm and go late game.

                            Also you can pick lycan offlane it's pretty broken




                                Should i play core role only to calib atleast higher than 3.5?


                                  Pos 1/2
                                  Theme of heroes:
                                  -Good at early game laning dominance
                                  -Hit towers or pressure lanes aka RAT
                                  -Flash Farm

                                  You dont need to have millions of kills but if you think its beneficial that you fight with your team then prioritize in clashing.

                                  Mids: tinker, storm, sf, ta, qop(a little tricky since she cant really flash farm early), lina, dk
                                  Skill-based mids: Invoker, Meepo, brood
                                  Safelane: Jugg, LS, PL, Gyro, PA, AM, Clinkz

                                  Abuse the fact that 2-3k dont know how to defend towers. Force tps.

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                                    Cookie small dick


                                      Heroes you can play. No reason picking meepo when you are good with something else.


                                        bristleback as for m3, at 3k i can easily outzone enemy carry