General Discussion

General DiscussionWinning Ranked games

Winning Ranked games in General Discussion
Kai Senat

    Aight so if I won a game using a hero that i usually go core on but this time i played as support and after the game i got a below average gameplay rating, so my question is does it affect ur chances of ranking up? Id be grateful if someone explain to me this new MMR system ty

    p.s just a tl;dr is fine not to bothered searching or reading an essay


      For your initial calibration games your KDA, GPM, XPM, Damage I think are considered but I don't know if anything else is considered or of those things are even considered. After those games your whole team will receive the same MMR and it doesn't matter how well or bad you do.

        Yorum silindi

          If you for example pick WK/Sven/CK, but decide to support/roam with it BUT you buff your team with items you buy and aplly many debuffs and disables on enemies it is also counted towards calibration in a good way.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            no. medals are only related to mmr (i think, no official word from valve on this) and mmr is only related to winning.


              ^ he speaks about calibration

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                does he? it doesnt say shit about that


                  no OP's question was about ranking up, getting to the next medal. Not about calibration.


                    also the new mmr system is basically the same as the old one, They just added ranks to replace being able to see a players mmr. The ranks are fairly consistent with actual mmr but there are some discrepencies. in general 1 star is considered 140 mmr and each new medal is 840.


                      Lex poopy and slack spammer apparently don't know how to read rofl


                        well Miracle Said: Don't Change if your core play core heroes. If possible you can win without your team. Trust yourself don't trust them too much it's not that your selfish sometimes. I'm core and sometimes i play support but team blames supports disrespect you and flaming. Happen always to me playing in SEA & Japan server even you play support buy wards dust smoke still lose game. Even mid lane retarded and gonna blame you. This dota is dying like someone saying because people getting toxic and cancer mental retarded "Pinoys"

                        Uneducated shitty attitude animal people flaming everywhere [Legend Shit Tier] Sad true

                        i got LP 3 game remaining whuut the fuck they can report you but you can't report them they got mistakes but they can't see it. They looking for someone to blame by there mistakes. Ramboo players who charge and dive to enemy when they die they blame. They fight not a real team they fight even your team far.

                        shit i'm done just saying better to watch your favorite Pros Players than playing with this people " You will get Stressed " became old that fast.


                 shitty shadow fiend i ever seen in my fuckin entire life cant even land requiem soul builds shadow blade not dagger no euls scepter.

                          no rotation they just don't know hero drafts and how to help. fuckin pinoys monkeys piece of shits children.


                            ^i love you dude you just made me laugh like a retard